OUAT: I Would Be Your Slave - Regina/Genie(Magic Mirror)

May 15, 2012 00:03

Title: I Would Be Your Slave
Author: ilerya82
'Verse: Once Upon A Time
Claim/Pairing: Regina, The Evil Queen & The Genie of the Lamp/Magic Mirror
Media: fanfic
Word Count: 1,270
Rating: T because I can...
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 11 - I have taken some of the dialogue directly from the episode. If you have not seen it, I recommend you watch it before you read.
Disclaimer: I do not own OUAT - I merely borrowed the characters for a little while to make the plot bunnies happy. I kind of wanted them to show a little more about Sidney/Regina and explain it a little more. I personally think she did care about the Genie, she just didn't know how to kill the king and guarantee his silence without the ploy. I think she was a little relieved that he would be with her forever.
Summary: A glimmer of hope for the Genie(Magic Mirror) whose love for Regina keeps the hope alive that they would be together again.
Table/Prompt/Listing... for _____ Community: save me a place in your heart from my bingo card for love_bingo

I Would Be Your Slave

From the moment he had laid eyes upon her, he knew she was the one he was searching for. As the Genie of Agrabah he had been closed off from the world - from any attempt at finding true love. He had granted 1,001 wishes but had never been able to grant his own wish for love, for freedom.

Yet suddenly, his luck had begun to change all through the kindness of the king. He had used his wishes unselfishly; he had wished him free and passed the third and final wish to the newly freed Genie of the Lamp. But all wishes come with a price. Yes, he had granted 1,001 wishes in his time and he had seen them end badly 1,001 times. Every wish came with a price.

Upon seeing Regina, the beautiful queen, as she tended her apple tree, he knew his price. He was meant to love in silence. She was the wife of the man who had saved him, and as such she would always be off limits. It wasn’t fair, but then life never was.

He saw her leave the hall, the sadness of her countenance pained him so that he felt compelled to follow her to the gardens. It was the first intimate moment they shared, but it would not be the last. She stood before the apple tree, her back to the festivities inside. Despite her perfect posture, he saw a slight slouch in her shoulders that could only come from sorrow.

“Not in a festive mood?” Not wanting to scare her, he announced his presence softly, pulling her from her mournful reverie.

“No one seems to notice my absence,” she commented with a smile that didn’t mask the true sentiments she felt. Tears shone in her eyes. There was a great pain that hid beneath the surface, a great sadness that he silently prayed he could take from her.

“I noticed…” he tried to coax her to smile with his flirtations. It was so hard to resist, to act with the decorum and reverence he ought to have for the queen of this land. “Such a lovely tree.”

“Yes, it’s from my childhood garden,” she smiled wistfully, “Well, the tree and I share something in common; neither of us can leave the palace and neither of us truly belongs…”

She placed a hand on the trunk before she continued. “No matter how hard I try to please the king, he will never love me the way he loved his first wife. I’m trapped by the memory of the life they used to share.”

“I know about being trapped more than anyone. Maybe this will lift your spirits…” he pulled out his mirror, the one that had kept him company throughout his time in the lamp. The intricate metal shaping details that framed the delicate glass of the mirror were as beautiful as she. Regina uttered a small gasp as she took the mirror in her hands. “So you can see yourself the way I see you.”

“And how do you see me?” she asked coyly, a hint of flirtation in her words.

“As the fairest in all the land.”

It was a simple truth. He left her then, to admire herself in the glass of the mirror in the hopes that she should see herself the way that he saw her. True beauty.


“It is done, you’re free my love! We are free to be together at last!” he declared as he entered the queen’s chambers. She did not turn, did not acknowledge his words - only stared on into the mirror. He rushed over and too her hand in his, coaxing her to look his way. “Did- did you not hear me? Our days of imprisonment are over!” Still, she could not look him in the eye.

“You haven’t heard the news. The palace guards found the snake. They know it is from your country. They know it was you who killed the king. It’s only a matter of time before they catch you. You will be executed. I’m sorry - but we will never be together,” Regina’s voice shook ever so slightly as she spoke. “Come, I’ve arranged for a boat to provide you safe passage out of the kingdom. You must leave at once!” Regina stood from the vanity and quickly turned her back to him, as though she were ashamed. But of what?

“The Agrabahn viper…” and then it dawned on him, “Of all the snakes, in all the world, that is what you chose. You wanted the murder to be traced back to me. You - you fooled me! You never loved me!” The Genie’s voice shook with disbelief. It couldn’t be true! She couldn’t have betrayed him so!

“Loved you? I wanted the king killed and you killed him!” Regina’s voice waivered but did not falter as she turned to face him, her words piercing his heart like the venom of the Agrabahn viper. “You are no longer of any use to me. Be grateful I’m offering you an escape! Now flee the kingdom and never turn back.”

“I can’t live without you - I won’t live without you!” he pleaded with her. There was something about her expression, something that belied the true meaning of her words. Was there a reason to hope?

“Did you not understand me? I don’t love you. There is no way we will ever be together,” Regina spat the words at him. No, there was no mistaking it. She had charmed him, the vixen. She had used her womanly wiles to corrupt him, and yet, he still loved her.

“There is one way…” he whispered, his voice shaking as he pulled the magic lamp from his satchel. “There is still one wish remaining. I wish... to be with you forever, to look upon your face always, to never leave your side!”

A mist settled upon the room, enveloping him and his transformation. He peered around and he could see her. The angle wasn’t quite right… Where was he? What had happened? He reached out an arm that he realized he could not see, to knock on, well whatever wall it was that was beyond this mist.

“No… No! ... Noooooooo!”

The truth was upon him. Regina pulled the mirror upwards and gazed at the face of her imprisoned beau. Tears pooling in her eyes as a smile crept across her face.

“Well looks like you got your wish! You will be with me…” Regina’s sinister smile seemed to take a little too much joy in the predicament that had befallen the former Genie of the Lamp. He couldn’t be sure, but the tears that pooled in her eyes seemed to tell another story. Yes, she had used him, but there was something more… Something she was hiding behind her words and her devious charms.

He would look upon her face for always, never to leave her side. Trapped inside this mirror, trapped by the beauty he had lusted over. It was because of that moment, that one shining moment that it had come to this. He’d not seen her for the serpent that she truly was. No matter how he despised her for what she had compelled him to do, still, he loved her. He loved the thing that caused him pain… and that is what had trapped him for eternity.


His word went dark as Regina placed the mirror on the vanity face down. A single tear slid down her cheek. A tear for the man she would hold in her heart forever for setting her free of her chains.

list:save me a place in your heart, evil queen/magic mirror, regina/genie, fanfic, tv: once upon a time, tv, !love_bingo

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