The Year in Fic, 2011

Dec 20, 2011 20:16

Overall thoughts
Transition again from one fandom to another - from Inception to X-Men: First Class. Seriously, it was very, very difficult not to start writing for these rebooted versions of Charles and Erik. It was certainly helpful that they were being played by such amazing actors. Oh McFassy how I love you both.

I've...certainly found several places where I can write, too. Tumblr's a huge-ass distraction but it's also an amazing place for inspiration - photo sets, fanart, music, prompts, challenges, people talking out loud about things they want in a fic. Strangely, there is also a discipline in writing photo set fic because it's like you've only got enough wordspace for a long caption and that's it. It doesn't always make sense to me, either.

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
Again, WAY more. 100+ fics in one year, including the kink_bingo stuff and the two halves of my X-Men Big Bang, and NOT including the stuff I wrote on Tumblr.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
Unexpected fandoms: X-Men: First Class AND McFassy. Kink Bingo! Swords-and-sorcery! Genderflip! BEST CROSSOVERS EVER!

What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?

The Other Half and its side stories.
What Kept You So Long? because yes, vampires.
I'm trying to tell you something because Whisper of the Heart.
The Age of Blossoms because In the Mood for Love.
Serenissima because I tore my own heart out with that. :)
The pleasure, the privilege is mine

Long Way Down
Fight the Future
The Love, Love series
I'm Charlotte Xavier, Call me Charles
Saying Hello for the Second Time because Charles as the Twelfth Doctor and Erik as Tad, avatar of the TARDIS.
Phoenix and Dragon because kids in kimono and the kids are Charles and Erik. YES.
The Two Sides and Three Shadows series because Charles Xavier and Wesley Gibson and Erik Lehnsherr would be so explosive together, fuck YEAH.
Into the Blue, an attempt at writing XMFC-compliant Charles-as-the-Phoenix story that pretty much led directly to my Big Bang, which is next on this list.
Crucible, because this is my X-Men Big Bang and this is my big magical world AU and...well. 70k words and change and graphics and fanmixes of a world in which Charles is a firestarter and Erik is a blacksmith by trade and a general by avocation. This is the story I spent all year on, basically.
And I really, really wish I could put my Serial Killer 'Verse in here, but it's still ongoing, so....

I'd put all my McFassy fics in here, but I'm particularly proud of Crimson Bond. Jane Eyre + Dracula + McFassy = wow.

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
Yes. Kink Bingo, X-Men Big Bang, Tumblr prompts, Serial Killer 'Verse. All of them have been great pushes up in my writing, forcing me to test what I could and could not do.

This year I also learned how to RP - and papercutperfect is the Charles to my Erik and we make each other fly. ♥

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
Finish Serial Killer 'Verse and then go to a few other bits. I have a Children of the Revolution fic or fics to write [what if Charles and Erik grew up together?] and a couple of cops-and-mobsters AUs to write, one McFassy version and one Jamie/Michael version. [That second one will take me back to Infernal Affairs writing, ha.]

My best story of this year.

My most popular story of this year.
Probably Long Way Down, Fight the Future, and Two Sides and Three Shadows.

Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion.
The Age of Blossoms, Serenissima, and Crucible.

Most fun story to write.
The Jamie McAvoy stories!

Story with the single sexiest moment.
Crimson Bond. They don't even have sex. But Michael on his knees before James = unf.

Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story.
SERIAL KILLER 'VERSE. :):):):) And I love that world and I'm plotting out the last long bit. So please watch out for that one.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters.
Love, Love; I'm Charlotte Xavier, Call Me Charles; the Jamie stories; Crucible; Serial Killer 'Verse. As you can tell, the characters of Charles and Erik are wildly different in each of these 'verses and I'm surprised I can write them believably in each world.

Hardest story to write.
In terms of overwhelming emotion: The Age of Blossoms, Serenissima, Crucible.
In terms of shit, this isn't right: Serial Killer 'Verse.

Biggest surprise.
That I could drop back into writing RPS so easily. Haha. Also that I was capable of writing a crapsack fantasy world [Crucible] and a terrifying dark one [Serial Killer 'Verse].

Most unintentionally telling story.
Crucible, which I wrote after my SO proposed to me, and so I think a lot of my emotions at being engaged after 12 years of a relationship bled through into the writing.

In conclusion.
I love my fandoms so much. I love my enablers. I love my betas and my dearest friends and my RP partner and basically Inception fandom, I've not forgotten you, I still love you; and XMFC fandom - at least my little corner of it - it just glows, you know? It makes me deliriously happy to be there!

charles/erik, kink_bingo, link, x-men first class, inception, fic, fannishness, meme, eames/arthur, ariadne/mal, fun, mcfassy, notes

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