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Comments 116

[action] aseparateworld September 7 2011, 03:38:40 UTC
[N has been skateboarding with his friends outside. Having learned that he can wear any kind of mask, he's made a simple, green one of absorbent cloth for going outside that stays on better while he's skateboarding.

Zoroark is loping along at his side (with Purrloin riding on his back), while Pidove flies overhead. Joltik, as usual, is unseen, ensconced in N's thick hair.

He stops, curious, at the sight of a man with white wings, which remind him a little of his dear friend Reshiram. How wonderful. He doesn't want to interrupt the man, who seems preoccupied, but he smiles and waves affably. A brief greeting should be all right.] Hello.


[action] becomesking September 7 2011, 11:02:20 UTC
[ his gaze is sharpened into a glare almost immediately--a chipper Alourian, quaint.

at least, until his eyes fall upon the creatures that seem to be at his beck and call. then his glare lessens slightly. ]



[action] aseparateworld September 7 2011, 20:28:51 UTC
[He's encouraged by the response. He dismounts the skateboard and kicks it up into his hand.]

My name is N. These are my friends Joltik, Pidove, Purrloin, and Zoroark. [As they are introduced, the insect Joltik crackles in N's hair, making the strands stand on end; Pidove coos affectionately; Purrloin meows; and Zoroark, the oldest and most wary of N's companions, fixes the stranger with an intelligent, suspicious gaze.]

It is a pleasure to meet you. Have you some to this place from somewhere else?

[It's not always easy to tell which people are those who believe they've always lived here, and which know they are from other worlds.]


[action] becomesking September 8 2011, 01:19:07 UTC
[ odd. they seem to be defensive, but friendly. his eyes wander from N to the various companions he carries along with him, and then his white wings ruffle.

not in irritation, but in some other emotion, almost passive. acceptance, wariness, perhaps? whatever it is, it is unreadable on his face, his animalistic side kicking in. should he answer?

and if this is an illusion that he cannot dispel? no. he can't think of it like this. if so, he will find a crack in said illusion and exploit it as much as he can. dreaming is not allowed in Aloura. ]

Yes. [ a pause. ] I am Zaheer Bell of Yin. [ he doesn't return the sentiment of it being a pleasure, but he certainly doesn't seem too bothered anymore. ]


[text] auto_enthusiast September 7 2011, 03:43:57 UTC
A unanimous answer can be hard to find around here, I've found, but one of the things everyone seems to agree on is that you can't leave under your own power.

It's just a bit frustrating.


[text] becomesking September 7 2011, 11:03:37 UTC
Then I am to assume one may leave on another power.

Certainly so. I cannot be the only high-functioning individual in this society but it seems most are content here.


[text] auto_enthusiast September 7 2011, 18:17:02 UTC
So I've recently learned, although that's about all I can tell you about it, I'm afraid.

Most, maybe. Not all.


[text] becomesking September 8 2011, 01:20:19 UTC
I see. Perhaps an experiment is at hand.

As I have said. Or are you inferring that you are another individual as I have described?


[action] notglitching September 7 2011, 07:13:34 UTC
[He's been on the ISO's trail for a few hours now. She's moving quickly. Rinzler's mildly impressed. Mildly amused. It's not like there's anywhere to run to, here.

He won't be distracted. Delayed. If he hadn't lost focus before, she wouldn't have gotten this far. Clu's command cycles through his processing, again and again, driving away the tired uncertainty. 'Find them.'

He will.

So when he turns the corner, black helmet rising to face a blue-swathed figure with strange, textured... appendages... he doesn't mean to stop. Doesn't mean to stand staring, form tense as his sound stutters out in a jarring burst of confusion.

It just happens.]


[action] becomesking September 7 2011, 11:05:18 UTC
[ his ice blue eyes just flicker upwards upon hearing the stare and his feathers ruffle in complete irritation. ]

And just what are you looking at, imbecile? Do not stand about with your mouth, if I am to presume you even have a mouth, agape.


[action] notglitching September 7 2011, 13:09:06 UTC
[The black helmet tilts slowly. Curiosity? Affront? Hard to tell. The noise emitting from the program has evened somewhat-still jarring, still an unceasing ticking rattle of corruption-but level. Regular.

Rinzler draws closer in a few quick steps, hands twitching slightly at his sides. It's not a threat, not here (not yet). But despite the pull of command, orders, focus tugging him elsewhere (this is not the target), he's still, invisible gaze panning the figure as the sound rumbles out.

What is this?

Not that he asks aloud, of course.]


[action] becomesking September 8 2011, 01:23:39 UTC
And that infernal sound, stop it. It is rude to chatter at your superiors.

[ he will not admit that this new figure, that he cannot get a good feel on, is starting to make him wary. what was he? what was it? a new creature, a new race? from what world was it? a world of imbeciles and cavemen or something more wicked, more advanced? the tang in the air was different from a normal Alourian, a human. it was... it reminded him of the whirring gadgets he had plundered from Jarah's study.

something ... technological. he stood and took a step back, wings flaring out.

come at me bro. ]


text. littleroots September 7 2011, 23:57:53 UTC
hi!!! ( ゚▽゚)/

ummm i dont really know much right now. all i know is were in some place called promenade, and we cant just leave. oh and keep your mask on, or something bad'll happen!! (*´ο`*)

i'll look for the owling! ... um if you tell me what it is first. m(._.)m


text. becomesking September 8 2011, 01:29:29 UTC
What are those things you insist on drawing?


text. littleroots September 8 2011, 01:40:14 UTC
what?? (ι´Д`)ノ

im not drawing anything! im not even a good drawer really (´~`)


text. becomesking September 8 2011, 08:55:26 UTC
And these (´~`) things?


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