Mar 25, 2009 14:10, after a week on the eeeeeevil Twitter, I've followed and been followed by a few people. None of them are Senta, of course, because I don't think she has a Twitter account. She doesn't have a MySpace or Facebook account, either, so I was expecting it. And, apparently, she isn't quite famous enough for someone to imitate her.
Now, a few of the accounts I follow are of famous people. There are plenty of clues to tell you they're the real thing. I know Kevin Pollak's the real deal because his tweets are compatible with what has happened with him, including his new video chat show. I know LeVar Burton's the real deal, because he coordinated via tweets to Kevin Pollak to be his first guest on his new video chat show...and lo and behold, he was! I know Wil Wheaton's the real deal because he advertises his twitter account via his blog, which I know is real because it has stuff that a faker couldn't provide new pictures of Wil. I don't know if John Mayer's account (at least, the one I follow) is real yet, nor Doug Benson (though I'm leaning towards real...because he tweeted his CTV apology appearance for his two mistakes. One, he bashed soldiers, no matter what country they represent. And two, appearing on F*X News for any reason. Shame on you, Benson.)
But let's say Senta does get a Twitter account. Or, more specifically, a Twitter account named @sentamoses appears. How would I be able to tell it's her? She isn't nearly as high profile as a big-time celeb, so I can't coordinate her tweets with sightings. And using the day's GH wouldn't be good, because anyone can get that. If I could talk with that account, I'd ask, very politely, for something of Senta's that I haven't seen before. Even if it's simply a new picture of her, that can at least let me know that it's actually her and not a sockpuppet.
...and for the record, I'd never try to impersonate anyone, least of all Senta. Should I ever do any sort of tribute site and/or board (unfortunately it would be without permission, since right now I can't contact her since she took her e-mail off her site), I would make sure that everyone knew that it wasn't hers. Sort of like the MySpace tribute page... other once again my Senta addiction lets me recognize another person from a commercial. This time, it's through Adudathuda...and to another RiffTrax-esque group, the Film Pigs. Specifically, one Todd Anderson, who you may recognize from the Chili's commercial..."HEY! SLING DOG!" He's now featured as the "interviewer" in a Kellogg's Fiber Plus bar commercial. Go Tonn!