Minho/IU/Changmin - In The Dark (2/2).

May 20, 2011 00:50

In The Dark (2/2); 2.100+ words.
Choi Minho - Lee Jieun (IU) - Shim Changmin (Max).
Rating: PG-13 - Genre: Fluff, Angst.

In The Dark.
It was already a month since the collision happened, and Jieun went blind permanently. What hurt her the most was the fact that it was already a month since Changmin went to America-and Jieun still didn’t know about the reason why he should stay for a nearly long time. Changmin only called her sometimes; to Minho’s phone when she was with him (need to mention that since she came home from hospital, Minho was always beside her-it was his responsibility since he thought that it was his fault that he made her to be like this) or even Jieun’s personal phone when it was (really) late at night. He didn’t want to let Jieun know what his business was lately and always, all he wanted to hear was just Jieun’s experience with her blindness.

“How about your eyes? How do you feel about it…?”
“I don’t know; I still can’t see anything…”
“Are you afraid?”
“I can’t even see anyone’s face-and I can’t see yours again.”

And once, they cried together, inside their own heart.

“I’m sorry, oppa…”
“But you can still hear my voice, right?”
“Mm. That’s more than enough.”

And they grew a weak smile for a while, together.

“Are you still with Minho?”
“Good. Stay with him, ‘kay? Until I come back.”

Minho was thinking about sharing his own apartment with Jieun for a moment-so he could keep an eye on her every time, whenever she did any movement so she couldn’t get hurt. But thinking about three factors that prevent him to do so-Jieun’s stubbornness to live alone, a certain neighbor that sometimes kept bothering him, and another umma figure of Jieun who said that he might need a reality check (he doesn’t even understand what Kibum said to him, seriously); he decided to change his daily schedule-though most of his time now spent only for Jieun (for a certain reason beside with the fact that he needed to keep her on his side).

It was also Changmin’s request to him.

“Don’t leave her alone, will you? I don’t know if I will really come back there or not-”
“Hyung. Don’t say it like tomorrow you’ll be far away from here.”
“Choi Minho. Just do whatever I want. You got it?”
“I’m sorry, hyung. I understand.”
“I just don’t want our little Tinkerbelle to be alone.”
“I know you love her too.”

Minho tried to bite his lower lips, shocked with the fact that his precious hyung knew about his deep feeling for Jieun. He knew that she already had Changmin-and Minho was okay.

Until now, it wasn’t more than just okay.

“M-Minho-oppa?” Jieun woke him up from his reverie. The girl with her soft pink sweater was fingering his arms and simply linked both of her and his fingers together. Her smile was really wide and as bright as sunshine. “Err-don’t you want to eat with us together?” she was twitchy, even to ask something like that, because she didn’t know whether Minho was in a really good or bad mood right now-she couldn’t guess it. A simple smile streaked on his lips, his eyes were gazing at Kibum and a certain goldilocks who’s apparently Nicole’s twins beside him-Nana-who were preparing for their first lunch in the beginning of spring time. Kibum gave him a cue to just pull Jieun to the dining table instead of arguing with her.

How he hated the fact that Kibum knew her better than him. Le sighs.

Without words, Minho really pulled Jieun’s arms-as Kibum’s request-and gave her a little shock while he did that. Ah, no, little double shocks. Her feet hit the leg of a chair, and made her inadvertently scream, “Aww!” and practically Minho suddenly rubbed her feet-to made the pain decreased.

“Sorry, Jieun-ah.”

“I-I’m okay-”

“Yah, you fool!” being an almighty for a moment he was, Kibum hit Minho’s left arm with his fist of hand-not that hard, but hard enough to make him grimace in pain. Nana couldn’t help but just gave a look at them, then held Jieun’s hand and brought her to the table. “Yah, don’t you know that you should be careful of her too!? I don’t know if you’re trying to make her more independent but-”

“Yah, Kim Kibum, you’re blabbering again.” First attack from Minho.

“I think we should bring you to emotion specialist again.” Nana.

“K-Kibum-oppa, I’m okay! That was my fault. I didn’t see the chair in front of me…” Jieun let the last sentence sounded like a whisper-though everyone around her could still hear that. Minho, who was suddenly realizing about Jieun’s condition, approached her and ruffled her braided hair. “Don’t say that-it was my fault.” Minho whispered to Jieun, while he was still ruffling her hair. While Kibum heavily sighed as he sat beside Nana-who was also throwing a gaze to him.

“Jieunnie, I think I should give you a weapon-incase he makes a mess with you again.”

Shorter than Minho expected, Changmin was on his way back to Korea-after almost five weeks he had been there. And Jieun’s happiness counted as double, since she got news that someone was willing to donate his eyes to her. Unexpected? It should be.

As they arrived to the airport and waited at the waiting lounge, the plane that Changmin rode just landed. Jieun tried to stay calm but she just couldn’t hide her happiness-while her hand was still holding Minho’s hand, transmitted her happiness to him. He didn’t do anything but chuckled as Jieun couldn’t be silent in her seat. For minutes later, Jieun kept pretending that she could see Changmin from afar and pointing her fingers to anywhere but not the arrival area.

“I’m afraid you’ll hug another person but not Changmin-hyung, Jieun-ah.” He threw a lame joke to her, and she just responded it with giggling.

“Aish, I won’t, oppa! I always know his perfume scent, you should know that.” Jieun said, brushed off his hands.

“But he usually changes his perfume, little rabbit.” Minho stroked her hair, walked along with Jieun while she used her walking stick (at first she hated it but Minho forced her to use it until she was used with that) to approach Changmin who was apparently standing only a few yards from where they sat before. Changmin had been missed a hug from Jieun. The tall guy walked only a few steps to catch her, and hugged her tightly-despite the fact that his chest was still a little sore. She hugged him warmly-just for a while-until she chirped. “You’re not my Changmin-oppa, are you?”

