jensen ackles: icons

May 07, 2007 20:54

[24] Jensen Ackles icons (plus one more I just did, which makes 25 icons XD)



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icons, jensen, art:icons

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Comments 63

cookie_junkie May 8 2007, 01:30:31 UTC

Oh dude I love these. Best. Batch. Ever.

Yeah, but actually, I do have one request... #21 and #11....

If there's any chance you could add some text for me I'd adore you forever and ever and ever and ever.

"ackles - eyecandy for Kay" on both.

Doesnt matter if its has caps or not, whatever fits better...

Oh, and who would I credit for these lovely icons?


ilovemybaby May 8 2007, 11:13:51 UTC
Oh dude I love these. Best. Batch. Ever.
Aaaawwww! Thanks a bunch! *hugs*

If there's any chance you could add some text for me I'd adore you forever and ever and ever and ever.

"ackles - eyecandy for Kay" on both.
LOL! Yeah, I can do that! Just gimme some time and I'll soon be here again with them, alrighty?

Oh, and who would I credit for these lovely icons?
This would be me, cammissbloom



cookie_junkie May 8 2007, 12:11:31 UTC
*hugs you tightly*

Heee! Thanks so much! These are fabulous icons, I couldnt resist attacking you with a request.


OH AND THE FIRST THING I THOUGHT OF WHEN I SAW THOSE PICTURES WAS 'Damn... he's really turning into eyecandy for us...'

And I think he knows it. *giggle*

Heeee! *pets him*


ilovemybaby May 8 2007, 13:05:08 UTC
And here it is! I have three versions of each, hope you like at least one! XDDDD

... )


nikki_holly May 8 2007, 01:34:39 UTC
Gorgeous! I have to find the pics that these are taken from!


bunkyb39 May 8 2007, 01:54:26 UTC
I was just thinking the same thing! I thought I have seen all pics of Jensen and I am not recognizing these ones!


ilovemybaby May 8 2007, 11:18:12 UTC
Well, I already posted but in case you missed it I'll reply it again on your comment ;)

... )


bunkyb39 May 8 2007, 22:53:37 UTC
WOW!!! *contemplating on trip to Japan for article* Why don't we get those here?!?!? Thanks for those!


jenniferjensen May 8 2007, 01:43:18 UTC
Guh.. These are great. Took 10 and 15. Will credit when I use.


ilovemybaby May 8 2007, 11:19:24 UTC
I'm super glad you liked it!! =DDD

PS:. LOVE that scene on your icon ♥ *cracks up*


greatoffcamera May 8 2007, 02:43:07 UTC
Definitely taking some. Will credit! Great job! :D


ilovemybaby May 8 2007, 11:19:57 UTC
Thanks sweetie!
Enjoy the cutie! ;)


munibunny May 8 2007, 02:54:30 UTC
Oh. This boy is just too pretty for words...

Terrific job!


ilovemybaby May 8 2007, 11:24:18 UTC
First of all, I'm loving *your* icon! I have some weird obsession with his hands... XD

And yeah, he really is too pretty for words. While doing these icons I had this idea: what the heck would I do if I ever see him? And the only thing I could think of was that I'd be kinda mute for a while, then would talk to him and as soon as he turned his back on me I'd be like "OMGPRETTYYYYYYYYYYY!!!" XDDDD Of course I wouldn't do it in front of him, tho... poor kid is already scared of crazy fangirls, I wouldn't wanna scare him =P

Anyway, sorry for the babbling! *hides*
I'm glad you liked the batch! Enjoy! ;)


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