In an effort to try and find the thousand bucks I talked about in my last entry, I cleaned my closet, got rid of the clothes I never wear (although I still have to work on the other half) and rearranged all the random stuff I keep -- paper bags, bags, some DVDs, the Narnia, Potter and LOTR books, dust (allergies!), aaaaannndddd letters/pictures/
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Comments 11
Thanks. :) I know that but sometimes we tend to forget, and it's always nice to be reminded of it. :D It's just that she's Christian like me, and UGH. I have no love for that girl who broke our friendship (although I'm also to blame).
OMG BSB! Total fan. I forgot to mention I have found this manila envelope during my cleaning that was full of BSB posters that I got from magazines, etc. :D I have ALL their albums, except for their latter ones (I think the Best Of thing and the latest). The friend I was talking about actually called me up on my phone, thinking I went on their concert here during the 'Never Gone' tour but I had no time (and was broke)! She was there, true BSB fan that she is. :D
One of the things I hated in highschool was how I was afraid to fully unleash myself. I was holding back on some things, that's why I became too outspoken when I was in univ. :D
Why do you keep a thousand bucks in your house?
But I recommend looking under your bed...everything I need is under mine :p
Under the bed? I don't keep stuff under my bed, but OMG. *crosses fingers* I sometimes/usually forget where I keep stuff, so hopefully I did keep it there! I'll look later, eeee.
..I need tea after reading something like that.
I'll be like this in a few years. =/ I don't know...but I'm enjoying it as best as I can, you know?
So yeah, enjoy the last days and get good memories! :P
I hope you find your money!!!
LOL. The only time I felt like doing that was when I broke up with my now ex, but I remember when I gave away all these stuff another guy gave me and now I regret I don't have memories of him. I'm sure it's going to be a laugh when, I dunno, 5 years from now, I look at them again with a really close friend. :D Maybe you'll be that person, you never know. :D
I hope I find that money too!
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