Minho just folded his hand on his chest and laughed slowly after he heard Jieun’s respond.

He was happy with that. Yeah, Minho was.

But he was hollow.

“Did he treat you well?”
“Urm-I don’t know. But I guess so.”
“Yah, Jieun-ah, I sacrificed my life-”
“Ooooh, so you don’t want to do it again for me, huh?”
“Ah, geez, hyung…”
“Yah, instead of attacking me, why don’t you spoil your little missy-”
“Yah, Minho-oppa!”
“Woah, woah, woaaah! Calm down, you two! Or I won’t treat you for movies tonight.”

“Eh? I thought Nana-unnie wants to see this movie too, before…” she broke the silence between them, after Changmin paid two boxes of popcorns for them as they walked to the theatre that played Step Up 3D movie. For the most time, she always hugged Changmin’s arms-it was her favorite ever since they first time went to date. And Minho walked beside Changmin-learnt Jieun and her wittiness, prettiness, and her personality as well. He could feel lots of butterflies were flying inside his stomach but he didn’t care about it-and instead, he grinned widely. Maybe he wasn’t that hollow.

“Minho-oppa is daydreaming again, aigoo…” Jieun who already sat on her seat, chuckled and nudged his shoulder. Changmin just laughing while he folded Jieun’s walking stick. “He does always like that, just ignore him.”

“I thought you can’t see me daydreaming.” Minho was pouting but, yeah, the little girl couldn’t see it.

“I can feel it, while you’re daydreaming,” she smiled, “although I can’t see your face while you’re doing that.” And she ended it with a light chuckle, as she noticed that the movie would start soon (actually Changmin nudged her arms, gave her a cue that the show should be start very soon).

Romantic scene that contained only Natalie and Luke in it, somewhat it attracted Changmin to do the same with the girl who sat beside him. She might didn’t see the scene, but the dub should make her understand. Minho was all concerned with the movie until he noticed that Changmin made his lips a bit closer with his girlfriend’s. All he could do was just grabbed some popcorns from its box and enjoyed it by himself-while he watched two different scenes with the same feeling called love. He didn’t gulp at all, his heartbeat was really steady. Jieun might not be notice that Changmin kissed her right on her lips, but Minho felt sure that she could feel it. That was why, later, Minho linked his fingers on hers.

While her thin peach lips met Changmin’s berry lips, Jieun felt shivering-all of her body. She couldn’t decide if Changmin was a very good kisser, but she was… joyful. Later, she didn’t care if he crushed her lips (though he already did that)-seconds later, she just like… transmitted her excitement to Minho through their hands (if it’s possible though).

The movie didn’t end yet. But the three’s scene did.

“Hyung, can I ask you something?”

They were on their way to Jieun’s apartment, to bring the girl one to home. She already slept on the back seat, tired enough for the night with movies, light dinner, and such. The guys weren’t sleep yet-Minho had to drive their car while Changmin wasn’t used to sleep this early. The elder one turned his head into the younger one, after he released his earphone first.

“If I die tomorrow-would you… stay by her side?” he asked it with serious tone, his eyes were staring forward, to the dim-lighted street. Changmin just laughed a bit and patted Minho’s shoulder. “Of course I’d like to. I already owe you a lot-” he glanced to the pure-hearted Jieun, who was still sleeping in peace. “-for keeping her while I was gone. You did a good job.” With that Changmin’s words, Minho felt relieved. He took a long breath as he tried to comfort himself. It was a really right time.

He felt completed.

As you read this, maybe I’m no longer here. But thank you for let me fill your life. Jieun-ah, maybe you don’t know that your oppa had liver cancer. But that’s fine; I already gave my heart to him. Also, I gave you my eyes. Do you know why I’m doing this? Simple, because I love you-but you already have Changmin-hyung and you’re happy with him, I’m happy with that. Don’t cry-I know you’ll cry, but don’t do that. I love to see you smiling like your happiness has no ending. Go hug him, tell him that you love him. Here, I’ll be happy to hear that. I love you, little Lee Jieun.

- Choi Minho.
P.S. Changmin-hyung has a lot of perfumes on his wardrobe, just saying.
“He told you not to cry, Jieunnie.”

Being a good boyfriend he was, Changmin wiped the tears that was streaming down her cheeks and stroked her long hair softly. Jieun dropped the letter on the table while she was still crying-at first she didn’t believe with the fact that Minho did all of this only for them, especially to her because he loved her. But, the more she cried, the more she believed that. She couldn’t say anything else, while the guy still tried to calm her. “I didn’t even think that he’d do all of this… Don’t cry, Jieunnie.” He simply pulled her into his arms; let her tears wetting a little part of his tight clothes. “Don’t cry.” As he kissed her on her forehead, she started to feel calm.

At least for now; she could see Changmin’s face, read Minho’s letter, and see the world through Minho’s eyes that she owned.

Minho-oppa, I love you too.
 A/N: Sooooo, I write this while I'm watching Van Helsing... LOL. So it took me a long time to finish it. BUT FINALLY, MY FIRST FINISHED CHAPTERED FIC! x) Minho died, I cry ;A; omg that precious boy... and yeaaaah, people, this is my new account :3 So for now, I'll be around with this account instead of neavalhalla one. Mm-hm, speaking again about this fic, comments and critics, everyone?

♥: minho/iu, solo: 아이유 (iu), type: 지속적인 (on-going), group: 샤이니 (shinee), group: 동방신기 (dong bang shin ki), member: 민호 (minho), member: 최강창민 (choikang changmin), ♥: changmin/iu

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