
Aug 26, 2006 17:02

Supernatural / J² love:

[01] manipulation (J²-related)
[04] headers
[03] matching FO-Banners
[02] matching Info Banners
[14] matching Icons


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, blends, icons, headers, manip, supernatural, info banner, fo banner

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Comments 58

barbsfic August 26 2006, 21:24:53 UTC
*saves it all* Awesome. Will credit.


ilovemybaby August 27 2006, 23:48:41 UTC
Yay! I'm glad you liked it! =D


lostandalone22 August 26 2006, 21:26:51 UTC
Snagging #1 of the icons and the first user info banner. Will credit when used. Thanks.


ilovemybaby August 27 2006, 23:49:11 UTC
You're welcome!


jellicle August 26 2006, 21:40:32 UTC
They're awesome! You did great! I'll definitely credit when I use them.


ilovemybaby August 27 2006, 23:49:54 UTC
Aaww, thanks hunny! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


euraylie August 26 2006, 21:43:33 UTC
Fantastic! Snagging all for now. Will credit when I use them. J/J is love indeed!


ilovemybaby August 27 2006, 23:50:59 UTC
Yay!! I've got a fantastic! *is happy*

Yeeeah, J/J is a very sexy and beautiful love, right? ;)


ongiara August 26 2006, 22:14:42 UTC
The manips are freaking awesome *guh* and the colors match perfectly. Dang, you're GOOD!!
The first header's gotta be my favorite, the differences in lightness and contrast work out great and eye-catching ♥
And man, subtle cropping on icons 3, 8, 10 and 11 *dies*
Great job and I'd love to see more SN related art from you from now on because THIS is addictive :)
BTW, it's the sweetest thing to read that a little inspiration came from me though you really don't need it *stares at your art in awe*


ilovemybaby August 28 2006, 00:21:08 UTC
Such a sweet comment. ^^

I was really posting this whole thing with my eyes closed, because I had no idea what people would think about it. I was basically ready to face the tomatoes, you know? But now that I'm reading all those comments, man... I'm so freaking relieved! You have no idea! XD

Loved the fact that you mentioned what you liked best in the piecies! It makes me realise what people like/deslike in those arts, so I can continue to make more.

About the icons... those ones you mentioned came out quite alright, didn't they? =D

Great job and I'd love to see more SN related art from you from now on because THIS is addictive :)
Aaaawwww, thanks sweetness! This is really encouraging, you know? Thanks a lot! *hugs tight*

nah, I really need inspiration to do my thing. And your art was a huge inspiration for all of this, so thank you, baby!


ongiara August 28 2006, 11:19:42 UTC
I'm so freaking relieved!
LOL, you're so modest :) with those manips you'll never need to fear any vegetables flying your way!! Well, I'm also freaking relieved you'll be making more, yay!


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