it's crazy how love stays with me

Feb 12, 2008 14:09

Just kidding, I'm still here. This morning the health center provided me with all the drugs in the world, so although I may be a little bit loopy, I don't feel like I'm on my deathbed anymore. Thank you to those of you who wished me well, and pshh to those of you who didn't. I think I'm finally ready to talk about the scarring experience that was ( Read more... )

describe: rants, describe: random i, worship: sally field, watch: brothers & sisters, suffer: reality i, interact: dreams, suffer: college

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Comments 8

seekerofworld February 12 2008, 20:20:09 UTC
Pretty much agree with all B&S points. Was there any promo for the next episode?

I'm sooo glad you're not on Death's doorstep anymore. Drugs can be a wonderful thing.


illusory_thrill February 12 2008, 21:14:25 UTC
Indeed there was a promo. Sarah/Kevin/Scotty/Graham at a karaoke bar, lots of campaign snoozefest-ness.


apartment_pants February 12 2008, 20:23:49 UTC
I completely understand your frustrations with the episode, but I didn't hate hate it. I think my first reaction was just joy to have a new one, but it was kind of disappointing. I guess I've never paid that close attention to who writes the episodes, but I can tell by the groups of writers and which episodes that they have written that there is a clear problem. Some episodes just seem like fillers, and this one definitely had that ( ... )


illusory_thrill February 12 2008, 20:33:08 UTC
I was half expecting Justin to come back and speak at his meeting at the end of the episode

He was supposed to, it was in the casting sides. They must have cut it. Which irritates the hell out of me, because without the bookend scene of Justin finally speaking, the first scene of all these random people talking at the meeting and Justin just STARING at them held absolutely no significance whatsoever.


pinkfairy727 February 12 2008, 21:40:56 UTC
I'm glad you're feeling better :c)

I haven't seen B&S yet but the rest of this series has been a bit weird. Was Saul in this episode at all? He seems to have vanished completely.


liquid_courage February 12 2008, 23:15:04 UTC
The Justin stuff made me mad because I really wanted him to come back and speak. I was waiting for that and when the episode was over I was like, uh...huh?

And I'm just glad Lena's gone. She drives me fucking insane.

I didn't think it was sooo bad, but I didn't think it was good either. I just hope it gets better.

PS. Kevin/Scotty/Jason? Needs to be over. I prefer Scotty but I feel like he needs to just pick one and then they can drop that issue.


biba79 April 8 2008, 05:20:00 UTC

I noticed that you are a fan of Jennifer Garner and I saw you in another Jen community. We have a community totally dedicated to Jennifer Garner jen_fans and this community is really a part of
and we will be updating often with new pictures and news.

We will also post candids of Jen and Violet often. We will have a weekly icon stillness and picture of the week where you get to vote for your favorite picture as well if you are interested.

Hope to see you there! :)


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