Title: Billy's Story
Rating: PG
Summary: Billy has to write a story for school. And comes up with a very hot idea. (He's about 14 in this)
Disclaimer: Don't own. The sns featured aren't GC's real sns. I don't know them, if you add these names to your buddy list and it is someones, don't count of it to be GC. (LaPlataBilly is me, I rp Billy in
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Comments 2
It was okay. I think it could use some improvement. There were some spelling mistakes and such.
Just a suggestion, one I didn’t know when I first started writing, is that when your characters are speaking…well fuck, I’ll just give you an example, since I can’t describe anything.
Billy recognized the number. It was his boyfriend, Daniel's number. He sighed and picked it up. "Hey Danny", said Billy into the phone. "Hey baby", said Daniel. "I was wondering if you can hang out today?" "I don't know", answered Billy, walking back to his room. "Why not", asked Daniel, a little upset? "I have this damn story to write", said Billy. "If I finish it then I can hang out". "Oh okay", said Daniel, "call me later then". "I'll try", said Billy. Billy hung up the phone and went back into his room, only to find an IM on his laptop screenWhat it should really look like is this ( ... )
I'll keep you guys posted!
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