Norway Legacy 4.0

Oct 21, 2010 23:24

Last time:
- Jeannie was motherfucking old and wouldn't die. At all.
- I tried to set up Lillian and Ove. With mixed results.
- Quintin died. :(
- Maja met Jacob, who was ACTUALLY SINGLE.
- Ove got caught fishing at 4am by the popo. Tsk tsk.
- Edvin was a cockblock when Ove was trying to get action from Lillian.
- The five siblings all became adults because I was ready to move on to the next generation already, damnit!
- Heir poll was had and Maja won. Yay!

Now onto the show!!

illusion_sims: Pst. Maja!

Maja: *sigh* What?

illusion_sims: You're heir! Do something interesting!
Maja: Um... *shuffles feet*
illusion_sims: If you don't do something interesting, I'm sure Ragnvald would like to be heir... he DID come in second in the poll...

Maja: o.o

Ten minutes later...

Maja: This homemade pipe bomb might or might not take the mailman's hands off...
illusion_sims: Atta girl! :D

Sam: Who's my special husband??
Kai: I am?? 8D It is me, right? 83
Sam: No, it's my other husband. ...Of course it's you, silly.

Kai: What the fuck? You have another husband?? Piss on you, bigamist!
Sam: Okay. Apparently you can't see sarcasm even if it pissed on YOU.
Sam and Kai are in a very bipolar relationship these days. Even more so than before.

Sam could be a condescending asshole like Kai if he wanted to. But alas... I left the selection be. Though I still let him be sarcastic and confuse the fuck out of Kai.

I added a laundry room since Maja wanted a washer. I don't get why she wants to wash clothes when apparently sim clothes never dirty. Or maybe they have closets of copies of the same clothes. Like Connor from Degrassi!

Maja: Hey, it's my future spouse! He's a little... young, though.
Yeah, yeah, just deal with him as a teen for now. Just try not to get arrested for statutory rape.

Jacob: ...Could I paint you like they did in Titanic? You're very... paintable. Yeah. Durrr.

Sure, why the fuck not. It's in character!

Well... that went over well. Maybe air kissing cancels out any danger of statutory rape charges?

Jacob: You, me, and a private island with all the luxuries. Clothes optional. *Eyebrow waggle*
Maja: D8 Dear god... make the horny teenage boy stop hitting on me!
illusion_sims: You wanted him when you were a teen! And you just kissed him even though you have never flirted with him before!
Maja: But now I'm grown up! It's weird and not as charming anymore! And I like to kiss people for no reason, creepy or not!

illusion_sims: But look at the adorable face!!

Uhhh... let's try another view...

Tongues should not do that...

There he is! Isn't he so cute??
Maja: ...He's still creepy as fuck.
illusion_sims: Well, what are you going to do about this??? You can't wait much longer. The Sim Goddess demands something be done now!
Maja: ...Fine.

Jacob: Lalala, looking for food to mooch... what's this? A whole birthday cake?? Score!!

Jacob: Sweet, I also get lit candles! Is it my birthday?
Maja: Let the fun begin...

Jacob: Hey Maja, this cake came out of no where, along with the candles. It's like some higher power wants me to have this. Or maybe it's a GHOST.
Maja: Yes, I'm sure Grandpa Oslo only wanted you to have cake. Even though I'm pretty sure you never met him. Now blow out the candles.

Jacob: Well... all right then. I wish for... money! Money always makes people more awesome. Though I am awesome already. Yeah.
Maja: *snort, stifled laughter*

Jacob: And instead of money all that happened was that I grew taller and my voice got deeper! Lame! Do you think I got cooler? Will you give me some money?
Kai: ...Leave before I strangle your skinny neck.

Jacob: Hey, hey Maja! Wake up! Let's have some fun! Do you still want to do that Titanic painting?
Maja: *sigh* I may no longer get arrested for statutory rape, but I think his brain stayed the same size after the rest of him grew up. Great.

Jacob: Or we could play catch. I was going to ask your dad but I don't think he likes balls. But he did marry another man, so maybe I'm not following a certain logic. Maybe we could also...
Maja: Jacob, just shut up and kiss me again. Your stupidness apparently doesn't stop me from being attracted to you.

You guys can actually touch lips now, you know.

Jeannie: What are you two doing??
Maja and Jacob: *jump apart* NOTHING!
Maja: Just going to sleep. Night!! Bye Grandma! See you in the morning! Go to your room, please! *pushes out door*
Jeannie: Okay dear, whatever you say...

Maja: Phew. Sometimes it takes years to run that lady out of the room. Now where was I?

Maja: Want to be official boyfriend and girlfriend?
Jacob: Sure thing, sister!
Maja: Please don't call me that. It makes people think the... wrong things about us.

