Series: Digimon Adventure & Zero Two
Characters: Yagami Taichi & Ishida Yamato
Themes: under the cut :)
this postIcon Count: 100/100 [start: 2005/July; finish: 2006/April 26]
Base Images:
here 01 kiss
02 forgiveness-
03 soft+
[04 are you there]
05 loneliness^
06 working^
07 dancing$
08 abandoned^
09 misunderstand
[10 vacation*]
11 hug
12 smile*
13 tears#
14 rain^
[15 sunshine+]
16 winter-
[17 innocence]
18 so far away+
19 silence*
20 stars
21 ...moonlight#
22 tickle~
23 sweet dreams^
24 blue-
25 honourable-
26 walls*
27 happiness+
28 sensual+
29 food
30 ...rainbow#
[31 take your time]
32 sugar&spice
33 holiday'
34 beginner's luck^
[35 forgotten*]
36 misery...^
[37 comfort]
38 candy-
39 present#
40 hold...'
41 spiritual
42 starving*
43 joy^
44 heaven
45 31 flavours+
46 silk-
47 keep a secret'
48 open doors-
49 lace'
50 forever&a day-
[51 AC friends]
52 AC hug
53 AC bathtime*
54 AC subtext*
55 AC life*
[56 possession+]
57 rivals-
58 lost-
59 facing danger-
60 capture-
61 nothing'
62 red'
63 support'
64 sleep'
65 good times'
66 say what?'
67 grim#
68 partners#
69 snapshot#
70 fetish#
71 chibi#
72 heart#
73 ending!
74 adults!
75 textless!
76 watching you!
77 curiosity!
78 better days!
79 happy in love!
80 content!
81 holding on$
82 rain$
83 uncertainty$
84 OTP$
85 rock out$
86 together$
87 summer$
88 problems$
89 perfection$
90 happy blue$
91 sleep~
92 safe with you~
93 angels in flight~
94 on the beach~
95 entwined~
96 trust~
97 side by side~
98 opposite~
99 pride~
100 tackle~
originals of remakes
[theme] indicates remake
*second set
+third set
^fourth set
-fifth set
'sixth set
#seventh set
!eighth set
$ninth set
~tenth set
+do not direct-link
+do not edit
+textless icons are not bases
+no credit required
+I can give you a textless version of most text icons, if you prefer. just ask.
+tiny text on 22 says "I apologize a million times over for this icon. srsly. so sorry." because it is LAME and I'm fully aware of that XD
edit I'd like to just thank you guys for all the lovely comments! I generally don't respond unless it's a question (because I want to keep the count accurate as possible), but I do read all my comments and appreciate them ^___^
Anything I replied to in the past has also most likely been screened.