*sings* All in all you're just another brick in the wall...Heroes day! I've heard positive things from friends so I am quietly optimistic about tonight'episode, so let's watch!
I totally agree on Noah's and Kate's backstory. That was believable. I also believe that he really loved Sandra afterwards and therefore all the Lauren stuff was kinda crappy.
Samuel has to die. I just don't want to endure him another season (if there be one)
I didn't think I'd like Peter/Sylar - Sylar's been annoying me for most of season 3 and 4 now, I just couldn't stand him anymore. But I gotta admit, these two work well together. Almost made me like Sylar again.
Also: Where's Tracy? I want Tracy back. And Claude and Thompson, for that matter.
This eppy was made of win. I want another season. I want another season just as good as this eppy was.
I thought Lauren went to the Carnival to get something to patch herself up because if she knew of anything else around, it was likely too far. That being said, they probably had a first aid kit IN THEIR CAR but whatever. That's apparently not dramatically interesting.
I WANTED TO PUNCH SAMUEL. ... Not because he was smarmy, but because I thought he could do a better job of being smarmy. *hangs head in shame*
And I has thoughts! I think Eli let Lauren go on purpose. He seemed to have doubts about some of the things Samuel was making him do, especially with Claire and Noah.
Matt's alarm system really does suck. But then, most of his walls are glass anyway, so...
AND I COMPLETELY AGREE ABOUT KATE! I was rooting for her, even though I knew something bad was going to happen. She and Jack Coleman just completely sold that storyline and made it so great.
Peter and Sylar were great, too. I loved how they had more time go by for them where they were alone and had to work through Nathan's death. You can tell
( ... )
Aha! So it was you that was shining shining that torch all along!
I'd happily join you on your killing spree, lots of people needs to be shoved off cliffs, Lauren can get a get out of jail free card though cuz I actually liked her this week.
I totally agree with you, Heroes is the one show where I don't miss an episode, even if it's mostly crack now days, I'll be upset if it doesn't make it to another season.
So after thinking about it for almost fourteen WHOLE SECONDS, I have decided that there is no clean way of saying, "*strokes her torch.*"
Lauren is pretty, yes. I'm waiting for her to be as kick-ass as we all know non-specials can be. Eli may or may not be on my list. Becky gets to live for being awesome.
It's actually funny. I missed an episode toward the end of season one, then another, and then I didn't think I could catch up and didn't try again until season three. Was completely lost for the first episode, and then my friend started cheating on Doctor Who with the Heroes fandom (well, okay, not really, just started hanging out with "you lot" more), so I sort of followed her. Now I'm a junkie, lol. I have all the DVDs, the magazines, the first wave of action figures.
Comments 9
Now that's interesting, Kate is pregnant. So I guess Sandra was the one who couldn't have children?
O_o. Why didn't I think of that while I was watching this episode? You are right! Okay, what about Lyle?
Aaawww, Noah was going to have a kid from his wife...Then she died...That was so sad...DDD:
Btw, was car salesman Noah hot or what? The hottifying of HRG continues...
You know you want to like Lauren...You do...Hmmm...
I'm going to say it for the 1078th time. I KNEW IT! Sandra/Noah marriage was arranged, I knew it!!! :D
Noah and his love for maps...He is the new Chandra Suresh...
Thompson! A HRG/Thompson scene! Finally! I love that bastard so much...
Petlar scenes were so much fun to watch! I can hear the fangirling screams coming
from the shippers.
Oh, I loved that episode. Then again, I like this season, at least most of the episodes...except the Nathan stuff...That was unacceptable.
And thank you for the birthday thing. XD
Samuel has to die. I just don't want to endure him another season (if there be one)
I didn't think I'd like Peter/Sylar - Sylar's been annoying me for most of season 3 and 4 now, I just couldn't stand him anymore. But I gotta admit, these two work well together. Almost made me like Sylar again.
Also: Where's Tracy? I want Tracy back. And Claude and Thompson, for that matter.
This eppy was made of win. I want another season. I want another season just as good as this eppy was.
I thought Lauren went to the Carnival to get something to patch herself up because if she knew of anything else around, it was likely too far. That being said, they probably had a first aid kit IN THEIR CAR but whatever. That's apparently not dramatically interesting.
I WANTED TO PUNCH SAMUEL. ... Not because he was smarmy, but because I thought he could do a better job of being smarmy. *hangs head in shame*
And I has thoughts! I think Eli let Lauren go on purpose. He seemed to have doubts about some of the things Samuel was making him do, especially with Claire and Noah.
Matt's alarm system really does suck. But then, most of his walls are glass anyway, so...
AND I COMPLETELY AGREE ABOUT KATE! I was rooting for her, even though I knew something bad was going to happen. She and Jack Coleman just completely sold that storyline and made it so great.
Peter and Sylar were great, too. I loved how they had more time go by for them where they were alone and had to work through Nathan's death. You can tell ( ... )
I'd happily join you on your killing spree, lots of people needs to be shoved off cliffs, Lauren can get a get out of jail free card though cuz I actually liked her this week.
I totally agree with you, Heroes is the one show where I don't miss an episode, even if it's mostly crack now days, I'll be upset if it doesn't make it to another season.
Lauren is pretty, yes. I'm waiting for her to be as kick-ass as we all know non-specials can be. Eli may or may not be on my list. Becky gets to live for being awesome.
It's actually funny. I missed an episode toward the end of season one, then another, and then I didn't think I could catch up and didn't try again until season three. Was completely lost for the first episode, and then my friend started cheating on Doctor Who with the Heroes fandom (well, okay, not really, just started hanging out with "you lot" more), so I sort of followed her. Now I'm a junkie, lol. I have all the DVDs, the magazines, the first wave of action figures.
... I need help.
But I will accept another season.
I still watch Heroes though I have to admit not with the same enthusiasm! :(
I am always behind though! lol
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