Glee - I'm Coming Home - Finn/Rachel

Jun 26, 2012 22:25

Title: I'm Coming Home
Author: ilerya82
'Verse: Glee
Claim/Pairing: Finn Hudson & Rachel Berry
Media: fanfic
Word Count: 1,832
Rating: T, there's some insinuations of adult situations, but nothing graphic... Oh, and lots and lots of fluff!
Warnings: If you have not seen 3x22 Goodbye please do not read this fic!!! Ok, now that I'm off my high horse, I just don't want to spoil the finale for anyone who has not seen it because they are living under a rock. This is not one of my normal fandoms to write for although it's quickly becoming one of my most popular inspirations, so I apologize in advance for any OOC moments. This is a Future Fic - we're looking at a couple of years past graduation now.
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee nor has any money changed hands for the production of this fic. It was purely to satisfy my muse and the little plot bunnies that have taken over my brain and seem to be eating away at all my other fandoms because my mind is full of Finchel and Quick plots... Geez!
Summary: Welcome home Finn! Rachel meets him with a life altering proposition when Finn returns from his deployment.
Table/Prompt/Listing... for _____ Community: somebody to love from my bingo card for love_bingo

I'm Coming Home

"I get in on Thursday. It'll be late when we land so don't worry about coming to meet me - I'll come to you."

Rachel kept replaying their phone call in her head. There was no way she was not going to worry about him. She would be there to meet Finn no matter what, because he was her heart and soul.

Finn had placed her on that train to New York after graduation two years and seven months ago, forcing her to go and chase her Broadway dreams while he’d felt the need to chase dreams of redemption. He had wanted to be something more, to be better than he was, to prove something. The shadow of his father had hung above his head for his entire life. For years, he had only known that his father was a soldier, believed he was a war hero. From the moment the words dishonourable discharge had left his mother’s lips, Finn had been obsessed with making things right. So, he’d done what he’d thought was the honourable thing and set her free. Let her fly - but if he’d wanted her to fly, why had he pulled her wings out from underneath her?

“Um, I just feel like all my life I’ve been, you know, wondering if I was going to be as much of a man as my father was. Now, all of a sudden I’m up at night worried that I’m gonna become the man he was. Let’s face it I got, I got high school hero, life zero written all over me. Except for one thing - You. You’re like a - a beacon of light guiding me through the darkness. You’re like this - this big gold star and for some bizarre reason you chose to let me love you and I feel like if I can just convince you to let me keep doing that I’m gonna be ok. Everything’s gonna be ok." Fumbling in his pocket, Finn pulled a small black velvet box from his pocket. "Uh, I opened up my first credit card to get this. I know it’s not a swimming pool full of dancers, or a tux, or - it’s not very big but it’s a promise. A promise to keep loving you for the rest of my life. All you’ve gotta do is say yes. Rachel Berry, will you marry me?”

It took too long for me to realize that he was all those things and more for me as well! Love of my life, my heart, my soul, my home.

He’d asked her to surrender when they’d arrived at the station. He had seemed better able to do it than she ever could. Her heart had broken as she sat on that train that barreled towards the future seemingly at light speed. She hadn’t known just how deeply surrendering had rocked him to the core as well.

It had taken two weeks for him to reach out to her. It had taken her two more to be able to respond the numerous texts, emails, and voicemails that had piled up. After the anger and hurt had spilled out from the pit of Rachel’s stomach and the tears had fallen from their eyes, the truth was finally freed from their hearts. There was no hope of surrender, for either of them.

Texts came daily. Phone calls whenever possible. Letters were written daily and flooded the mailbox of the shoebox sized New York City apartment Rachel shared with Kurt and Santana.

He’d had two weeks of leave after his eight weeks of basic training and Finn had found himself at her door. Rachel had opened the door to see him standing there, thinking it was the cheap Chinese take-out the roommates had ordered to eat straight out of the container. Her lips quivered and tears fell unbidden and when his lips curved into that sweet Finn smile, her knees gave out beneath her.

“Rachel!” Finn dropped his bag and caught her in his arms, pulling her tightly to his chest. “Shhhh, Rachel, baby don’t cry.” He’d cooed soothing reassurance as he drew circles on her back and smoothed her hair while her body shook with sobs. She hadn’t seen him since he’d placed her on that train, and now, here he was. Standing on her doorstep. It was too much to bear.

“Jesus Berry! Get it together woman!” Santana cried out with a mixture of laughter and fury. Kurt slapped her on the arm.

“Cool it, Satan,” Kurt warned as only he could do.

“You’re - you’re here,” Rachel choked out through the sobs, “You’re really here!”

“Yes, baby. I’m really here,” Finn chuckled as he swayed from side to side, rocking the bewildered future superstar in his arms.

