All that Napoleon and not a taste of Illya to be had *Sad face*
I'm more than sure that all Napoleon fans are drooling all over their computer keyboards. He looks smashing in the white shirt with sleeves turned up. And look! They even get him wet.
Well, hello, my friend! It's great to see you here.
And yes, sadly, no Illya. When I was selecting my tags, I kept feeling like something was missing. It's so rare not to have an Illya tag on one of my posts.
But the Nappy happy girls will have a feast! So, if I can make my Solo-loving cousins happy, that's a good thing. :-)
There are some very nice Napoleon shots, and your efforts on behalf of the NS contingency is an admirable act of cousinly kindness :D I have never fully understood why that woman is on the island. I'm hoping your work here will clear that up for me.
She was kidnapped by Brach so he could have his surgeon perform that mind altering operation on her. Then Thrush would be able to use her to influence her husband.
As is revealed later in the ep, she is the one who wants her husband to rise in his career (nuclear scientist of some kind as I recall) and he strives to do that for her only. For himself, though apparently something of a scientific genuis, her husband wanted a more quiet life and a less noteworthy career.
Comments 8
I'm more than sure that all Napoleon fans are drooling all over their computer keyboards. He looks smashing in the white shirt with sleeves turned up. And look! They even get him wet.
This is indeed a Napoleon fans lusty dream.
Loads and loads of close-ups too.
And yes, sadly, no Illya. When I was selecting my tags, I kept feeling like something was missing. It's so rare not to have an Illya tag on one of my posts.
But the Nappy happy girls will have a feast! So, if I can make my Solo-loving cousins happy, that's a good thing. :-)
I have never fully understood why that woman is on the island. I'm hoping your work here will clear that up for me.
As is revealed later in the ep, she is the one who wants her husband to rise in his career (nuclear scientist of some kind as I recall) and he strives to do that for her only. For himself, though apparently something of a scientific genuis, her husband wanted a more quiet life and a less noteworthy career.
Those largely bared arms in that t-shirt... [tiger-growl]
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