005 || night || text

Aug 29, 2011 10:22

:33 < um
:33 < i think i know the answer to this already
:33 < laurent is gone isnt he??
:33 < and i know lior went and then she came back
:33 < but that doesnt happen much does it??
:33 < compurred to when they dont
:33 < and it could happen to anyone!!

locked from Equius )

john egbert: homestuck, equius zahhak: homestuck, veles: original character, nicholas thanos tallis: original charact, yuuta matsukawa: original character, *nepeta leijon: homestuck

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Comments 111

text; lunardancing August 29 2011, 12:09:52 UTC
Going and coming back doesn't happen a lot, no.

That could happen. But I don't think it will any time soon.


text; friendly_leijon August 30 2011, 12:49:50 UTC
:33 < i didnt think it did
:33 < and hopefurry it wont!!
:33 < but it might
:33 < and theres no way to know itll happen


text; lunardancing August 30 2011, 21:36:26 UTC
maybe not, but there's still a chance you or he will come back some day.


text; friendly_leijon August 31 2011, 08:13:33 UTC
:33 < maybe...
:33 < i dont know
:33 < i think id rather we didnt leave in the first place


text; keeperofthederp August 29 2011, 12:15:39 UTC
The way of the world is change, even here. People come and people go as they would - perhaps it is the exchange we must make for death not being permanent, to lose those we care for in another way.


text; friendly_leijon August 30 2011, 12:51:55 UTC
:33 < i know
:33 < youre purrbably right
:33 < i guess im just thinking about it too much


text; keeperofthederp August 30 2011, 19:27:29 UTC
There is nothing wrong with thinking - many think far too little but what will be will be and there is nothing that can be done to change it.


text; friendly_leijon August 31 2011, 08:20:59 UTC
:33 < yeah
:33 < i know
:33 < i think id mind less if i knew what wed go back to
:33 < or that we had something to go back to
:33 < but youre right we cant change things
:33 < if it happens then it happens
:33 < and well figure it out
:33 < somehow


[Action] bl00_bl00d August 29 2011, 14:07:28 UTC
[He doesn't bother to troll Nepeta when he sees her post. Equius just STRONGruns down the path to her Place of Solace and strides right in. She's obviously very upset, and even though he has no reassuring words to offer her, he has his own presence.]



[Action] friendly_leijon August 30 2011, 12:54:59 UTC
[Nepeta looks up sharply as she hears Equius and even though she's worried that maybe she didn't lock her post as well as she'd thought she's already on her feet and flinging her arms around him.]

I didn't want to disturb you.

[But she's definitely glad he's there]


[Action] I had no idea this was locked from Equius! I'm sorry DX bl00_bl00d September 2 2011, 22:37:21 UTC
[He cautiously put one arm around her, holding her as gingerly as he can]

You can never disturb me with your feelings, Nepeta. Isn't that what a moirail is for?


[Action] Only the second part was locked so it's all good <3 He'd have still seen the first bit friendly_leijon September 2 2011, 23:06:54 UTC
[Nepeta nods as well as she can with her head buried in his chest]

You're right. But still...thank you for being here.


text; 1ntagli0 August 29 2011, 15:16:14 UTC
Stop mewling.

[See. He makes cat puns for her.]


text; friendly_leijon August 30 2011, 12:59:18 UTC
:33 < shut up
:33 < figures youre still here


text; 1ntagli0 August 30 2011, 19:59:55 UTC
Just to keep you company, clearly. Hello, Catscratch.


text; friendly_leijon August 31 2011, 08:22:43 UTC
:33 < i dont n33d your company X((


text; windheir August 29 2011, 19:37:30 UTC
it could happen but..
no matter what, nothing will change between you guys!
if you go, or he goes, there will always be hope that one of you will come back.
and when you do, you'll have someone who will be here to welcome you.
it's scary knowing we can't stop it. :(
but right now you still have him!


text; friendly_leijon August 31 2011, 08:25:55 UTC
:33 < i know thats true
:33 < we will always be moirails even if one of us isnt here
:33 < and ill just have to make sure i appurciate whatever time we are here together
:33 < maybe it wont happen
:33 < maybe we can both stay
:33 < but in case we dont


text; windheir September 1 2011, 08:04:18 UTC
but uhm, don't worry!!
if he does go, you will have your other friends who care about you to comfort you!


text; friendly_leijon September 1 2011, 09:49:08 UTC
:33 < i guess thats true

[She doesn't have the heart to tell him it wouldn't be the same. She probably doesn't need to]


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