Six Things

Oct 03, 2008 12:03

1. I was right about the glasses. It's only been a year, but apparently my vision has taken a distinct downturn.

2. And I only tell you this because you are my friends, but I'm not feeling 100% on this next chapter. So, go easy on me.

3. I'm debating posting the chapter pre-beta. Usually my mistakes are small, but considering #2, I'm not sure.

4. I  ( Read more... )

real life, mmmels, claiming hermione

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Comments 26

dynonugget October 3 2008, 19:31:46 UTC
Fan art! YAY!

I've posted a chapter or two in my time before sending it to our beta. It'll probably be alright, but if it makes you nervous, send it. She's got a pretty good turn-around time.

House guests? Hm. How are you feeling about that? Coke and twinkies? Eww...


ilkee October 3 2008, 19:48:24 UTC
Yeah, I totally have no tolerance for mini-mart food. I am a complete food snob that way. Don't even come to my house with fast-food. The smell makes me wanna hurl. (oooh, I'm a little grouchy aren't I? How odd for me.) LOL!

I'm so excited to post mmmels work. I just need to decide which ones. :)

House guests. The guy is an old friend of Mr. Ilke's (and thus, of mine too, but not as much). He's sweet but he's a bit of an attention-hog and the look-at-me look-at-me gets old pretty quick. He's coming with his long time girlfriend that I am going to remain neutral about (for now). Mostly, I just see them as a distraction. Luckily, they won't be here long. Or, unluckily, since they are real life friends and I should probably WANT to hang out.

Speaking of feeling... Are you feeling better after yesterday? No sniffles or anything?


dynonugget October 3 2008, 20:04:11 UTC
Yes I am, thank you! Still a few sniffles and a tiny bit tired, but feeling leaps and bounds better than yesterday.

Glad the iffy friends won't be around too much. The only fast food I really like is Taco Bell. Oooh, YUM.


cardigankate October 3 2008, 19:34:20 UTC
You have your groceries delivered?! SQUEE! I want to do that! LoL. I absolutely despise grocery shopping, especially with Gracie. It's just way too difficult.

What aren't you feeling about the new chapter? I do that a lot and then people tell me how much they loved it. Either they're lying to me, or I'm just way too hard on myself. LoL.


ilkee October 3 2008, 19:57:49 UTC
Grocery delivery is AWESOME! And they use a biofuel van to deliver so I feel even better about it. The store that does it here, is an incredible nautral/organic/local-fine foods-regular ol' mountain dew grocery store hybrid. I LOVE it. And they are building a new one 6!!!!!!!!! blocks from my house. I can't wait!

Oh the new read CH? The characters spend a lot of time in their heads. It has a very slow, quiet overall feeling. But this chapter is much different. I had a hard time remembering all my "good writing" knowledge, and I didn't have the usual flow of kind-of poetic language I like. Usually, there is at least one line in every chapter that makes me inordinately proud. I didn't have that this time.

And yes, I am WAY too hard on myself. But at the same time, I don't like being placated. But I've been wrong about chapters before so we'll see...


wildcatcdc October 3 2008, 20:10:28 UTC
It's funny, the chapters I always think are the worst are the ones my critique group always say are the best. Just goes to show you how protective and nervous we are abuot our "babies."


wildcatcdc October 3 2008, 19:43:21 UTC
I could never have my groceries delivered, I'm too picky. Besides, the whole crew at my supermarket knows me, so when they're specials, or better produce, etc. they tell me when to head back toward that section. How pathetic is my life that the everyone at Shop Rite know me?

What to serve/order? Good takeout. That's what I do when I'm in doubt. Or I make lots and lots of appys and we just eat those.

So what's got you not 100% about the chapter? Is it what actually occurs in the chapter or just the way you've written it? And that art has me eagerly waiting at the edge of my seat!


ilkee October 3 2008, 20:03:34 UTC
The way I've written it. But I can't look at it any more. I'm going to have to put it out there and if more comes to me later, great.

Ah, I know the love of the grocery store where everyone knows you. This store is like that for me too. Everytime I would go in there someone would try to feed me. LOL! Seriously. I had a love affair with the produce section. The people there would whip out a knife, cut open a peach and tell me I *had* to try it. I can't tell you how many strange things I've discovered that way. Pink Lemons, raw corn, you name it. And the up side is that they alway pick the BEST stuff for delivery. *dreamy sigh* I love them.


wildcatcdc October 3 2008, 20:09:06 UTC
Sometimes you just have to let it go for a bit. You can read and re-read and still not get what you're looking for until another set of eyes has a chance to go through it. It's hard, I know that, but you can edit forever and still not be satisified. And then when you least expect it, the light bulb goes on and it comes together. But I wouldn't worry, I have no doubt it's going to be a very intense chapter and that you've got it down beautifully.

I'm too anal to have someone else picking my produce, and I have to see the lunch meats before I decide what I'm getting. As convenient as it sounds, I just don't think I could bring myself to do it.


sweettiff_14 October 3 2008, 19:49:59 UTC
I understand about the glasses thing, I have to get my eyes checked at LEAST once a year if not more becuase my sight just keeps getting worse.

I wish I could get my groceries delivered. No way in hell that's gonna happen in my tiny town though!

Good luck with houseguests, work and the new chapter. I'm sure it'll work out in the end for you!


lulabelle72 October 3 2008, 19:57:37 UTC
Can you post the link to the art as well? If there is one? I know, bad friend, I'm not reading CH (cringes in anticipation of chorus of "WHY NOT?"s), but I'd like to see the art.

And my sister gets her groceries delivered. Hey, between the gas saved and the time, it's very worth it! You snob, you.


ilkee October 3 2008, 20:08:45 UTC
Oh yes, I will post the art here. And I know perfectly well why you aren't reading CH. (chicken ;P) Afraid of a little Malfoy. heh.


lulabelle72 October 3 2008, 20:19:05 UTC
I'm going to have to do a post about this. I don't want it to degenerate into Snape vs Malfoy, though. I just want to understand, because I absolutely don't get it. And it seems wrong that I don't get it, because he's her age, for one, but I don't! LOL, maybe there is something intrinsically wrong with us SSHG'ers.


ilkee October 3 2008, 20:37:23 UTC
ROFL! Oh God! I just had a good laugh.

"maybe there is something intrinsically wrong with us SSHG'ers."

Oh yes, I think *that* is it! LOL! Nevermind the wrongness of getting it on with someone who has been vehemently bigotted towards you. I think there is a little something wrong with all of us.

I won't argue Snape vs. Malfoy. I'm not a die-hard shipper of any kind. I just like a good story. Having said that, I have developed a strong attachment to character of Draco Malfoy. I like to read about him in all kinds of ships and scenarios. He is interesting in what the lack of information JKR gave us, leaves open to the imagination. Just as I think Snape is interesting in the complicated history that JKR gave him.

As for not getting it... they are really kind of the same.

Both guys pick on her or disregard her while she is a student
Both are taciturn and moody and tend to scowl a lot or look indifferent.
Both have a hard time with their squishy feelings

One is blonde and one is dark. Pick your devil. :)


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