Sam/Rose - My Baby Shot Me Down

Sep 03, 2008 23:26

Fandom: Supernatural/Doctor Who
Title: My Baby Shot Me Down
Author: iluvroadrunner6
Rating: FRT
Characters: Sam Winchester/Rose Tyler, Dean Winchester
fic_variations Prompt: bleed/constant (#1)
spn_het_love Challenge: When River met Sammy
Content Warning: Spoilers through 213: Doomsday, though that was so long ago now, I probably don’t have to warn? Will anyway.
Summary: Alien tech isn’t always as reliable as you’d hope it’d be.
Author's Note: I’m writing this based on the idea that the Winchester!verse, or the Supernatural Universe, is one in the same with Pete’s World, where Rose was dropped into at the end of 213: Doomsday. And this is actually a lot longer than I intended it to be.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Supernatural or Doctor Who. They're owned by the CW and the BBC. However, any and all original characters are mine, so please do not use them without my permission.

She was bleeding.

She could feel it slipping through her fingers, running down over her clothes like water but thicker, almost oozing. She’d never felt anything like that before, never felt the sudden shock of metal hitting skin and then numbness, nothing but the blood sliding down over her hands. This wasn’t what was supposed to have happened.

Working for Torchwood in Pete’s World and done some to help ease the pain of being stuck in one place, but most days it still felt like it wasn’t enough. She missed the Doctor, and the freedom he represented more than anything in the world, and she needed desperately to get back to his world. The world where she belonged. The world she needed.

Pete was testing some new transport tech that they’d picked up off of the latest alien visitors, and Rose had volunteered to help test it. It was a small job, relatively easy, and supposedly short range, but the next thing she knew she was standing in the middle of a forest somewhere, completely lost, and then came the sharp shock, just above her hip. Her hand immediately flew to the source of the pain, and she could feel the dark red liquid starting to seep through her fingers, and drop down to the forest floor. She pulled her hand back and looked staring at the bright red standing out against her fingers, confusion crossing her features. This had never happened to her before. This was wrong.

Her eyes looked up, out, and she saw a man-rather attractive, if she had been in any frame of mind to be thinking about it-eyes wide with fear, confusion, whatever other emotion happened to come to mind when someone just randomly happened to appear in your line of vision. He was crouching down behind a tree, almost as though he was hiding from something, shotgun in his hands with the telltale whisps of smoke coming from the end of it. She made contact, her eyes meeting his, clearly confused, looking to him to offer some kind of explanation as to what exactly had happened to her.


He didn’t exactly have much to offer. And that was when her knees gave out.

Things got a bit blurry after that. She remembered feeling her back hit the ground, and the pain. It was like someone was rubbing salt on the wound, over and over again, and the sensations were suddenly starting to kick in, coming back full force. A soft cry fell from her lips as her body arched trying to get the pain to go away, and she could feel the rumble of footsteps coming closer to her-two people, two sets-and the man who had shot her dropped down at her side looking her over.

“Oh, God-God, I’m so sorry.”

Rose wasn’t exactly sure how she was supposed to respond to that. All she could think of was feeling of blood slipping from her body, and a new round of pain as her hands were pushed out of the way, and something was shoved down on top of the wound. She wanted to scream, but instead she bit down on her lip one bloody hand grasping at the shoulder of his shirt tightly, while the other one floundered unsure of what to do with itself until she felt it hit something warm and solid.

“Jesus, Sammy-what’d you do?”

There was another voice, one that she didn’t recognize, and one that didn’t belong to her shooter. Her shooter-‘Sammy’-his voice came back soon after, sounding desperate and entirely confused.

“She just-appeared, right after I fired the shot.”

“Just appeared?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

Rose’s other hand grasped the new voice’s shoulder, things starting to become even fuzzier around the edges. She tried to gasp out some kind of sentence, but she wouldn’t of even known where to begin. Instead she just fisted the leather jacket she had started to take hold of, and tried to get them to get her some kind of help. Otherwise, this was how she was going to die-in the middle of the backwoods somewhere, with two men who could be axe murderers for all she knew.

‘Sammy’s’ eyes flew back to her, and she felt a hand start to slide behind her shoulders. “Later, Dean-we have to get her to a hospital, or she’s gonna bleed out all over the place.”

“Wait-” she started to protest, and another face clouded her vision as arms started to slide under her and she found herself being lifted off the ground-against her will, but there wasn’t much she could do about it. “You shouldn’t-”

“We haven’t got a lot of time for waitin’, sweetheart,” the other voice, ‘Dean,’ clarified as they started to move away from where she had been shot. “You’re bleedin’ pretty bad, and EMS doesn’t make house calls all the way out here.” There was some shuffling, settling, and she was soon stretched out in the backseat of a car with ‘Sammy’ looking over her, her head in his lap, and ‘Dean’ looking over the edge of the seat at her. “Just hang on, and we’ll get you to the hospital as soon as we can, alright?”

Rose just nodded slowly, before her body convulsed slightly, and she found herself grabbing onto ‘Sammy’s’ free hand for a moment. When the pain passed, she looked back up at him, and he gave her a small, nervous, I’m-trying-to-make-you-feel-safer smile before speaking to her directly.

“What’s your name? So we can tell the doctor where we get there.”

But the Doctor already knows my name. The haze and bloodloss were starting to get to her, and she shook her head, clearing it as best she could before responding to the question. “Rose. Rose Tyler.”

“Nice to meet you, Rose,” he said with a nod. “I’m Sam.”


The next thing she remembered was waking up in the hospital, feeling relatively light and airy. Almost like the way she felt right before the pain set in back in the woods except lighter, less confusion, more happy. She couldn’t feel a thing and she’d never been happier. She also had no idea where she was, but again, nothing but happy, happy thoughts.

