This Weekend And Beyond

Mar 23, 2010 16:58

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stuff, life, cons

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Comments 11

orphan_project March 24 2010, 00:14:14 UTC
Creation is just in it for the money. That's why I've never been to a supernatural convention. It's just fucking ridiculous the things that they charge for shit.


ilovesn March 24 2010, 01:41:54 UTC
I know, seriously dude.

I wasn't even going to go see the Boys. I wanted to see AJ, Travis, Misha, and Jim.

And have the duo ops with them but it's just too much money to be charing, you know?


naficeh March 24 2010, 00:44:39 UTC
I really wanna go to VanCon again but it's just so much..
Maybe I'll just show up and wait around for a glimpse of the boys. *creeper*


ilovesn March 24 2010, 01:49:45 UTC
Yeah, seriously.

Did you even take photo ops or did you just go for the day?

*laughs* stalker :D


naficeh March 24 2010, 02:27:54 UTC
I just had tickets for the Sunday (which was J2, Jim and...Richard?).
And if I go this year I'll probably do the same thing..


ilovesn March 24 2010, 04:00:23 UTC
I just wanted to go to Saturday.

Honestly, i love the boys but i've meet them and i have my pictures from Asylum.

I'm good. I have a signed poster from all that. But i would love to meet Mark.. Lucifer.. damn, that man is totally sexy :D


aditu_az March 24 2010, 09:56:44 UTC
I really strongly dislike creation - they're the most expensive, moneygrabbing, pretty-darn-close-to-evil con organisers I've ever had anything to do with. I mean, don't get me wrong, the people in charge that I met at that con those many years ago in Chicago seemed like lovely people, but the whole ethos of the company is horrible. It's all about money, and they don't really give a worthwhile product back. hmmph. /rant out of nowhere that took me a bit by surprise

for what it's worth, I think you have your priorities absolutely right. It's wonderful to go to cons and all, but not if they put you in an impossible position financially.

Hope your roadtrip is awesome!


ilovesn March 24 2010, 17:13:41 UTC
First *tackleglomps* hey sweetie.

I know we haven't talked in a while and i hope everything is okay with you.

I know you're going to see Steve. Be prepared to have your boots knocked off because they were incredible last week at the LA CD Release Party.

I know, Creation sucks sooo much *sighs*

Yeah, i'm working on prioritizing more right now and i'm setting myself on a freaking budget because i think my spending is getting a little weird. SO tracking everything will help.

Thanks sweetie


aditu_az March 25 2010, 00:04:57 UTC
yeah, it's been a lifetime! *squish*

Hope things are good for you?

I'm really looking forward to this weekends' gigs, not just because Steve's latest album is totally awesome and he always gives the best performances, but I'll be meeting up with some people I haven't seen in ages!

budgets are scary things, kudos to you and stay strong!


ilovesn March 25 2010, 01:03:16 UTC
I know, right? :D

They are. I'm good right now. I hope you are too sweetie.

I know, isn't that the best? You get to drink and hang out with your friends and be as dorky as you want to be :D

Yes they are but i need to keep myself on check :D


(The comment has been removed)

ilovesn March 24 2010, 17:15:22 UTC

I'll be honest, i have a Zune which cost me that much but i use that puppy every single day.

With a con, it's just one day/weekend and you get memories and pictures but that's it.

You can't really reuse that at all, you know?

*huggles* thank you sweetie. It's nice to post and just let it all out.

Hope everything is good with you.

Stay Classy :D


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