SGA: Once More Around the Sun - McKay/Keller

May 15, 2012 14:54

Title: Once More Around the Sun
Author: ilerya82
'Verse: Stargate Atlantis
Claim/Pairing: Dr. Rodney McKay & Dr. Jennifer Keller
Media: fanfic
Word Count: 1,149
Rating: T because I can...
Warnings: Established McKay/Keller - if you don't ship the pairing, I don't recommend you read this. I make reference to 5.16's Brain Storm, very brief, but it's in there. This is after Atlantis, they are married and I really don't care if that upsets anyone because it makes me squee! ;)
Disclaimer: I do not own SGA - if I did, there would be movies and more! In fact the whole Stargate franchise would still be alive instead of frozen in some syndication limbo hell.
Summary: It's time for a little vacation...
Table/Prompt/Listing... for _____ Community: vacations from my bingo card for love_bingo

Once More Around the Sun

"Oh, honey! Look! Remember that?" Jennifer pointed to the small photo in the corner of the album. It was hardly noticeable - the photo was of tree bark and the side of Rodney's smiling face.

He walked over and stood behind the back of the couch, leaning over so that his chin rested on her shoulder. His hand reached out for the side of the album as his eyes focused on the image. He chuckled softly and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"How could I possibly forget? He was following us right from day one!"

The small toad blended right in with the bark. He was almost imperceptible, save for Rodney's head smirking in the corner and his one finger pointing to their camouflaged stalker. Jennifer giggled at the memory.

"Leave it to you to be stalked by a tree frog!"

"Hey," he retorted playfully, “I’ll have you know he was NOT a tree frog - I'm not 100% sure what he was actually, but a tree frog he was not!"

His head left its resting place on her chin as he walked back in to the whistling kettle in the kitchen. He carefully poured the boiling water into the waiting tea pot to allow it to steep. Two mugs sat waiting on the counter, both prepared for their beverages - one tall with only sugar, the other soft, small and delicate china with condensed milk and sugar waiting inside. Rodney absently picked up a tea spoon and twirled it with his fingers.

"Jen - what's got you on this train of thought?" he asked, curiosity piqued. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy wandering down memory lane with his beautiful wife; he just didn't quite understand what had brought her back to the vacation photo album so much lately. It was the third time he'd seen her looking at it in the last week. The first two, Rodney had come home to her fast asleep with the album open on her lap. This time however...

He poured the tea into their mugs and proceeded to stir each mug rhythmically. Resting the spoon on the rim of the sink, Rodney lifted the mugs and walked to the living room. Handing the delicate china to Jennifer, Rodney rested his on the coffee table as he sat beside her.

"Thank you very much!" Her smile lit up the room. It was contagious; Rodney couldn't help but smile back at her. He pulled the photo album so that it rested between them.

"So?" he asked. Jennifer looked at him and leaned in to rest her head on his shoulder.

"I was just thinking, that vacations like these, where it's just you and me..." Her voice trailed off softly. He looked down at her, wondering if she'd fallen asleep. What he saw was something entirely different.

"Hey, hey - look at me," he pulled her up so that she was facing him, his hands on her forearms so that he could steady himself. She was smiling but there were tears in her eyes. "What's this all about? We're not broke by any means. We can take as many vacations as you want!" Jennifer chuckled at his concern; it was touching but not the point.

"No, Rodney, that's not it," she said shaking her head. "I'm feeling kind of selfish right now... I just wanted to remember the fun the two of us used to have and not forget it - ever."

If it was possible for a genius to be confused, Rodney's expression and mental state were the living example of confusion! He stared at her, not really understanding what she meant. It was just the two of them - why would they not be able to continue as they had? Have fun together as they had been doing since their first real date at Malcolm Tunney’s symposium, despite the fact that she had almost died in that freezing water?

Oh no! She's leaving me!

"Jen, I - I understand that I'm not the easiest guy to live with," his face fell and his voice shook as he began to beg for his wife, the love of his life to stay - give him one more chance.

Jennifer shook her head and laughed. She needed to stop him before he contemplated eating lemons to end his pain. "Rodney - Rodney! Stop!" She laughed.

"Why are you laughing? You're breaking my heart - and you're laughing?"

"I'm not breaking your heart Rodney, I'm trying to tell you," she steadied herself as she looked him straight in the eyes. She was smiling from ear to ear now, it was like electricity. "I was feeling selfish because I love you, I'm loathe to share you with anyone - you're my Rodney, my genius and now with a baby coming we're not going to be just us anymore... So vacations are going to be different..." She waited for the news to register.

"Why would we be any different, just because there's a - a... Baby?" She nodded her confirmation. "Baby! Ohmigod, Jen!" He pulled her into a crushing bear hug, kissing her neck and muttering his wonder, amazement and fears against her soft skin. She allowed him time to vent everything out, before pulling out of the hug to look at him.

"I just don't ever want to forget the love that we have. They say that the hardest thing on a relationship is being a parent - I don't want to forget about us," she said softly. He pulled her in and held her to his chest - kissing the top of her head and stroking her back.

"I could never forget the love we have for each other. We're going to make time for us - get babysitters, have date nights, steal kisses - we'll never forget about each other," he kissed the top of her head, meaning every word of his promise to her.

Rodney maneuvered their bodies so that they were lying on the couch, Jennifer's slight body curled into his, her head resting near his heart. They lay that way for quite a while before either of them spoke. He knew she'd needed the comfort of his arms and that was one thing he could never begrudge her. The feeling of his wife, something he still couldn't believe, curled in his embrace. Her scent, her soft touch against his skin. It was like heaven.


"Hmmm," came the drowsy, muffled reply.

"I think we should go on a celebratory trip... Maybe somewhere warm... Then another," he kissed her forehead as she glanced up to look at him, "and another." He kissed her again. "And another until we're so fed up of traveling that all we want is to be home."

"That sounds like a great plan!"

His reward for such a brilliant plan? Well that, my friends, is a tale for another story...

mckeller, tv: stargate atlantis, list:vacations, mckay/keller, fanfic, tv, !love_bingo

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