Maja: Anyways, since you agreed to be my boyfriend, I have something to show you.

Maja: Marry me?
Jacob: Yes!! I could never turn down something so shiny!

And yes, the very same night they went steady, she decided it was a prime time for engagement, too.

Maja: Yay! I'm marrying you!
Jacob: Yay! I'm getting into your bank acc... I mean, I'm going to be ri....... ahem. .......I'm moving in!!

We interrupt Maja and Jacob action with ninjas.

NINJAS. (And the moon in the corner and the art style remind me of the Sailor Moon anime introduction. Sailor Moon + ninjas = epic idea of epic. Idea for NaNoWriMo? o.o)

Wait... what??? And another thing - I hate when sims leave sopping wet clothes on the floor. Ugh. Doesn't that just make them dirty again because it's picking up all the dirt from the floor?? And plus it gets the floor all wet, too.

SO MANY NORWAYS. I think the only non-Norway I invited was Jacob. And even he is going to be a Norway soon! >.>

A lovely day by the fishing pond. Everyone is arriving...

Maja: Huh. Jacob should be here by now...

Maja: Hello? Jacob? Where are you? I'm waiting for you at the wedding venue!
Jacob: ...Wedding??? We're getting married today???!!
Maja: Duh! Didn't I propose last night?
Jacob: I assumed we would choose the wedding date later...
Maja: Well you should have known better! You knew I was planning this!
Jacob: I... did?
Maja: Just get over here!
Jacob: All right, all right!
Ragnvald: Wow, my sister is a huge bitch!

Maja: *sigh* Men... time to wait around some more...

An hour later:


Edvin: Haha, you're getting stood up!
Maja: Shut up, Edvin! And Aunt Britt, are you agreeing with Edvin?
Britt: No, not at all! I just was going to say you are wearing the ugliest shoes ever.

Yeah, I think some people had given up on this wedding at this point. Taryn seems to be trying to iron out the EPIC MINUS-MINUS TENSION among Edvin, Britt, and Maja. Ingeborg is staring at nothing, some random uninvited girl and Pernille are reading books, and Konrad is on some rage about his job at the newspaper, or how no one at the party is reading his newspaper and are just reading books. Who knows.

And Antonia has decided not to miss an opportunity at the fishing pond and catches a huge catfish. Impressive!

Jacob: I'm finally here! Maja will be proud!
Yes, everyone is thrilled that you're four hours late. But on the other hand, I would be late to a wedding I didn't know I had, either.

Maja: Where the fuck were you? The Big Dipper? Took you long enough, you bastard!
Jacob: Love you too, honey. I have wedding bells on my mind, so let's do this thing!

Maja: Why is this all about you?? You're so self-centered!
Jacob: ...I was self-centered? I was so self-centered that YOU scheduled a wedding date without my consent?

Maja: I may have been a BIT too hasty with the wedding plans, but I guess since everyone is here now, we should just get married.
Jacob: Fine by me.
Taryn: You guys! They're going to actually start now!

Maja: I promise, from now on, I'll tell you when we're getting married.
Jacob: We're going to get married again after today?

Maja: ...You know what I meant. Just put a damn smile on your face and let's just get through these vows.

Wedding spam!

Hope you enjoyed everyone's reaction to the wedding/making out! :P

Jacob: So what now? Do we eat some cake and drink some champagne? Dance?
Maja: Psh, whatever. We can do something cooler than that!

Maja: Play with a Portable Gnubb Set! Whatever the fuck that is.

Never the less, there was still a dance party, though Maja and Jacob didn't partake in the dancing:

I approve of this LTW. It's going to be so much fun! I love giving makeovers. :3

Maja and Jacob's new bedroom. It's fit for Ra. :)

Ariel view. Yes, the fish bowls are still there. With the fish in them. >.>

We have another mirror-obsessed one. Lovely.

He looks so douchey in this picture. But at least the hair is decent on him.

Here's his info. The clumsiness is a flaw, but is still endearing. The snobbery - not so endearing, but it makes him do hilarious things.

Here's that damn Gnubb game Maja wanted. I had to move around the garden so it would fit in the backyard.

Apparently you knock down these rabbit things on the other side, and then try to get the king in the center, which apparently makes you win the game.

And it's a two player game if you want it to be.

Someone randomly made key lime pie (most likely Jeannie). Sweet!

Jacob: Rich people get to eat key lime pie whenever they want to?? Awesome!!
And yes, the Norways are rich. They have over 100k Simoleons in the bank as of now.

Maja: So you know what else you can do when you're rich, Jacob?
Jacob: Hmm?

