Norway Legacy 2.4

Jun 16, 2010 21:35

Last time: Jeannie donated for the millionth time. Britt came close to encountering a possible criminal that Jeannie reported about for work. Quintin, the new maid, came into the picture, and Britt, Pernille and yours truly were impressed. Kai aged to a teen, and Ingeborg and Antonia aged to toddlers, all at a triple-birthday party.

Let's start with Kai all crispy from a failed attempt at fixing the computer. Yay! I thought I would just let him try again, since usually these things don't happen twice in a row...

I was wrong.

The family maid Quintin likes to look at himself in the mirror. It's quite amusing. Don't worry Quintin, you are very pretty. :)

Meet Kai's friend Sam Sekemoto. He doesn't like school. Or at least geography.

Despite his hate for world-related classes, Sam is quite fond of Kai.

Though Kai takes advantage of this fact. >.>

Kai: So... are you single?
And why yes, they are talking in a nursery at Sam's house. I don't know why they chose to talk in there.

Sam: I'm single. Why do you ask?
Kai: *looks at feet* Uhhh... just asking. Curiosity and all. >.>

Kai: I'm surprised you're single though. Some girls have a thing specifically for Asians...
Sam: Well, thanks I guess...

Then after this conversation revolving around their sexual tension for each other, I found out that Sam is also a mooch!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA. They're going to be borrowing money from each other for the rest of their lives and they'll be thinking they're so awesome for being so "sneaky" with their mooching. Watch as they will just have the same amount of money as they started with at the end of it all.

Kai: Did you know there's an Asian guy named Rain? You look like him. Because he's hot and stuff.
...What kind of a pick up line is that?!?

Yeah, I'd totally eat a plate of spaghetti placed on the ground, even if it was on a plate. There's counter space right by the fridge!

Back at the Norway house, Britt and Pernille are doing their usual, favorite things - Britt sleeping like no tomorrow, and Pernille reading like no tomorrow. Well, on the other hand, reading is Pernille's second favorite thing. Chess is first. :)

Kai gets home from Sam's and I decide to try him out on a part-time job.

Pernille wins at muffin making, unlike Kai. Did you even expect her to fail at ANYTHING, anyways?

Here is Antonia playing with the dollhouse, and Ingeborg in the toybox. Ingeborg loves hiding in that toybox and does so quite often.

So far, potty training isn't a repeat of what happened with Britt. Thank god.

Oslo and Quintin are becoming pretty good friends.

Kai after right before his first day of work. This isn't going to go well...

After work, Kai finds some seeds.

But this isn't all I had him do...

He drove his mom's police car...

Snuck into someone's backyard...

And stole their chair.
Kai: Stealing makes me tired... I want to take a bubble bath and then go to bed...

But he had to do his homework first. He didn't have time to do it all day, until now.

Kai: So.... tired... :(
Pernille: Shush Kai, I'm thinking my next move.
Babysitter: Yeah Kai, you're knocking off her concentration.
Kai: Well excuse me chess princess! See if you have time for chess when you have a part time job and are ste... starving to eat so you have to grab something to eat before heading home. Yeah.
Pernille: You're just mad because you're the oldest. And the only boy. So nyeh. :P

And yeah, the babysitter stuck around for longer than usual. Oh well, makes my life easier and makes the flat fee of §75 stretch further.

Evidence that more was going on besides potty training. Plus I just liked how this picture looked. <3

Kai did get his bubble bath, even if it was the next day. I almost made this the title pic.

The hospital loves trying to take Jeannie away from her forensics job. You'll see. This won't be the only time you'll see a message like this.

Uhhh... Quintin, you're cute and all, but this is kind of creepy.

I sent Oslo upstairs to talk to Quintin so he would stop being creepy on Pernille's bed.
Oslo: Stop being creepy on Pernille's bed!
Quintin: Sorry, dude. I just like beds.

Proof that Quintin belongs in this family. :D

Thus, we need Quintin spam!

In conclusion, if you couldn't tell already, I am very fond of Quintin.

Kai: Fuck this part time job. I'd rather steal instead. It's more exciting. Even if I'm only stealing chairs at work.

Look who was waiting for him after he quit! Sam! It's fate!!!

Kai: Hey man, I quit my job!!!
Sam: Awesome!

Way to diss your childhood friend, Kai.

Soon after, he rolls this want. Again. I swear to god it's his favorite want. And he only rolls it for Sam. <3 How romantic? o.O

Speak of the devil.

Kai was about to leave, but I made him stop to talk to her. Might as well keep my options open even though I totally prefer Sam for Kai.

Kai: I saw this movie where shit was exploding everywhere! BOOM KABOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!
Joelle: K. *could care less/not paying attention because she's a snot*

Since Joelle is an "option", might as well ask the "single or not" question.

Kai: *thinks* Oh god, please answer soon, I am about to collapse in exhaustion...
She did say she was single, though, FYI.

Apparently, this is Oslo dancing while playing the guitar. He looks like he sprained his back.

Kai comes home ready to pass out, but still feeds his little sister anyways. <3

Getting close to where I have to start thinking about who is going to be heir. Things have started to come together, as you can see, but it's far from being done!

legacy, norway, sims 3

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