last nite was fuckin amazing we went to hollywood to go see wear the mark, make move, fallen angel, try harder, and already dead, but then the craziest shit ive seen in awhile happened and we had to leave so we came back to downeyyy and went to sum partiees...yeaa and party we a rockstar i didnt sleep last nite...oh well
sworn enemy rocked the whiskey a-go-go last was cool... i had such a grand nite before we left i talked to some one so coool YAY for me tired
fuck yea toonite sowrn enemy...i cantt so excited!!! woOOoo hoOoo... hopefully becca goes with us so i can go with 2 of my bestest pals richi and becca my asian friends...aww i love these kids...and sinai beach is playing tonite and bleeding through sounds like a good show eh? all stupid and stuff and got a bad grade in algebra 2 so tonite my bestest friend becca is comming to tutor my retarded ass...itll be funn. on another note me and my boy richard are going to sworn enemy tomorrow at the whikey that should be a grand ol time...=D