001; video/teneka; night

Nov 03, 2011 20:22

[Nekoda has been in Promenade for hours already, but has dealt with those initial moments of confusion and vulnerability all on his own. Has scouted out his surroundings, the building as well as the rooms he'd woken in, and has skimmed back through several months worth of PORTAL posts. What he's seen there has left him amused, and his smile is not ( Read more... )

john winchester: supernatural, n harmonia: pokemon, rapunzel: tangled, *nekoda morrison: original character, dawn: pokemon, eden morrison: original character, dexter morgan: dexter, rinzler/tron: tron legacy, quorra: tron legacy, fenrir: norse mythology

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Comments 135

aseparateworld November 3 2011, 20:27:35 UTC
[N's own expression is relatively blank. He's more or less matter-of-fact.]

I do have a friend who is a pig. They are intelligent, interesting creatures, are they not? My friend is always so curious.

I am not hiding. I was on my way to see the entire world when I was brought here. Though the world can be cruel, it can also be kind. It can be so many things.


foco_oscuro November 3 2011, 20:41:40 UTC
[He just stares for a moment, because surely N can't be serious, and there's still something bemused and incredulous about his expression as he answers.]

If you find rolling in the mud intelligent and interesting, then I'm certain he makes a wonderful friend for you.

The entire world? How ambitious.


aseparateworld November 3 2011, 20:56:12 UTC
[N thinks people being compared to pigs is a compliment, so he's confused himself for a moment.]

I think you may be confused regarding the behavior of pigs. She does not place herself in mud unless she needs to regulate her body temperature, and she can converse quite intelligently.

Yes, or as much of it as I can. There is so much to see.


foco_oscuro November 3 2011, 21:16:27 UTC
No. We keep plenty of pigs at my home, I know them well.

[He's actually referring to the humans who live on the Hill beneath the Morrisons, but he doesn't need to tell N that.]

Such a shame you've gotten stuck here, then.


teneka; truncates November 3 2011, 20:39:40 UTC
[Pigs. Already, Dexter can tell from his vocabulary that Nekoda is going to be trouble, but he can't bring himself to keep away -- things have gotten horribly easy around Promenade.]

I take it someone has told you about this place?


video/teneka; foco_oscuro November 3 2011, 20:53:53 UTC
No. [No one's told him anything.] I'm more than capable of running reconnaissance.


video/teneka; truncates November 3 2011, 21:26:34 UTC
You're in Promenade, it's a dream city and leaving is impossible, except for the ones who have left.


video/teneka; foco_oscuro November 4 2011, 00:40:36 UTC
[He rolls his eyes.]

If I needed more information, I would have asked for it. The basics have been said enough times on this device, any simpleton could find them for themselves. Though it seems most prefer to wail about how confused they are instead.


1/2 solarpurpura November 3 2011, 20:39:40 UTC
[brb going to ask Kelly what the hell is going on here.]


video/teneka; solarpurpura November 3 2011, 20:43:35 UTC
[...When she does appear, her expression is cold, as empty as she can push it.]

No, Nekoda. You will come to me.


video/teneka; foco_oscuro November 3 2011, 21:00:25 UTC
[She looks different, acts different, as if he hadn't gathered as much from the posts he'd found of her on the PORTAL. He still feels the need to test it for himself, black eyes growing wide.]

In such a strange place? I could get lost.


video/teneka; solarpurpura November 4 2011, 01:01:59 UTC

[She frowns at him. She's not talking about this on the network.]


video/teneka; lunardancing November 3 2011, 20:53:21 UTC
[ his smile is the first strike, and his words are the second. the only thing that stops her from disconnecting is the mention of Eden. 'Aunt Eden'? she doesn't remember hearing about a nephew before.

she looks curious more than cautious when she finally responds. ]

It's not hiding if we're brought here instead of coming ourselves, is it?

You're Eden's nephew?


video/teneka; foco_oscuro November 3 2011, 21:08:34 UTC
[A slight tilt of his head. Yes, he thinks it's still hiding. But he'll humour her.]

What would you call it, then?

I am.

[He sounds very proud of this, but it's less about Eden and more about being a Morrison in general.]


video/teneka; lunardancing November 3 2011, 21:15:28 UTC
Being brought somewhere, kidnapping. What else?

[ without knowing his reason for that pride, she assumes he's proud of his family. that's... something she can respect, at least. ]

What's your name? I'm Dawn.


video/teneka; foco_oscuro November 4 2011, 00:23:00 UTC
Kidnapping only means you're too weak to fight your way free.

[You really shouldn't give your name out so easily, Dawn. He's definitely not giving any of his out until he knows more.]

How do you know my aunt?


[ video / teneka ] vanagandr November 3 2011, 20:57:15 UTC
[ No one does the wolf-smile quite as well as an actual wolf, so Fenrir makes sure it's all over his face when he responds. ]

And are you supposed to be the big, bad wolf?

[ Because you look like a little pig to him. ]


[ video / teneka ] foco_oscuro November 3 2011, 21:11:54 UTC
[He inherited that smile from his mother, Fenrir, and he finds seeing it on others quite comforting.]

I am not supposed to be anything.

[What he actually is, though, is another matter.]

What are you?


[ video / teneka ] vanagandr November 3 2011, 21:40:08 UTC
[ Until they rip your throat out, at least.

Either way, what he is is no secret, so Fenrir won't make it one. ]


[ Well, he didn't say he'd make it easy. ]


[ video / teneka ] foco_oscuro November 4 2011, 00:34:47 UTC
[Emphasis might have been placed on him becoming a weapon and a solider, but he is a hunter too, and he knows his beasts. He leans forward, eyes bright.]

How honoured.


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