Norway Legacy 2.6

Jun 26, 2010 03:00

Last time:
- Kai was a teenage rebel who had an obvious soft spot for his little sisters, whether or not he wanted to admit it.
- Quintin moved in! :3
- Joelle came over. It didn't end well.
- Kai went to Sam's house and spent the night. They talked about Sam's hatred of school, colors of evil lairs, leprechauns, flowers, and ladybugs. They also had a competition to see who could mooch the most money off each other. They also flirted. :3
- Oh, and Edgy Hair Guy from the first update ended up being Sam's father. o_o
- Oslo was the first one of the legacy to get his LTW! Yeah! :)
- Quintin threw a party (yes, he was technically the host) for growing up Britt and Pernille to teenagers. Joelle crashed the party. After the party, Quintin and Pernille had a heart-to-heart in the bathroom. With the toilet listening in.
- Oh, and Britt and Oslo played tag while Pernille got her first job.

Oslo still likes to do this. Even with water spitting in his face and spilling on his shoes.

And Pernille still likes to be a nerd.

Pernille: *thinks* He understands my teenage nerd angst! :D
Jeannie: Must... not... waste... cake! *sprints in high heels*

I keep forgetting Quintin is the same age as her parents. >.>

Pernille: I love black. But I'm not a goth. Just deep.
Quintin: Me too! OMG!
They both really have black as their favorite color. IT WAS MEANT TO BE.

Quintin: One day we'll get out of here and travel the world! And take that chess table. >.>

Britt copies her sister and also gets a job.

What is Kai making? Probably a bunch of crap since he has, like no painting points except from that fingerprinting book he read when he was like, three years old.

Quintin: Why are all the dishes dirty??? WHY ARE THEY DIRTY??? CLEAN YO MESS UP, KAI.
Pernille: That's my man! He's so assertive! *swoon*

Kai talking to more older men?

Yup. What else would he be doing? Painting shitty pictures?

Oh wait. He already did that. I mean... what the hell? Though I do like the marks that make it look like it's moving. Even if it matches the color of the car.

Oh, here's another thing he does, meets up with Sam! Sam is older than him by a few days, btw, so he counts toward Kai's "thing" for older men. Sam was one of the first guys he met online as a kid while Sam was already a teen, after all. :)
Kai: Oh god, he's coming! I'm so nervous!
Sam: I can hear you, you know.

They talk about the weather, and how it's the same every day...

Uses Pernille's pickup line, since his own just confuse Sam...

And hug. A lot.

And talk about their favorite foods.
Sam: I eat my french toast like a messy sandwich. I go OM NOM NOM and lick the syrup off the side of my face.
Kai: And I thought it was bad to say that I liked hot dogs...

Then Kai goes off and... makes hot dogs. How fitting.
Kai: Ahhhh! Flying wiener at 12 o'clock!!

Kai: Well... fuck. *sigh*

Kai: Hopefully no one saw me do that...
illusion_sims: I did! :D
Kai: ...

Kai: You have got to be shitting me... *cough cough*
Serves you right for putting a dirty wiener back on the grill. >.>

Kai: Maybe Sam likes blackened hot dogs?
illusion_sims: But if Sam eats black, he'll never go back!
Kai: ...You did NOT just say that.
illusion_sims: Yeah. I admit that was a really bad of me. But I couldn't resist! :D

Meanwhile, Kai wants to mooch more money from Sam. Of course, this NEVER happens. >.>

Kai: Oooh girl, I need a spa day one of these days!

Kai: Maybe you could come with?

While they were talking, this thief ran right past them across the screen! I moused over him to look at his name, but I didn't know who he was.

OMG, a want about Sam that doesn't include mooching!

Kai: So, I want to know two more of your traits... but, let me do this first...

**First kiss** :)

Let's say that I think Kai forgot about learning those two other traits. >.>

Kai: Be my bf? Plzkthx?
He did say yes :)

Then Kai sits down and... reads a book from his childhood he had on hand? Ok?

Meanwhile, Oslo holds an impromptu concert in his front yard. His family rushes to watch.
Britt: My dad is playing guitar in the middle of the night. Must run outside immediately even though I've seen him play a million times already!

After the free concert, Britt brags about her new job. Ironically, she did better with her job than Pernille did... so I guess being a copycat is good? o_o

Quintin: Dude, you play guitar like a GOD. When you die, I think you'll do personal concerts for Jesus or some shit.
Oslo: Um, thanks?
Doesn't help Quintin for Oslo to take him seriously while wearing... that.

Antonia's potty training was so obscene, they even censored her face. :o

But to make up for it, here's her cute little face peaking out of the toy box. :3

Britt, ever the high achiever.

I've never seen this before. Is it even possible? I know Sims 2 had BFF in later expansions, but I've never seen it in Sims 3.

STOP STEALING HER AWAY, CRAZY HOSPITAL PEOPLE. I swear to god, at least ask her after she's reached her LTW, which requires her to top the forensic science career.

Yes, Pernille may be a genius, but what kind of messed up school would just tell a random student "Here you go, fix this boiler! You could potentially make the whole school explode but that's ok! Have fun! :D"?

No. You already messed up your chance. You're actually finally doing well in school and in a good mood most of the time, and I'm not screwing that up, especially since you have a bf I don't want you to scare away for reasons that relate to possible heirdom.

Yes, I didn't go and change the non-legacy last names of all the kids until now. I'm just that lazy. I saw this and had a heart attack because I thought I could only change the first name, and not the first and last names.

But this was the next window so I sighed in relief. I wouldn't have known what to do if I couldn't have changed the kids names. It's a better way to do it than Sims 2, when you would have had to cheat/use SimPE to change last names. So yeah.

All done! I'm still ahead, as usual, but I think I'm more caught up than I was. :)

legacy, norway, sims 3

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