Ilke Goes To The Dentist

Oct 15, 2008 20:09

Boo hoo! I have an owie!  A BIG BIG tooth shaped owwie and it huuurts. (God, I'm such a baby!) I'm not, however, afraid of the dentist. Mr. Ilke insisted I call and now I will be seen at 9 am tomorrow. On the plus side, my boss is flying in tomorrow to go visit one of our clients and had planned to come to my home office for an hour or two. How ( Read more... )

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Comments 48

cardigankate October 16 2008, 04:05:43 UTC
I just squeed out loud...and Gracie, who finally went to sleep all on her own at 10:00 PM tonight, twitched when I did. You gave me a nod! SQUEE! :D

I'm so sorry you're having tooth issues. Did you get something stuck between them? I did that once. I had to have it flushed out. It was a popcorn shell and it had started to rot. Yeah, not awesome. But, seriously, the minute it came out...SO much better.

I hope yours is easily fixed like that. Ouchy. :(

Oh...your icon is HOT. Hehe. :D


ilkee October 16 2008, 05:33:50 UTC
No, i don't think there is anything stuck there. I flossed and stuff, I think it's a cavity. :( I'll know soon enough.

Oh no! I'm glad Gracie didn't wake up.

I'm totally loving up on your one shots. Don't know what my deal is lately, but I am having a hard time committing to multi-chapter fics. lol. I'm having commitment issues. How dramatic!

Anyway, feel free to snag the icon. Hope you are having a moment to yourself with your little one asleep. :)


cardigankate October 16 2008, 13:12:06 UTC
Man, cavities are no good. :( I hope it starts feeling better, though. Tooth pain can be really horrible.

Yeah, apparently Gracie sleeps like the dead. Or at least she is these days. It was nice for me, though. She didn't move the rest of the night and never once cried. Those are the quiet, peaceful nights I love.

Awww! Thanks. I know what you mean about the chapter fics, though. I'm basically only reading the ones I've already been reading. The rest - the ones I want to read - are on a list. It's so much easier!

Commitment issues. Hehe.

I am snagging. :) As soon as I get more icon space (SOON!), I will be adding. SQUEE!


ilkee October 16 2008, 19:29:06 UTC
Well, turns out it's not a cavity, which makes me feel like at least it isn't my fault. It's a stupid wisdom tooth. :(


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ilkee October 16 2008, 05:52:08 UTC
*pouts* it really is. after vomitting. I would rather have a root canal than vomit. *shudders*


eevilalice October 18 2008, 14:11:41 UTC
Ah, someone who hates vomiting as much as I do! I'd rather have my appendix removed again than vomit.


eloquentquill October 16 2008, 12:44:48 UTC
:[! I hope you feel better! Do you have some Origel or something like that?



ilkee October 16 2008, 19:27:08 UTC
Thank you hun! I did have Oragel, and you know, it didn't do much at all. Neither did Tylenol, Advil, or Naproxin. But I am much better now. :)


eloquentquill October 16 2008, 21:35:42 UTC
Goodness! None of them worked? I'd go mad!

But I am really glad you are feeling better


wildcatcdc October 16 2008, 12:54:09 UTC
Good luck with the dentist, and good for Mr. Ilke for making sure you go. Tooth problems are nothing to mess around with. Hope this one's an easy fix.


ilkee October 16 2008, 19:28:05 UTC
Ah, it looks like no, not an easy fix. It is an erupted wisdom tooth and some very infected gums. :( But it doesn't hurt so bad now and I might actually be able to get some sleep. :)


wildcatcdc October 16 2008, 19:37:15 UTC
Ooh, that sucks. At least the pain is fading a bit, and you can rest. I hope they gave you some antibiotics.

Feel better soon. (((hugs)))


ilkee October 16 2008, 20:09:26 UTC
Yup! Pennicillin and Vicadin. Joy! Thank you for the (((((hugs)))))


dynonugget October 16 2008, 13:20:47 UTC
Aw, I hope you feel so much better! I hope the dentist visit goes well and you're right as rain in no time.

eevilalice does rule - I love her posts. She's so brilliant and a breath of fresh air!

Glad you like the boots. You can borrow if they'll make you feel better. *wink*

*giggles at awesomecakes*


eevilalice October 18 2008, 14:14:24 UTC
Awww...I miss you guys! It's been the week from hell, that time in the semester where I'm reaching my breaking point. Bleh!

Anyone want to distract ME with your new boots? *bats eyelashes*


dynonugget October 18 2008, 14:53:39 UTC
They're in my post, darling. And I could possibly be persuaded to distract you with them... *eg*


eevilalice October 18 2008, 19:27:28 UTC
Holy crap! Those boots are TO DIE FOR. To die! Nice pose. ;)

*looks around for a poem that mentions boots*


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