DV - All Work and No Play...

Jun 30, 2012 20:22

Title: All Work and No Play
Author: ilerya82
'Verse: Stargate: SG-1
Claim/Pairing: Daniel Jackson & Vala Mal Doran
Media: fanfic
Word Count: 1,715
Rating: MA or NC-17 depending on where you're living because there's smut in here...
Warnings: Smut story, one version of how Daniel and Vala finally became the couple that I have always thought they should be...
Disclaimer: I do not own Stargate SG-1 nor has any money changed hands for the production of this fic. It was purely to satisfy my muse and the little smutty plot bunnies that have taken over my brain.
Summary: Daniel decides to confess his love for Vala, but Vala fully has some sneaky smutty intentions before he has the chance.
Table/Prompt/Listing... for _____ Community: surprise which I'm using as my Wild!Card prompt from my bingo card for love_bingo - This fic will be cross-posted for my mission_insane claim of Daniel/Vala - Table # 11 - Pounce!Porn, Prompt 2 - Surprise!

All Work and No Play...

Daniel rubbed the sleep from his eyes and stretched his arms. He hated waking up like this - seated at his desk in the SGC he completely lost track of all concept of time. Frankly, being below ground made the days blur into night more often than not. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy his work, because he did - he was just so tired of being cooped up here alone.

Vala had asked him to eat with her earlier then maybe watch a few movies. She'd been trying to get him to come out of his shell and have a little more fun for a while now. He knew she had alterior motives; that Vala Mal Doran felt more than friendship for him was the pink elephant in the room. Everyone knew she was crazy about him, but nobody talked about it. Well, they did tease him a little about it, but it was never seriously discussed to their faces.

"All work and no play..."

Daniel stood and resolved to go find Vala. Maybe she was right. He did need to loosen up a bit, relax, have some fun...

He exited his office and turned to head towards the Mess. Nodding and smiling at friends as they passed him in the halls. As he rounded a corner, he heard a familiar voice.


He smiled and turned to face Sam jogging up alongside him. It wasn't often she was at home in the Springs anymore and he was genuinely happy to see her. Sam was family and seeing her home was comforting.

"Sam, I didn't know you were in town!" Daniel said putting his arms around his friend and pulling her into a great bear hug.

"Well, not for long anyways, but I figured I needed to drop by before heading to the cabin," she laughed as he released her. She flashed him one of her thousand megawatt smiles before she continued, "Jack asked me to remind everyone of our barbeque this weekend. Are you in?"

"Better believe it! Say, have you seen Vala?"

Sam gave a knowing smirk. "What'd she do now? I just saw her hightailing it out of the Rec Room." Daniel had to laugh. He was heading in the complete opposite direction.

"Nothing that I know of, I was, uhm... Just going to, uhh..." He rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand, his cheeks flushing slightly.

"It's about damned time Jackson!" Sam slapped his arm playfully, "Go get her buddy."

"Uhhh, thanks..." Daniel muttered as he headed off in search of Vala.

He couldn't keep anything from anyone. Daniel had been told numerous times he was a terrible liar, he just never really believed it. Until now. He headed down the hallway and back around the corner with purpose. Vala had no idea how much she was making him work for this fun moment with a friend.

But she wasn't just a friend. If he was honest with himself, Daniel knew she was so much more. Sam was a friend, but Vala was so much more.

Dammit Jackson, just admit that you love her!

He tried to silence that little voice inside his head to little avail. It had been happening more and more. The words had been bubbling up inside him threatening to come out. Ever interaction with her left him with butterflies in his stomach and a the unbelievable need to take a long, hot shower. Oh what she could do to him with just a smile! He hadn't let anyone in since Sha're, he just hadn't wanted to expose himself to the pain that came from a relationship but Vala set something inside him ablaze. It was a feeling he hadn't dared to dream he'd feel again.

He had to find her. He had to tell her before he lost his nerve. He pushed open the door to the rec room with purpose to find Cam and Teal’c inside playing a game of one on one.

"Daniel Jackson, would you care to join us?"

"Yeah, Doc, always room for one more," came Cam's request as he side stepped the big Jaffa for a layup shot.

"Nah," Daniel shrugged with a chuckle, "I was just wondering if you guys knew where Vala was headed?"

The two big men exchanged knowing smiles as they paused their game. What was it with everyone today? They seemed to read right through him. Teal’c spoke first of the pair.

"Vala Mal Doran was heading to find you," came the stoic reply.

"Go get her, big 'fella," Cam laughed and rolled his eyes as they returned to their game.