She turned her head to the side slightly, and she caught sight of the IV coming out of her hand-she remembered that that hand had formerly had her blood spilling all over it, but that didn’t bother her all that much. She was happy. She was in a nice white room, and she would be more than happy to stay that way.

A nurse came into the room, and looked somewhat surprised to see Rose up and looking around. Rose turned to her almost as soon as she heard her come in and gave her a bright smile. “Hello!”

“Hello, yourself,” the nurse said with a small smile. “How’re you feeling?”

“I feel fantastic,” Rose said with a smile.

“You’re feeling the morphine,” the nurse said with a polite chuckle. “You know, your fiancé’s been worried sick about you.”

“My fiancé?” Did she have a fiancé? She couldn’t remember. If the nurse was saying she had a fiancé, then she must have one, obviously. “He’s here?” She started to sit up slightly, and the nurse’s hands pressed against her shoulders, pushing her back down to the bed.

“Easy there, sweetie. You’re not quite out of the woods yet.”

“But these aren’t woods,” she frowned, slightly confused. “It’s a room.”

“And you’re on a good amount of morphine,” the nurse chuckled. “Just get some rest, and I’ll send Sam in when you’re feeling better, alright?”

“Sam,” she said with a wide smile. “That’s a nice name, Sam.”

“And he’s a nice boy,” the nurse laughed. “Just get some rest, alright?”

“Alright,” she said with a sigh, before starting to close her eyes again, drifting off to sleep.


When she woke up again, she was feeling a lot less light headed, and a bit sore, but otherwise very aware of what was going on. She started to sit up a bit, and she turned her head to see the man who shot her, and a nurse standing right next to her. She started slightly, almost looking to push herself away from him. “Easy, sweetheart,” the nurse sighed, before glancing back at Sam. “The morphine might have made things a bit fuzzy. Give her a second, she’ll start to put things back into place again.”

“Oh, I’m putting things into place just fine thank you,” Rose said, continuing to move away from Sam. “That’s the man who shot me.”

“Yes, sweetie-he told us about that terrible accident,” the nurse nodded.

“I’m really sorry about that, Rose,” he said giving her the most sincere look he could. “Really.”

“Oh, you’re sorry, are you?”

“Look,” the nurse said with a sigh. “I’m gonna let you two talk it out. I’ll be at the nurses’ station.”

“Nurses’ station!” Rose said watching her with wide eyes as she walked out the door. “You’re leaving me with this maniac who shot me!”

Sam held up his hands, trying to placate her in some way. “It was an accident, I swear-I’m really sorry about that.”

“You should be,” she frowned, before looking him up and down slightly. “How’d you even get in here, anyway? What kind of a hospital is this?”

Sam bit his lip slightly, before responding to that. “My brother may have told them that we were engaged.”

“He what?”

“Well, not engaged quite yet,” Sam said with a nod. “That we were close and I just had to get up the nerve to pop the question.”

“You must be joking,” Rose said, mostly incredulous, settling back into the bed when her side started to hurt. “They actually bought that?”

Sam nodded slowly, looking terribly awkward about the whole thing, but not exactly apologetic. “My brother is the one of the kings of bullshit.”

“Apparently so,” she said with a frown. She looked him over for a minute. He did seem relatively harmless. And he had helped her when they were in the woods. But that all still wasn’t displacing the image of the smoking gun in his hand from when she first arrived. She had to figure, however, that it was safe to assume that he wasn’t going to harm her in a hospital full of doctors, nurses, and witnesses. “What are you still doing here? You’d think that if you shot someone, a person would want to get the hell out of dodge before they got caught.”

“We wanted to make sure you were okay before we just bailed on you,” Sam said with a sigh. “You didn’t have any ID on you-at least none that we could find. All we had to go on was your name, and we wanted t make sure that they contacted your family and everything alright.”

“Right-my family,” she said, her face dropping slightly. Unfortunately one major part of her family was flying around in a police box in a parallel world-she doubted that they would be contacting him anytime soon. She turned back to Sam with a confused look. “Where am I, anyway?”

“Somewhere outside of Duluth, Minnesota,” Sam said with a nod. “And since you don’t sound like you were from around here, Dean and I were wondering exactly how you happened to appear in the middle of nowhere Minnesota.”

“You keep saying we-your brother around somewhere?” Yes, she was stalling.

“He’s at the nurse’s station,” Sam said, rolling his eyes slowly.

“Bit of a flirt, yeah?” Rose said with a grin, and Sam chuckled slightly, before looking up at her.

“You’re avoiding the question.”

“Maybe I just don’t want to answer it.” She raised her eyebrows slightly, giving him a look, and while she expected an annoyed, I-want-answers look, she was honestly surprised when she didn’t get one.

“I can understand that,” Sam nodded, before pushing himself out of the chair, and extending a hand to her. “It was nice meeting you-and I’m sorry, again, for shooting you.”

“It’s alright,” she said with a nod. “I suppose it’s not entirely your fault.” She smirked slightly at that, knowing it wasn’t his fault in the slightest. It was the damn alien tech not doing what it was supposed to do.

He gave her a grin and wave, before heading out of the room-most likely to save the nurses from his brother-and she leaned back against the hospital bed with a sigh, before closing her eyes and trying to relax and think of a way out of this.

How was she going to explain this one to her mum?

whoniverse}: rose tyler, prompts}: fic_variations, supernatural}: dean winchester, fandom}: supernatural, fandom}: doctor who, supernatural}: sam winchester, crossover}: ship ~ sam/rose, prompts}: spn_het_love

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