Maja: Do naughty things on an ornate bed and try to wear out an expensive mattress.
Jacob: That's not a bad idea if I say so myself.

Will Maja get pregnant from rich people sex? Tune in next time to "As the Norways Turn." (Bad soap opera pun FTW.)

One more promotion and Kai will get his LTW! :D

This showed up on Kai's queue when he got home from work. Could it be...?

OSLO!!!!!!!!!! I squealed when I saw him. I thought I would never see a ghost in my game ever! I was so happy when this happened.

Oslo: Oh, hi son. :)
Kai: Is... is that you? O.O

After the initial shock, they got over it and got back to the good times.

I thought it would be funny to have Kai tell Oslo a ghost story because well, you know... Oslo being a ghost and all. Irony and stuff like that. >.>
Kai: Once upon a time, there was a haunted disco.

Kai: The disco was located in Cuba, where many years ago, a bad tropical storm hit the island shore and destroyed the disco along with its patrons.
Oslo: Was this place that took over the "Copa Cabana" by any chance?
Kai: Oh shush.

Kai: Years after the building was destroyed, vegetation grew over the debris and wildlife took over. When scientists came to study it years later, suspicious things were happening at their campsites... they would hear disco music where there wasn't a music player to be found...
Oslo: *snort*

Kai: Come on, Dad, you're not giving my story a chance. Please try to take it more seriously?
Oslo: I'm sure it will sell very well like that Twilight book.
Sam: How long has this window been here?

Oslo: Wellp, it's light now. Catch you later! Maybe you'll be dead soon enough and we can hang out more often! :D
Kai: Yeah, thanks Dad. Later. *turns around* Hey, has that window always been there?
Sam: Ah, screw it. I need to stop questioning the weird things that happen in this house.
My bad about the window - I didn't even notice I forgot to take it off when I was expanding the house... lol. >.>

Here. Have a picture of Jacob in his underwear feeding the fish.

Sure, what the hell. I want some challenge. I selected this after she got pregnant the first time, though. But we'll see if it changes that first pregnancy anyways!

Maja: What in the name of Elvis is going on with me?

Maja: Oh. Well. Fuck.

Um... what's going on in this unusually dark room?

Oh. Playing catch. With the maid you don't even know. Yeah.

100 days and still alive and kicking. How much longer can she last? Any bets? :D

Jeannie: Yes, I'm sure. I'm sure I want to retire. I'm 100 for pete's sake!

*triumphant trumpets and confetti*
Jeannie: Best idea ever!!!!!
Wait, where did that come from?

Oh. Apparently Kai decided retirement celebrations require confetti.

And applause.

And awkward standing around and looking at each other when the confetti is almost fallen down.

Which leads to more confetti and applause!!!! What a vicious cycle. >.>

Maja decides on her job. Kai wanted her to be a criminal like him and I was going to go along with it but I could never find the job on the computer whenever I looked. It was not meant to be, I guess.

Speaking of milestones, it is time for Kai and Sam to elderize!

Let the celebrations commence!

Kai: Oh god... I've become Dad!!

Sam: Oh god, now it's my turn!!!
Jeannie: LULZ

Sam: I'm not going to be pretty anymore... 8(
Jeannie: MORE LULZ

Sam: Aaaaaand there goes my back. Poo.
Jeannie: Okay, no more LULZ.

...What happened to his face????? He seemed to have wrinkled more than any elder I've seen.

But with a makeover, he's super adorable.

Awww. Look at the cute little peaceful elder. <3

I swear he looks more and more like Oslo the older he gets. Creepy.

I give him a balding haircut that oddly suits him.

He is also a very cute elder. <3

Um... party's over, guys.

Jacob: The old geezers are making out right behind me, aren't they?
illusion_sims: But it's cute!!!!!
Jacob: Hush, you fangirl.
illusion_sims: :3

Maja: Hey, I think I've put on some weight.

illusion_sims: Not exactly, Maja... we'll have to wait until next update to see what comes out of you.
Maja: Comes... out of me? Oh well. I like my new stomach pooch. I'll give it a name. How about Alfredo? It's hilarious because it's food related. I am so funny! :D
illusion_sims: Yes, yes, you are, Maja. *pats on head from computer screen*

It's great to be back! Right now I'm job hunting. I had an interview yesterday, and I'm trying to schedule another interview offer, but the online thing they want me to use to schedule the interview is screwed up and I'm probably going to end up calling them to schedule an interview, considering how things are likely going to end up. And I'm having some trouble getting a hold of some of my references... argh. The joys of looking for a job, especially in a shitty economy.

Okay, rant over. Hope you enjoyed the update!

<3 illusion_sims

legacy, norway, sims 3

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