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Comments 28

[Voice Post] clwnprnceocrime March 14 2008, 07:28:23 UTC
It's not weird at all. Why, I remember this one place that I loved. Pier 16. I had a hoot there! Ha ha ha ha!

Till the Bat ruined it. He lowers more property values that way.

If you don't want to play with this "Wesker" guy, there's always the Joker... Nyeh heh heh heh...


im_not_a_rookie March 14 2008, 07:33:38 UTC

And I prefer the crazies I know rather than the ones I don't.


[Voice Post] clwnprnceocrime March 14 2008, 07:35:20 UTC
The Batman, of course.

That's so sweet of you. Flatterer... heh heh heh...


Private//Unhackable-- Tseng's sorry that he hacked, but he's extremely concerned? T_T thehalcyon March 14 2008, 07:31:44 UTC
Do you need some time off?

It seems like you're having some difficulties... and I don't want anything to get in the way of your personal well being.

Are you all right?


Private//Unhackable-- Elena's flattered that he cares enough to hack. im_not_a_rookie March 14 2008, 07:35:27 UTC
Time o-- No! No no no, sir! I'm fine! I swear! Everything is normal! I promise! It's... it's just a little bump in the road, I swear; it will be fine shortly.

Besides, the job comes first. Ruf--the president just arrived back, and he needs all of us at our posts, right, sir?


Re: Private//Unhackable-- Aww, but they used to be partners, if that counts for anything. <3 thehalcyon March 14 2008, 07:40:59 UTC
Are you sure? You don't have to be brave all the time.

The president and I care a great deal for you. Dragging you through missions when you're mentally unready is not going to do you any good.

I want you to be honest to yourself and reconsider if you begin to realize that you need this time off. Elena, you're a crucial member of the Turks, but we're capable of managing several days without you. We should be the least of your concerns at this time.


Private//Unhackable-- To Elena, that means EVERYTHING <3 im_not_a_rookie March 14 2008, 07:43:56 UTC
I... I'm not being brave, sir. I'm whining over a bad breakup. I've worked through worse, and I can do it again. Besides, I already had some time off for some other matters I was dealing with like disappearing presidents, directors, and friends.

I'm more worried about you, sir. How have you been adjusting here? Have you found all the places you need to? Is there anything I can do for you?


OOC off_duty_turk March 14 2008, 07:44:06 UTC
((One note, biscuit: Reno took the kitten. Remeeeeember~<3?))


Re: OOC im_not_a_rookie March 14 2008, 07:44:55 UTC
(( Shit! Forgot! ::runs to change it!:: )


Re: OOC off_duty_turk March 14 2008, 07:45:36 UTC
(( <33333333 ))


Re: OOC im_not_a_rookie March 14 2008, 07:47:36 UTC
( <3333333333333333 )


Private to Elena//Unhackable negligentfealty March 14 2008, 14:26:57 UTC

I would scold you, the both of you, for how childish you're being, if I didn't want so badly to help.

It isn't strange at all; I've become a bit...attached to the house myself. We'll move together, and Nathan and Laney will come with us.

Reno and Reno-the-kitten too. I don't know much about relationships, but I do know that a broken romance does not call for a broken friendship. That's...it's just silly.


Private to Ondrea//Unhackable im_not_a_rookie March 14 2008, 15:18:53 UTC
I... I'm not doing anything, though! I... I don't know.

Do... do you mean Reno move back in with us? Because that can't happen. He... he won't... It's awkward now. I don't think he likes me.


Private to Elena//Unhackable negligentfealty March 14 2008, 15:50:22 UTC
You're being childish. That certainly counts as "something", does it not?

Awkwardness aside, there is no excuse for letting a perfectly good platonic relationship go to waste. He may take my room, and I would take the couch. Alternatively, he could take the couch, or he could take my bed while I share yours. There is room enough for the both of us, and there is nothing wrong with sisters sharing a bed.


Private to Ondrea//Unhackable im_not_a_rookie March 14 2008, 15:52:04 UTC
How am I being childish?!

I don't think he wants to live with me anymore. He hurts, Ondrea; it wouldn't be fair to him to see the object of his hurt day after day.


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