pimpin' time

May 06, 2007 19:36

Did you guys started reading titheniel & woodsbaile_02 awesome work together?
Because if you didn't, then I'm so gonna kick your arses. I MEAN IT!

GO READ IT! It's called Lean On Me (And I'll Be Strong) and it's so freaking awesome (I wouldn't be pimpin' it if it wasn't, dude)!!

Read more... )

lean on me, rps, pimpin', sonia&paola

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Comments 3

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ilovemybaby May 6 2007, 23:03:00 UTC
And for their love for one person, too, may I add. *smirks*

*smooches you like WOAH*


zinah May 8 2007, 06:59:24 UTC
I will definitely read it - thanks for recommendation!!! *loves you* I'm so hungry for fics. I'm pretty busy and stressed right now and soo need to be jsquared! :D

Just wanted to ask shyly - would you like to make friends? Because I think we have some things in common (points to Supernatural, J/J and Orlando Bloom yay! *slight drooling*)... :D

Any chance that "Wonder Of My World" will have its continuation? I got soooo hooked to this fic recently! Great job!


ilovemybaby May 8 2007, 10:55:15 UTC
Hey sweetie!
I'm glad you'll give this fic a chance... 'm sure you won't regret it! ;)

About "Wonder of my Word"... man, 'm so sorry we kind stopped updating from some time now... my life and woodsbaile_02 (especially hers) is kinda crazy these past weeks, so we didn't have much time to upload it. But I'm sure that pretty soon you'll have another chapter to read! *crosses fingers*

Just wanted to ask shyly - would you like to make friends?
Hey, there's no need to be shy! *hugs you*
Of course I like to make friends! In fact, I'll friend you right away, alright? ;)


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