SGA: Monsoon Season - McKay/Keller

May 13, 2012 23:31

Title: Monsoon Season
Author: ilerya82
'Verse: Stargate: Atlantis
Claim/Pairing: Dr. Rodney McKay & Dr. Jennifer Keller
Media: fanfic
Word Count: 622
Rating: T because I can...
Warnings: Established McKay/Keller pairing. I making the assumption here that 1) Atlantis has returned to Pegasus after Enemy at the Gate, 2) They've been in a relationship for a while now - one of the we camp out at one house even though we still have both of our own digs level, and 3) Rodney has not yet proposed but you can tell that's where the relationship is heading.
Disclaimer: I do not own SGA - if I did they would still be on the air, or at least making the movies that they claimed would happen. In fact, the whole Stargate franchise would still be running. I miss anything Stargate on TV almost as much as anything BSG...
Summary: Rodney comes to a realization about what having Jennifer in his life really means to him.
Table/Prompt/Listing... for _____ Community:ain't no sunshine when she's gone from my bingo card for love_bingo

Monsoon Season

It was dark. Forget that it was the middle of the night and all the lights were out, it was just dark. Overcast days, rain, early nights. It felt like Monsoon season had hit them, despite the fact that throughout the course of time Atlantis had spent on this planet, there had never been a Monsoon season that Rodney could recall.

You’re just missing her, that’s all, McKay thought as he rolled over in bed. The bed felt uncommonly large and cold. He wasn’t used to this anymore. Being alone...

A crack of thunder rolled and a flash of lightning lit the room. The bed felt so empty without her here. Rodney closed his eyes and tried counting sheep. He reached 3,454 before he gave in to the realization that it was hopeless. What else could he do?


Whenever Jennifer couldn’t sleep, she would drink chamomile tea. He pushed back the covers and swung himself out of bed. Thunder continued to roll outside his window as he padded to the front room flicking on the lights as he entered.

Tablets were strewn across the table top. Books, magazines, clothes… His quarters hadn’t looked this bad since he was single! He padded to the kettle and flicked the switch on. Pulling his favourite Wile E. Coyote mug from the shelf, Rodney fumbled with the wrapped on the single cup tea bag. Pull as he might, the paper would not rip open. He gave it one more frustrated tug. This time it saw the paper wrapper rip in two with the tea bag flying, doing back flips in the air over his head and landing somewhere behind him.

“Dammit,” he shook his head and stooped down in search of the missing tea bag. When he’d told her he would be fine while she went home to visit her Dad, he hadn’t realized he’d been lying. From the moment of the lovely Dr. Keller’s departure he hadn’t been able to sleep, he’d (unbelievably) lost some of his voracious appetite, and along with the loss of sleep he seemed to be dragged down by the weather. It had been miserable every moment of every day since she’d left.

The offending tea bag caught his eye; the paper tab and string poking out from under the table leg. Rodney fished it off the ground and rose a little too quickly, banging his head on the edge of the table. His hand flew up to his head as he cursed the table and his inability to sleep for the new bruise forming near his temple. Frankly, he was really cursing himself for letting Jennifer go without him, but the tea bag and the table were excellent scapegoats.

He dropped the tea bag in to his mug and slouched into a nearby chair. If this was what it would be like to be without her, Rodney knew he didn’t ever want to be. Fourteen days she would be away; two whole weeks! Jennifer had already been gone seven days, well make that eight since it was well past midnight, and there hadn’t been one ounce of sunshine in his life. She was his sunshine, he knew that, and without her here… Well, without her Rodney’s life was cold, gloomy and dark.

The whistle of the kettle broke his thoughts. Rodney poured the hot water into his mug and let it steep. When she came back, he swore he was going to put a ring on her finger and show her just how important she was to him. But, before he could do that, all he would be able to do is wait…

He settled back to watch the rain outside, sipping his tea and counting the moments to his lover’s return.

mckeller, mckay/keller, fanfic, list:ain't no sunshine when she's gone, tv, !love_bingo

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