Welcome to the next instalment of Mary Lynette Ouroboros! Previously, there were quite a few birthdays, as well as some more births. Some worrying and even a death, by Henry, who was of course saved.
There was also some crazy and loss of bladder control, AND a whole lot of sickness!
On with the show;
When we left you it was the twins birthday into childhood. Well hows this for a fine happy day? No bed for you, so pass out in the yard. Good times!
Ha! The whole famdamnily is full of neat freaks, of course one wouldn't think so, what with all the garbage, bug infestation... resulting in everyone being sick with the flu on a constant basis. Not to mention the filthy state of the tub some people like to play in. Yep wouldn't think.
Course that doesn't stop totally stressing out about it. Lol. Well my dear, you have two options; One, clean it yourself. Or two, wait for maid Amber to come in the morning and she'll do it. Either way? Chillax mang, geez!
Hmmm, I wouldn't be looking so happy about Joplin pushing me on the swings. She looks like she's ready to choke/slash/maim someone. Oh yeah, definitely wouldn't be grinning like that, you should be afraid, very afraid! Psycho betch.
Ah option two. Wait for maid Amber. Total laziness there folks. Oh yeah total and complete utter laziness.
Blondzilla™ strikes yet again.
Mary & Neighbour boy: "Oh Mah Gad! This is just so very terrible. Ooh That's gotta hurt!"
You know what would be cool? If there was a 'break up fight' option/action/interaction thing. Yep that would be pretty nifty I reckon. Was just thinking...
Oh how loverly, someone went and got themselves laid off, fired, whatever. Freakin' good job there Henry, good job!
Yesh, you should be ashamed. There goes your pension!
Wew! Time for Hendrix to become a teenager. *Sparkle sparkle* In the middle of a homework party no less haha.
And what does he get for his birthday? Why an annoyance from his sisters friend. Groovy, the psycho betch has psycho betches for friends.
Hopefully he gets her back...
He didn't.
Hows about a new hair do to make things better? Haha, he must approve, just look at that big ole cheesy
chach grin he's got going on there. Hendrix thinks he's rather studly now doesn't he? Lol.
Whatcha doin'? Lol little monkey, playing on (or is it in?) the fridge. Ha good source of entertainment as anyone could find I guess. Looks like fun really, although I'm pretty sure I'd topple mine over if I tried that ha!
Just for the shear heck of it, we have miss Joplin wish for 'Peace of Mind', hoping that maybe this will allow her to chill out some. And she did have the want to 'make a wish' but we were slow in fulfilling it, so no aspiration points ...but whatever.
So much for peace of mind eh? For no reason whatsoever, that I can tell anyway, she gets all psycho betch on poor Hendrix. Groovy :/ Mr. popular isn't really... well popular lol.
What are you crying for? You started it missy! Hmmm, is it because he slapped you back? Weren't expecting that huh, haha what did you think would happen ...A big ole squishy hug? LOL!
And there they go... Things should be just spiffy now that they are enemies eh? Yeah right :/
Ha! He kicked her ass! Too bloody funny. She chases him around slapping the crap outta him for no apparent reason, other than she's seriously crazy, and then HE wins! Awesome.
Little monkey number two, jumping on the bed ...Don't think I really need to say the little song do I? Ha, I'm going to anyway;
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"
Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped her head.
Papa called the Doctor and the Doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"
Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"
Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped her head.
Papa called the Doctor and the Doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"
One little monkey jumping on the bed,
He fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said,
"Put those monkeys straight to bed!"
At least he knows how to relax and mellow out. All things considered to boot. Lets all just 'chill' lol.
Ha! Apologize for what? She totally deserved it if you ask me.
Oooh look what time it is! Time for dearest Mary Lynette to get all old and wrinkly!
"Oww, why the sudden back pain?!"
Dunno, maybe it's the sparks flying out of your butt? Could be you know, seriously, it could.
She's still super gorgeous, and not all that wrinkly actually...
Well would you look at that. Someone actually playing on that thing, although I do think he's a tad big for is? Happy as a pig in shit though he is lol.
There goes that bladder malfunction again. Such a loverly picture isn't it, squat there in your granny gitch. Just loverly haha.
Poor Mary, incontinence is so not hip, she is not hip to the depends... HA! Lol =P
She does have fun! Eureka! Haha, 'bout time she laughed instead of grrr'd and stomped. Bloody well time.
What? What is this? Why it's a satellite in the middle of the Ouroboros kitchen! A death dealer of sorts. And who would be the victim death was dealt to? It's poor ole Henry... Nothing shall save him now! Muahaha.
(Notice the random floating ring? Lol)
Random death is random lol. And a great game crashing solution! =P
Aww, total and utter sadness. Sorry love, but it had to be done. Things like this are just necessary sometimes.
There you go. A little Lulu Bell love to make you feel better. Some fur ball cuddles always brings sunshine on a gloomy day. Yesh? Yesh... Well in this little world anyway lol.
Oh and Henrys place as you can see, is now on the coffee table trunk. Right in the center of things, good place for him I think.
Others find solace in their bears. Patches may be left out in the elements for the majority of the time. But he is still there for comfort when needed.
Ack too much sappy sap me thinks, so anyway ...moving on.
Birthday time for the twins!
*Cobain sparkles*
Such a handsome boy he has turned out to be, oh yesh indeedy.