It seems we have the same idea, Daniel thought as he pushed back out into the hallway. Well, if she was looking for him, it only made sense that he should return to his office. If they both wandered around the halls of the SGC it could be hours before the found one another. Daniel walked down the corridor to his office.

Daniel stepped inside and closed the door quietly, leaning his forehead against the cool metal. She had him twisted in knots and she didn't even know it. He had to get a hold of himself before she got here otherwise he was afraid he would pounce upon her like a rabid animal. He leaned his head back and opened his eyes, bracing himself with his hands against the door.

Movement in the corner caught his eye. His head snapped back down and his eyes flew to the right hand corner behind the door. He didn't have time to formulate words before her hand cupped his face and pulled his lips to hers.

"Surprise," she let out a sultry purr as she reclaimed his mouth.

There was an urgency, a fevered passion to their kiss and she pushed it farther, deepening it with every dart of her tongue. Daniel's arms encircled her waist and he pressed her against him, his mouth hungry and pleading. Vala brought her arms about his neck and pulled herself up to wrap her legs about his waist. Their lips never parting, Daniel maneuvered their bodies to the soft leather couch and lowered Vala until she was seated upon it, freeing his hands to caress her face and tangle his fingers in her raven tresses.

"Vala," he choked out when she gave him momentary respite for sake of breathing. He hovered above he delicate frame, his lips curving into a delectable smile. "You are so beautiful."

Tears pooled in her eyes and she raised herself up to his lips placing tender kisses upon his lower lip. She took it between her teeth, teasing playfully and flicking her tongue against it. She tasted of sin, pure and delicious, increasing his need of her tenfold.

His hands found her hips and he pulled at the hem of her black tank top, freeing it from its tucked in state. He shifted his hands underneath the fabric, relishing the feel of her silky skin beneath his rough, calloused hands. His right hand trailed along her side until it fell upon her breast, freeing it from the lacy cup of her bra. As he tweaked her nipple between his fingers, Vala let out a squeal of pure ecstasy. She responds, trailing her tongue along his jaw line and pressing her lips tenderly to all the most sensitive spots on his body.

There was no turning back; the line that they were crossing could not be uncrossed. This was the moment that they would become more. Daniel couldn’t keep his hands or his mouth off of her. She tasted of strawberries, vanilla, chocolate, and promises. She tasted good.

“Vala -“

“Please, Daniel,” she begged. That was all the answer he needed to continue.

Their hands worked in tandem; frantically trying to relieve each other of the constraints of their clothing. Skin to skin, Vala snaked her arm up to coil around his neck as he claimed her mouth with unchecked desire. The passion between them was like red hot fire as he slid a finger gingerly inside her warmth.

“Oh, baby!”

Within moments he was inside her, needing to feel that sweet, sticky warmth around him. Vala gasped at the brusque manner in which he’d impaled her, but quickly found herself writhing with pleasure as their hips struck out a rhythmic give and take. Every movement bringing them closer to ecstasy. Perspiration beaded on their skin as they moved in perfect harmony with each other. Vala grasping his ass as though she could pull him closer, push him deeper, simply by sheer force of will at her touch. Breaths came low and shallow as their intensity reached a fevered pitch.

“Oh Daniel!”

With a shuddered moan, Vala threw back her head as her body was overcome with the force of her orgasm. One more thrust and Daniel was over the precipice with her. His body shuddered as his muscles spasm and contracted with rapture. He pressed Vala to him, both panting from their exertions, as he cradled her to his body. Everything had changed, in just that moment.

Lying together on the sofa, basking in the afterglow, Vala was the first to break her silence; her fingers curling the fine blonde hairs on his chest as she spoke.

“Well, that was much more than I expected!”

“You,” Daniel pulled his body away from her enough so that he could look into her eyes, “are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. Inside, and out. Bar none. Ever since I met you, there’s never been any one else that could come close.”

“Daniel, I -“

“I love you, Vala. I love you. I should have said it a million times before this moment, but I love you, and this is not just because of… Of… What we just did. I do love you,” he said pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. At least he had made his confession. If she didn’t feel anything more than a lustful attraction, at least Daniel would know that he had told her how he felt.

“I love you, too,” was all she could manage before he sucked the air from her lungs again with his lips, beginning round two in the blink of an eye.

pounce!porn table, daniel jackson, !love_bingo, list:surprise, dv, prompt:surprise!, vala mal doran, tv: stargate sg1, wild!card, fanfic, mission:insane

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