Jan 28, 2009 12:05

I'm on an antibotic and it makes my head hurt like oh my god. I've got a call in to the doctor. This can't be good.

It also seems to produce randomness... )

random shit

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Comments 20

thebigdisaster January 28 2009, 20:33:29 UTC
oH! *hugs* I haven't been feeling very good either. I've been in bed for the last two days and today was the first day I've been able to keep anything down in 3! I hope you get to feeling better though cause being sick SUCKS!!

And yeah you should call your doctor cause I'm pretty sure headaches from hell are NOT normal. You might be allergic or something.

I love Anne of Green Gables. I haven't seen them in years and years but I used to love them. Me and my mom would marathon them like crazy when I was 8-12.

OOO!!! I cannot wait for the next chapter of CH!! But don't rush it. If you're sick you're sick and you should be resting.

*huggles* Feel better.


ilkee January 28 2009, 20:43:47 UTC
Ah, I'm not actually sick. I have a small infection on my leg. We thought it was a spider bite. Okay, it's not small, it's huge and disgusting and shitty enough to go to the doctor over. But still, not only do headaches suck but I think this is not normal.

I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. And you do sound sick! Boo!!!!!! Stay in bed and feel better soon!

Oh, Anne of GG - must be watched marathon style. There is no other way to do it.


thebigdisaster January 28 2009, 20:59:13 UTC
I'm sorry. I just assumed you know...antibiotic=virus/infection. Well I was kind of right...having an infection is sick to me so lol. And antibiotics (as far as I know) are not supposed to give you headaches like the one you're describing. *hugs* Do you stil think it's a spider bite or did the doctor say it was something else? And above all are you okay other than the headache?

I'm feeling a lot better today as opposed to Monday and Tuesday. I'm downing chicken broth with rice in it. It's an improvement. When I feel better I'm getting japanese!!



ilkee January 28 2009, 21:19:28 UTC
OMG Japanese sounds so good right now.

It's not a spider bite, but an skin infection. Sorta like... did you ever get an ingrown hair and it got like a big hard lump under your skin? tmi, sorry. It's just this bump on the back of my calf. Sucks. It's pretty common apparently. yeah, I'm okay other than the headache. Would probably help if I put my computer away for a bit. :) Thank you hon, for the concern!

I'm glad you are feeling better!


wildcatcdc January 28 2009, 20:51:41 UTC
I'm sorry you're feeling bad. Have you ever had an allergic reaction to a medication before? Hopefully, the doc will change your meds and it will go away.

I love A Pound of Flesh, that last update, WHOA! Actually the last couple chapters left me practically biting my nails. If I didn't have acrylic on them I might have actually done it! :D

Love scenes are hard, period. Never mind worrying about sounding like someone else's, it's just damn hard to come up with new ways to say/describe the same things. I think it's harder to actually write a love scene than to actually have sex. It's certainly more exhausting. But laying out what you plan to do is a good idea, if only to keep yourself organized.

But you made some progress last night, so that's good. I love how everybody talks in word counts - I always keep track of a successful writing day by the number of pages I've written. I've got seven so far today on one chapter, and four on another. I'll have to count and see how many words that is.


ilkee January 28 2009, 21:23:06 UTC
Aww thanks! No, never had an allergic reaction. I've had antibiotics that simply didn't work (thereby complicating matters as I got sicker). I'm sure the doc will change my meds.

Yeah. Pound of Flesh! WHOA! Exactly. When it dawned on me what was happening, I was like....


That story just got twenty times better imo, and it was already very, very good.

And I think it's funny that YOU, of all people, think that writing love scenes is hard. * G *

((((((((( hugs for wildcat ))))))))))


wildcatcdc January 28 2009, 22:33:54 UTC
It's hard to keep it fresh and exciting - more so when you're writing stories of a more "vanilla" nature.

I am so dying to see what happens when Hermione breaks that memory charm on Draco in PoF. I get shivers just thinking about it.


dynonugget January 28 2009, 22:42:30 UTC
I sure hope you feel much better, and quickly! I love apples and PB too. What a yummy snack.


lennanightrun January 28 2009, 22:43:50 UTC
Drink lots of water! I demand it!

Thanks for the mention :D. I was so pleased to wake up this morning to a glowing review of chapter thirteen from one of my favorite reviewers.


ilkee January 29 2009, 00:04:09 UTC
OMG! I am a terrible reviewer! lol! But I'm glad it made you happy!


akashathekitty January 28 2009, 23:02:40 UTC
I read Anne of Green Gables. It's been a while, sure, but I was a teen... I also read all those Little House on the Prairie books. Twice. So? It's all good. You're not defined by what entertains you. =)

Ahh the sexing... You know, tap A goes in slot B most of the time, anything else is just a shiny way to wrap it. But having you say this makes me glad I don't read that much smut. I hate it when I think that people might think I'm stealing.

This is also why I'm never going to write a lovely fic called Slytherin's Slut where Hermione is involved with three boys simultaneously. I have it on good authority that something quite similar is already being done. :| And I know that without having read it yet...

The baby is staring at me. He's on Maz' lap but staring at me. Why is he staring at me? O.o


ilkee January 29 2009, 00:07:39 UTC
Ah, I am not that worried about stealing smut. Everyone writes it differently ya know? I'm sure if we all had to write a tab A goes in slot B snippet, we'd all do it differently. I just want a record of it.

LMAO @ The baby is staring at me. He's on Maz' lap but staring at me. Why is he staring at me? O.o

He's thinking: Got Milk?


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