They’d spent the two weeks loving without abandon, making up for all the time that they had lost and all the time that they were about to lose. Two weeks together had had to make up for what would wind up being a two year tour of duty. Two years of only Skype conversations and good old fashioned snail mail letters had been all she’d had of Finn to hold. Now that he was coming home, there was no way she wasn’t going to be there to welcome him home. The thought of not being there was ludicrous!

Rachel sat and stared at her surroundings. Men, women, children of all ages stood waiting for a loved one’s return. Some held signs, other’s balloons, flowers, teddy bears… Rachel felt glad that she’d read up on what happens when a soldier comes home, what you should do when you get the call they’d be coming home. She’d made a sign, with help from Blaine and Kurt who both had more artistic talent in their little fingers than she did when it came to drawing, bearing his name. Then she’d bought a balloon which she held firmly in her hands for fear that it, like the dream of Finn would drift away. All the blogs she’d read and all the websites she’d visited said that it was important to have a sign with you because all those soldiers coming home looked the same. She would need it so he could find her because glancing through the throng of brave service men and women, she wouldn’t have a hope of finding him on her own.

So, now she sat, waiting… When the doors opened and the crowd of soldiers started filing in, reuniting with their loved ones, Rachel stood; sign and balloon in hand, waiting for the love of her life.


“Your girl gonna be here, Hudson?” Ty’s question broke his silent reverie.

He hated landings. And taking off. And anything that carried him away from Rachel’s loving embrace. It had been a really long day and all he wanted was to have a shower, put on his civvies and wrap his arms around the most beautiful woman in the world.

“Nah, man,” he frowned, “I told her not to come that I would head straight there because it was going to be so late by the time we got in. She’s just got her first role in a Broadway show - she needs to stay rested so she can stay in the game.”

“That’s sweet, dude,” Ty said, smiling at him. They’d become good friends out there - Finn had realized that you needed the camaraderie of your troop when you were out in the middle of nowhere, in the desert no less! “It’s nice to know you’ve got somebody to come home to, somebody to love who loves you. I can’t wait to see Kyra. She’d gonna be here. I’ll introduce you before you head for your bus, or train or however you’re getting to New York.”

He was right. Finn was lucky, incredibly lucky to have somebody to love who was waiting there for him loving him back. God, when they were on the ground he was going to run to her - not walk - run. Ty’s chatter kept him occupied during landing without much need for concentration. It was basic chatter about how great it was to be going home, what the first thing he was going to do was, what he was going to eat and drink. Finn could think only of Rachel; of holding her in his arms and telling her how much he loved her and how he wanted to go straight to the courthouse first thing in the morning and make her his wife. He didn’t want to waste any more time.

It was a slow walk out, heavy bags in tow. Ty was beside him the whole way. Throughout the madding crowd, Finn could see reunions happening everywhere. Tears, laughter, kisses and hugs. Service men and women who were brave and fierce in battle reduced to wobbling masses of Jell-O; tear stained faces. There was a sea of bright signs, balloons, and teddy bears before him. He let go of the selfish desire to see Rachel standing there waiting for him; he was glad that he’d asked her not to come, with this many people they would never have found each other.

Somewhere, and somehow, along the way, Ty found Kyra. Finn felt jealous and slightly uncomfortable bearing witness to their teary reunion. He was introduced by his friend, making Kyra’s acquaintance and promising to get together during his leave. He made apologies, but he just had to get out of there and get home. His reunion was waiting for him in New York, not here.

Finn held his head up high and kept walking towards the exit. Ahead of him, beyond the crowd he could see a giant gold star balloon floating above the head of a petite brunette, dwarfed and almost entirely covered by a large sign. The lettering was intricately drawn, the stark black lines of the Sharpie marker standing out on the very vibrant red hue. Her face wasn’t visible, but he knew she would be crying behind it - he could see it wavering with the shaking of her hands. The words were on the sign were what made him sure that it was her - it was his tiny brunette.

Finn Hudson
Love of my life
Marry Me?


He cried out her name, the sound of it dripping with a hunger and longing that had devoured his heart for two years. She lowered the sign and he saw her beautiful, tearstained face; her smile like a beacon of light in the dark. He didn’t have to push his way through the crowd; it was as if the sea of service men and women parted to allow this reunion to occur. He ran to her.

He reached her in seconds, dropping his gear and scooping her up into his arms, crushing her to his chest. The sign was squished between them, Rachel wound her arms around his neck and Finn claimed her mouth with his. The world stood still for that moment in time.

When they finally broke apart, Finn tilted her chin up so he was looking straight into her eyes and whispered, “First thing in the morning, we’re going to the courthouse Ms. Berry. I’ve waited long enough to make you mine.”

And she smiled.

tv: glee, finchel, fanfic, list:somebody to love, rachel/finn, !love_bingo

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