Hello my name is_joey_____. I __love______ Valerie. Valerie is _gay______. Me + Valerie= _crack dealers______. I wish me and Valerie were black______. If I were alone in a room with Valerie, I would talk to her_______. I want Valerie to know that I _think shes hot_________. I think Valerie should _be straighter________. Valerie needs to _be straight________. I want to __put some straightness into_______ Valerie. Someday Valerie will _be straight(maybe)_______. Valerie reminds me of _someone whos not straight______. Without Valerie I would _die______. Memories of Valerie are _rad_______. Valerie can be __weird________.(lol jk) The worst thing about Valerie is _nothing________. The best thing about Valerie is _everything________. I am __a crackdealer______ with Valerie. lol most of this i am kidding about haha
Hello my name is__*vaLyn*__. I __*love*__ ValeRie. Valerie is __*The beSteSt*__. Me + Valerie= __*BeSteSt fRienDs*__. I wish me and Valerie were __*gOin tO tHe sAme sKoOl*__. If I were alone in a room with Valerie, I would _*lAugH*_. I want Valerie to know that I __*WiLl miSs hEr*__. I think Valerie should __*nOt bE gRoUndeD*_. Valerie needs to __*nOt pEe wHilE On tHe phOne*__. I want to _*gO tO tHe MaLl*_with Valerie. Someday Valerie will __*PaY me Back*_. Valerie reminds me of __*tOys R uS*_. Without Valerie I would _*cRy tHeN dIe*_. Memories of Valerie are __*GREAT*__. Valerie can be __*siLly*__. The worst thing about Valerie is __uMm..nOt suRe.._ The best thing about Valerie is _*sHes fUnNy*_. I am _*beSteSt frIends*_with Valerie.
Comments 12
I __love______ Valerie.
Valerie is _gay______.
Me + Valerie= _crack dealers______.
I wish me and Valerie were black______.
If I were alone in a room with Valerie, I would talk to her_______.
I want Valerie to know that I _think shes hot_________.
I think Valerie should _be straighter________.
Valerie needs to _be straight________.
I want to __put some straightness into_______ Valerie.
Someday Valerie will _be straight(maybe)_______.
Valerie reminds me of _someone whos not straight______.
Without Valerie I would _die______.
Memories of Valerie are _rad_______.
Valerie can be __weird________.(lol jk)
The worst thing about Valerie is _nothing________.
The best thing about Valerie is _everything________.
I am __a crackdealer______ with Valerie.
lol most of this i am kidding about haha
tHanX jOey!
I ♥ yOu!
I __*love*__ ValeRie.
Valerie is __*The beSteSt*__.
Me + Valerie= __*BeSteSt fRienDs*__.
I wish me and Valerie were __*gOin tO tHe sAme sKoOl*__.
If I were alone in a room with Valerie, I would _*lAugH*_.
I want Valerie to know that I __*WiLl miSs hEr*__.
I think Valerie should __*nOt bE gRoUndeD*_.
Valerie needs to __*nOt pEe wHilE On tHe phOne*__.
I want to _*gO tO tHe MaLl*_with Valerie.
Someday Valerie will __*PaY me Back*_.
Valerie reminds me of __*tOys R uS*_.
Without Valerie I would _*cRy tHeN dIe*_.
Memories of Valerie are __*GREAT*__.
Valerie can be __*siLly*__.
The worst thing about Valerie is __uMm..nOt suRe.._
The best thing about Valerie is _*sHes fUnNy*_.
I am _*beSteSt frIends*_with Valerie.
haha...that took like 10 minutes..
<3 vaLyn
thanx valyn!
i guess..
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