Jonghyun/Jessica - A Little Prank.

Jan 06, 2011 10:42

A Little Prank; 209 words, drabble.
Kim Jonghyun - Jung Sooyeon (Jessica).
Rating: G - Genre: fail!crack - a request at kpop_het's December request post.

A Little Prank.
“Noona!” Jonghyun shouts as he runs and approaches the blond girl who is still standing in front of the building with her arms folded since an hour ago (how does he know? Well, he met her also an hour ago). Jessica only looks at him with a blank face. Immediately, the guy pats her shoulder-then sighs a bit before he begins to speak again.

“He is not coming here.” He says, suddenly.

“Wh-what?” Jonghyun can see her open her eyes widely after he said like that. He doesn’t really know why, but Jessica suddenly begins to sob-and Jonghyun just rubs her hand slowly. “He-he’s not-but-” Jessica speaks haltingly. “-Taecyeon-oppa said to me that-that-he wanted to see me before he went to America-why, Jonghyun-ah?” Finally she cries, and without any hesitation, Jonghyun hugs her tightly and also strokes her hair, which is still has a strawberry fragrance. While the girl is still crying, Jonghyun directs his gaze to Kyuhyun and Jino in distance-and gives them a mischievous wink.

And Jessica doesn’t know anything but still believe that Taecyeon won’t come to her-and knows also that she hugged Jonghyun.

Inside Jonghyun’s heart: Kekeke. Noona, you’re our victim today. Kekekekeke.
  A/N: For the anonym requestor out there, whoever you are, I don’t know if it’s not the type of fic that you want. So I’d like to say sorry at first orz Aaaand, yep, it was inspired by a little scene of Barney Stinson-yea, about ‘he-is-not-coming-here’-hngg, I don’t watch the series fully >__<; Comments and critics are appreciated!

member: 제시카 (jessica), type: 드래블 (drabble), member: 종현 (jonghyun), group: 소녀시대 (girls' generation), group: 샤이니 (shinee)

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