Thanks for the help with the mosquito bites, guys! I have actually been using Soov the past two days, and it's quite nifty!
Well, here's two fics I wrote this morning Today's a public holiday!
The first is slightly adult, not much, but just a tiny bit. It's a drabble. This is my 'if I was a lesbian, I'd be for Abby all the way!' fic.
Skin. )
Comments 7
How was the holiday, horrid mozzies aside?
I don't know what I'll do with it. Guess we'll see where the muse takes me.
Thanks for the comment!
And re: your edit of my drunk!abby fic I have to shake my head and scold you. You could never be a bitch, not even if you tried. You are a dear, and your comments do nothing but help me. I know I have issues with honyms (sp) and then/than is the current one. I appriciate it being pointed out. And more then/than anything I love the little comments you make, both the ones that question things and the ones that point out the things that you like.
as far as the Mal/Who dream goes i was so thinking of you when I wrote that. And yeah! Jane's going to start watching Who when she finishes Dark Angel.
re: Kelly/Lila- I think you are very right about the age thing. I think Lila should be old enough to write, but still a child. I was thinking 7/8ish? What do you think?
Hehehe, I've been thought of in the fic writing process. *is honoured* I actually told my sister about that one.
Yeah, sevenish sounds good. This is so cool, I'll start jotting down some ideas.
I was thinking we should think of a basic plot, then just start writing bits. Would it be easir to email, or I was thinking maybe we could set up a livejournal community and set it to private so that only you and I could write entry and comment?
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