*Is not picking favourites - nope not at all ;]*
How can you really, when you have choice like this! Morrison is just as gorgeous as his brother(s). Man tough decisions up ahead for all! Yep, definitely.
Ah teenage shenanigans! And we have a house full of them... For the time being anyway haha! =P
"Are you seeing this ladies? Hey, well are ya?! This right here is the shiznit!"
Teenagers *shakes head* Poor Mary Lynette, not only does she have a house full of them to contend with, most of them are boys. Man don't ya just feel for her? I do lol.
This is flirting, right? Haha ...boys. Sure fire way to a girls heart is to soak them with weapons of water filled balloons, ah huh yep of course. According to Morrison anyway, that's how you do it. Poor Emity. (
Or maybe not poor Emity at all. She's having way too much fun reciprocating the beating, lol just look at that devious face. Better watch out there dood, she's going to pelt your ass with that sucker!
Nice shot!
Told you =P
Oh man he is too cute! Even if he seems to prefer the company of animals over the pretty girl he brought home from school... That his twin is 'flirting' up a storm with lol.
Yeah I take back my not picking favourites comment. Cobain totally is my favourite little Ouroboros. Love the makeover I gave him too!
*He 'played' with little Lulu Bell for three plus hours by the way, somethings gotta be wrong with that ...lol.
Anyway, enough silly bugger. It's time for the first born of generation nine, Miss Joplin, to become an adult, by means of sparkling whilst embedded in the door. Groovy!
We're almost there folks, almost there!
Flippin' gorgeous! That is all I have to say ha!
And bloody cute to boot!
Now we have three teenage boys in the house for a while ...oh joy, haha.
Who are a bunch of silly buggers. Lol ;]
Silly, silly buggers!
Love this cap, groovy angles are groovy.
Except Hendrix, he's really, I mean REALLY, into cleaning. So far he has gone around and gotten to every surface there is. And just look at how intent he is about getting that sink clean.
Got some serious stuck on soap scum or toothpaste, or something buddy? Haha.
You can't be having very good daydreams there Joplin, not with that stuck on rage face anyway. Lol someone looks rather constipated haha. I think you're supposed to be relaxed in that state you know, for either situation, it makes things flow, so to speak, a little easier =P
Total raging rager she still is. Now she's fighting the landlady Shenene. The psycho betch reigns supreme! ...It all started with a joy buzz, Joplin to Shenene, not the other way 'round.
SO much pent up rage lingering around the ole 'park. Don't think for one second there mr. that I didn't see what you did, kicking over that trash can. Do you really want the bug infestation to return? I don't think you do. Shit all you people keep getting sick as it already is. No more thanks. Actually, if I recall correctly, they all ARE sick right now, yet again :/
Hendrix: *Rage rage*
He's not listening...
Or maybe he is. Kick it over, pick it up. 'Spose that's a good plan of action to get your frustrations out.
"Someday I'm going to be a rockstar, and I will go widdly widdly like this! AND it will be Awesome!"
"Aw, Dood, that's pretty rad!"
Lol! Boys.
Oh having a great ole time I see Mary. Bringing back any fond memories? Like for instance when you first moved here, back when all this craziness began? Lol good times those were.
And now you have this, teenage boys running amok, peeing themselves all over your trailer. Good times indeed. Lol I love how she just stands there lecturing Hendrix while the puddles are being made haha.
Ooh whutchu got there Cobain? Some prettiful butterflies it looks like, cool beans. Caught them some fast too, I didn't even see you do it lol.
Just look at him, all happy and proud of his little catch, chillaxing afterwards. He really is a good kid this one, for sure.
"You see, she's right you know. I saw such things said through my crystal ball..."
*Thought bubble says so*
Lol okay, okay I'll stop spamming him, for the time being anyway ;]
Did you kick that over? I know you did, tsk tsk.
Love how they rage then clean up the 'mess' after, too funny.
Oh that's fantastic. He starts a fire and then runs. Lol, first time I've seen that, no dancing around like a lunatic until the fire brigade person comes to put it out. Haha, just bolt!
Hmmm another one. What now the seal is broken or something? Great. Fires a plenty now I guess.
Where in the world did this come from? Outer freakin' space I tell you whut! No indicators or anything, just bang, I'm gonna kick your ass.
Well look at that, Morrison whooped his butt. Maybe it was payback for all the times Hendrix beat Joplin? And there were many, many times. Could be. But soon, oh yesh very soon, Hendrix will be bigger, then, then who will win? Aha!
Nope, nothing to do with paybacks. Morrison is just on a mission to slap everybody around it seems.
Cobain: *Rage rages*
Geesh so much anger. Where did the happy go? Was short lived wasn't it? Ha was it even noticed? Man.
There's a much better place to take out your anger, the plumbing. Smash that sucker until it works! Far more productive than beating each other me thinks.
Woot! A very crowded sparkley birthday for Hendrix. What a nice break from all the psycho behaviour. Told you he'd be bigger than you soon Morrison, oh yesh I told you so! Lol.
And we'll leave you with his, very bright eyed, after shot. Handsome! Just love his big brown eyes too ;]
Stay tuned...For the twins birthdays into adulthood! And with that will be it folks, the last update of generation nine. The heir poll will follow the next update, so get your voting hats ready!
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