Norway Legacy 2.2

Jun 10, 2010 00:38

I just took this because the view was pretty.

This teenage girl kept patronizing Pernille for no reason. It kind of pissed me off. No one tries to take down my nerd! >:[

Back at the house, more pressing matters are starting to take shape.

Jeannie: Yeah yeah, I'll get to the hospital once I put this sushi down.

I was going to have Oslo stay at home since there would be no one to take care of the kids.

But he ran after her right after I made him eat that sushi.

BABY ACQUIRED. *insert Zelda sound effect*

And she's already a winning personality.

You know what this means. Yes, I had twin girls AGAIN.

Exactly the traits I wanted... YEAH. And this is the third child out of five who is grumpy. I have no idea where it comes from. Oslo and Jeannie are not grumpy. It is supposed to be totally random. Supposedly.

And the first thing Jeannie wants to do after birthing is... have three garden plants? (But she did roll wants for her kids soon after, as you can see.)

Jeannie is dismayed she didn't get to eat her sushi. And Oslo is just plain worn out from freaking out over Jeannie going into labor. (And judging from the sushi on the floor, Oslo only ate part of his before running to the hospital.)

But despite that, they dote on their new little ones. Even if one twin is insane, and the other one never wants to leave the house for anything.

Soon after the birth of her little sisters, Pernille rolled her lifetime wish. I find it very fitting for her. :)

After her epic epiphany, Pernille remembers that she's still a kid.

Following suit is her twin Britt, who decides she likes people a whole lot.


Followed by Oslo acting like a child himself.

But I guess it inspires his music?

This should at least end better than the bug cage he forgot to clean last update. >.>

Meet Joelle VanWatson. She came home with Kai from school. Future potential spouse already!

As you can see, she's THRILLED to play 4 hours of tag with Kai.

Joelle: One day I will be a pop star and everyone will love me!

I love her facial expressions. They're hilarious. XD

Joelle: Say that I am amazing. SAY IT. >:[
Kai: You're.... amazing?
Joelle: Good. >:3

Since Kai has been hankering for a sleepover for a while, I unwisely ask Joelle to sleep over.

She readily accepts. Because she thinks she is awesome.

Oslo is one promotion away from his LTW. :D

This may look happy, but it was quite uncomfortable. Most of their interactions were negative.

Kai: Zzzzz clowns.... not... the clowns.... zzzz stopppp :((

While Kai was having nightmares, Joelle was hogging the computer, putting off the inevitable sleep on the couch.

When Joelle finally goes to sleep, Pernille wakes up early... to play chess, of course.

Joelle wakes up and joins Pernille while Oslo prepares breakfast.

This is probably the only family meal they've ever had all together. D:

Jeannie: I don't want to be closer to death! D:
Why the concern about mortality?

Because Jeannie is soon to be an adult! She's only a little bit younger than Oslo.

This guy is an old friend of Jeannie's. The one that flirted with her at Kai's toddler birthday party. But I am okay with them talking as long as no flirting happens again. >:(

This is them sitting on the bench. And Bimble and that random dude next to them have those stupid pants which don't suit them. >:(

Jeannie: I keep meaning to get married, but it hasn't happened after five kids. But it's okay though. One day... *hopeless romantic mode*
Bimble: Well if it doesn't work out with Oslo, you could marry me. *nervous laughter* Ahahah...ahaha...ha.

Jeannie: Well, at this point, we know that Oslo will eat you for dinner before that happens.
Bimble: *shirks* ...yeah... I am aware...

Bimble: I would rather keep my balls intact, thanks... the thought of Oslo is like nails on a chalkboard... no offense to you, of course!
Jeannie: *is pretending she doesn't know this crazy purple pant man*

Jeannie, still on her journey to question people to make reports for her job, she finds this random doctor.

Who isn't very pleased to be talking to her.

So she breaks out the compliments before trying to question again.
Jeannie: You have such a lovely smile!
Doctor man: DAWWW.

But no luck still.

But she manages to interview this guy and can finally write a report! Yay! :D

I love that there's hi-def Sims 2 people on the TV. Even if it doesn't makes sense. And yes, Britt is at someone's house.

Meanwhile Pernille plays chess. Again.

The pretty garden has grown fast. I like how the trees are like, fused together because I grew them so close together. >.>

Jeannie tends the garden...

and then prepares to age!

Jeannie: I wish for... more pretty gardens! :D

Jeannie: I feel funny...


Jeannie: Oh, it's okay, I haven't changed at all. :D
Oslo and Pernille: YAY *celebration good time COME ON*

And this update reaches an end! Let me just say I have pictures ready up to 2.5.... >.> I have been doing other things until I write everything out and post it... I am way too far ahead.

legacy, norway, sims 3

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