You say you'll sow me good as new and I know you will

Mar 30, 2009 23:12

set down your glass
i painted this
to look like you and me forever as we're now...

So here comes another fresh week without a fresh face attached to it. Change of time that gets felt in the body, change of seasons and two more to go until we're back in winter. Bring on spring.

I. NEIL GAIMAN TWITTERED ME. That kinda made my whole Sunday and will serve ( Read more... )

real life shizz, ikea, bills, nanowrimo, twitter

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Comments 18

paperrflowers March 30 2009, 21:57:09 UTC
Can you have a dream where I make out with House too?! I WANT.


iloveyoursoul March 30 2009, 22:06:09 UTC

... but alright. How about a threesome, would you swing that? Think of the stubble. The blue eyes... the snark, the YUM!


paperrflowers March 30 2009, 22:16:58 UTC
I would TOTALLY swing a threesome. THE ACCENT TOO!


iloveyoursoul March 30 2009, 22:19:57 UTC

Lmao, imagine the dirty talk. Let's just say that someone's submarine would get flooded.

Quick reply question: House/Cuddy, y/n?


tunaeverynight March 31 2009, 04:33:09 UTC
1. Every time I see a Neil Gaiman tweet, I think of you! Remember when I first read Stardust and we Gaiman-geeked for a while? LOVE IT.

3. IKEA is like heaven on earth. No really, it is. I love your wall basket! I need to invest in something like that. I also get girl boners for old bookshelves. My grandma has all of these old bookshelves throughout her house and they're so beautiful. As morbid as it is, I hope when she passes away she leaves them all to me. I hope she leaves her whole HOUSE to me, while she's at it. (Even though it's haunted. But with friendly ghosts like Casper, so it's okay.)

4. Your horse is SO BEAUTIFUL! I love that coloring on horses. I was brought up around all-brown horses, so when I see that salt-and-pepper shade I get a little squirrely. So pretty!

5. THIS YEAR I WILL CONQUER NANOWRIMO. I already have a story idea a brewin, so I'm in much better shape than last time!


iloveyoursoul March 31 2009, 05:22:48 UTC
Oh wow, I do remember that! I think it was one of the first things we actually talked about, heh. Its so sweet of you to think of me. I have to admit, I have solely Gaiman to thank for starting to read again. During my years roughly between 15-20 I didn't read a single book in its entirety. I'd cheat myself through school reviews by asking friends about books & in discussions I'd do the same and then yap like someone kicked the words out of me and the teachers were all -is pleased- because it seemed like I'd really invested myself into the books, haha ( ... )


guinny_hamilton March 31 2009, 09:23:01 UTC
What an awesome horse!!! *wants* She looks so gentle! Would she buck me off if I happened to find her somewhere and rode her? :P

Also, I'm a member of a small writing comm over here @ LJ. It's not as strict as NaNo, the writing goal is 1000 words a week (more is allowed, naturally) which is doable in any week, and could serve to get you going until NaNo strikes?

If you want the name, just ask :-)


iloveyoursoul March 31 2009, 14:04:45 UTC
Haha, she wouldn't exactly buck you off but she'd probably get all WTF -- but if she was together with someone, you'd do great. My brother, who at the point of riding her hadn't sat on a horse for like two years, have ridden her together with me and another horse.

And you should know this rule in the riding world: whoever falls off busy cake. SO I MAKE YOU FALL OFF SO YOU BUY ME CAKE, EY, MWHAHA.

Oh wow, that sounds like such a smart smart thing! The only thing I'm worried about is that I'm paranoid about displaying what I've written... do you actually have to post it so others can see it?

PS. I LOVE YOUR ICON, it made me LMAO.


guinny_hamilton March 31 2009, 14:18:34 UTC
LOL yes, I love my icon too!

No, we don't have to post what we've written, just the word count! Which is exactly what makes it awesome!

The comm is called The Novel Experience, clicky: the_nov_exp. Go forth and join! And make an intro post thingie!


iloveyoursoul March 31 2009, 18:02:10 UTC
Oh wow, thank you once again so much for linking me to that! I'm gonna join asap and just see where that takes me now... WEE :D


missdi March 31 2009, 20:56:27 UTC
Jag gillar våren men eeek, sommartid gör mig trött. Jag har varit ovanligt trött sedan helgen, måste vara därför.

Jag älskar Ikea. Vilken var du på? Malmös? Jag brukar mest handla i Helsingborg nu när min syster bor där uppe. Jag skulle lätt kunna få för mig att ha glasdörrar för att skydda mina böcker från damm, hehe.

Vilken fin häst :)

Woah vad jobbigt mycker räkningar.


iloveyoursoul March 31 2009, 21:01:35 UTC
Åh gud, jag håller verkligen med -- jag brukar gå upp runt om morgonen o när jag skulle gå upp i måndags kändes det verkligen i kroppen att klockan egentligen bara var 5...

Haha, IKEA är totally en guilty pleasure of mine. Kan strosa runt där i nästinpå timmar. Ja, vi var i Malmös (den ska flytta i år) men jag har faktiskt varit i Helsingborgs med, en gång iaf. O det där med ett vitrinsskåp till böcker är faktiskt mer o mer appealing.... den största pron med att skaffa en "riktig bokhylla" är väl att där är mer plats, helt enkelt. Hmm. Vilken hade du tagit? Vad har d för smak?

Ja, det där med räkningarna sugar, speciellt eftersom jag fick en överraskning med en till idag på 2200. TJO fucking HOO att vara vuxen suger.


missdi April 1 2009, 23:09:28 UTC
Me too. Jag vill typ bo i en Ikea, hehe. Jag gillar vitrinskåpsidén, men om du behöver mer plats är ju det klart viktigare. Jag vet inte om jag har någon stil direkt, jag gillar mycket Ikea, men jag har inte fått tillfälle att inreda så mycket just med möbler än eftersom jag inte bor "permanent" någonstans än. Jag har mer fokuserat på textilier och sånt som är lätt att ta med sig när jag flyttar :) Här är mitt Lundrum.

Eeek, tråkigt! Jag fick veta att jag får tillbaka pengar på Skatten, så det var trevligare post :) Jag var helt inställd på +/- 0 så det var en överraskning.


iloveyoursoul April 1 2009, 23:53:05 UTC
På den svenska skatten skulle jag betala 300kr för räntekostnader :| Assholes. O på den danska skulle jag logga in idag för att kolla igenom den, men så skrev jag tydligen in fel lösen så nu måste jag vänta 12 arbetsdgr på att de skickar en ny, tjohoo...

Åh, vad jag älskar ditt Lunda-rum! Det är så mysigt med massor av personliga grejer o man blir alldeles glad när man ser det. Aaw, love it. Om du bara hade fått rädda en enda grej från det om det skulle brinna ner som INTE var elektroniskt, vad skulle det vara då?


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