TBBT: Sheldon/Amy - The Betrayal of the Homo Novus

May 08, 2012 00:27

Title: The Betrayal of the Homo Novus
Author: ilerya82
'Verse: The Big Bang Theory
Claim/Pairing: Sheldon Cooper & Amy Farrah Fowler
Media: fanfic
Word Count: 4,572
Rating: T just to be safe... mild language
Warnings: This is an established Shamy fic, slightly OOC Sheldon, or at least OOC as compared to what we know him as now. He's grown a lot in the last 5 years and all thanks to Amy Farrah Fowler. Flashbacks occur in italics with the bolded dialogue representing direct quotes from the series.
Disclaimer: I do not own TBBT... if I did, there would be Shamy and Lenny babies galore! Can you tell who I ship? ;)
Summary: Sheldon struggles with the penultimate betrayal of his Homo Novus status.
Table/Prompt/Listing... for _____ Community:betrayal from my bingo card for love_bingo

The Betrayal of the Homo Novus

It had started innocently as an experiment in social customs. They were small, innocuous changes at first, building gradually into steady, sweeping changes that rocked the core of his being. Shared glances, the Skype chats, the “experiments” in physical contact had all taxed his emotional sanity drop by drop.

It was a nice night for a stroll. Sheldon had enjoyed every last moment of this evening with Amy Farrah Fowler. The conversation was always scintillating, even though she spoke of neurobiology. They turned the corner and suddenly his hand was captured by one much smaller than his. A tingling sensation crept from the tips of his fingers upwards as he turned his head to peer down at her, contemplating how his reaction to this event should be.

“What are you doing?”

“An experiment,” she replied as she turned her head to look at him. A small smile crept across her face as they continued to walk down the street hand in hand.
Sheldon didn’t know how to react. He found himself in a situation that he was completely unaccustomed to - this was uncharted territory for the theoretical physicist. He peered down at their hands dumbfounded by his body’s inability to pull away from the contact. Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper didn’t come in contact with others. This was just wrong, but it didn’t feel as wrong as he thought it should…

After a few moments, Amy Farrah Fowler let his hand drop.

“Nope… Nothing, nevermind!”

In the beginning it truly had seemed so innocent. How could he possibly form any other sort of hypothesis that Amy Farrah Fowler would become anything more than a girl who was his friend? They had been inseparable since the chance foolishness of Wolowitz and Koothrapali falsely believing that he, Homo Novus, could possibly require the baser physical and emotional needs that they felt. Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper was better than that; body, mind and spirit much more evolved than the rest of the group.

Or so he had thought, before he had met Amy Farrah Fowler…

She sat directly across from him at the kitchen island, mug in hand. After offering her a hot beverage and procuring his own, Sheldon had taken his regular kitchen seat which just so happened to be facing Amy Farrah Fowler. She was smiling that coy, plotting smile of hers.

“We need to fabricate a tantalizing piece of gossip.”

Her experiments were always so much fun!

“And a second non-tantalizing piece to use as a control,” he reminded her, not that she needed reminding. She nodded her agreement, the sheer delight of this endeavor bubbling up to the surface.

“Then we'll track its progress through our social group and interpret the results through the competing academic prisms of mimetic theory, algebraic gossip and epidemiology!”

The excitement in the air was palpable. Strange, before Amy, Sheldon rarely dabbled in Social experimentations. The Social Sciences, frankly anything save Physics, was not really worth studying as far as Sheldon was concerned. Amy Farrah Fowler, that coy little minx… He peered at her, the semblance of a smirk on his lips.

“Look at you, getting me to engage in the Social Sciences. You're a vixen, Amy Farrah Fowler!”

From the moment they had met in the coffee shop, Amy Farrah Fowler had begun to entangle herself in every facet of his existence. Apologies and pleasantries began to slowly weave their way into the vocabulary of one Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper and he wasn’t quite sure how to deal with it all. His normal symptoms (tachycardia, cold sweats, difficulty catching his breath, and shaky hands) didn’t always manifest themselves. Actually, if he was to be quite honest with himself, since altering the paradigm of their relationship to a “Boyfriend/Girlfriend” status, his list of symptoms had noticed a pronounced effect. He was forever altered by that fateful night that Amy Farrah Fowler had felt the need to see a movie with Stuart, the comic book store owner of all people!

He’d fought against his human emotions all of his life. Emotions were messy. He practiced Kolinar just for this reason; he was after all, the Homo Novus. Therefore, this evening when Amy Farrah Fowler, who is a girl who is his friend and not his girlfriend, is out on a date with Stuart… Stuart! Of all people! No, it was more than he could bear.

He’d left the apartment in such a hurried state that he’d not given a moment’s thought to the unsanitary nature of public transportation. Leonard hadn’t been home and Penny… Well, Penny and her ‘Check Engine’ light would not be the death of him. Not in a moment this important. He had to stop this farce of a date. Amy was not meant for Stuart. No, of course not. Amy Farrah Fowler was meant for…

He had to get to the movie theatre to interrupt any designs that Stuart may have on Amy. She is not for him… He had to stop this!

Buying his ticket, he scurried into the theatre. The movie was more than half over, but they still took full price! They would be getting a piece of his mind once… He peered across the darkened auditorium searching out Amy’s sleek brown hair.

No, too many variables, better to focus my attention to Stuart’s frizzy, wild curls, he thought rescanning the room. Spotting them he moved stealthily down the aisle to the centre row. They were seated in the precise middle of the theatre. With muffled “Excuse me’s” and “Pardon me’s”, Sheldon shuffled past the spectators to the surprise of the potential couple.

After taking the empty seat beside Amy, he got down to the reason of his sudden appearance on their “date.”

“Sheldon, what are you doing here?”

“I believe I would like to alter the paradigm of our relationship,” he began quietly. Knots formed in the pit of his stomach. The tachycardia manifesting itself. If he hadn’t known better through his practice of Kolinar, he would have sworn that he was nervous.

“I’m listening…” The hint of a smile crept across Amy Farrah Fowler’s face. He gulped in air and continued, voice shaking without his volition.

“With the understanding that nothing changes what so ever - physical or otherwise, I would not object to us no longer characterizing you as not my girlfriend.” He watched Amy’s face for a reaction, not that he would have truly been able to comprehend it.

“Interesting… Now, try it without the quadruple negative.”

“You’re being impossible,” he hissed with frustration. Amy rolled her eyes and leaned towards Stuart.

“Hi Stuart!”

“FINE!” Amy smiled at his frustrated reply, turning her body to lean closer to him as he continued. “Amy… Would you - be my girlfriend?”


Sheldon could still recall the seeming somersault in the pit of his stomach. He knew now that it was elation he felt tinged with a hint of relief and that was knowledge gained through his relationship with Amy. Amy Farrah Fowler had awakened something in Sheldon that he had scarcely known existed. Despite his incredible natural learning abilities, his intellect, and one Mrs. Mary Cooper’s gentle prodding of her gifted yet a little odd son, Sheldon Lee Cooper had failed to recognize humanity in himself. Or rather, he failed to acknowledge the possibility that he was not the Homo Novus and that human emotions and need for physical contact were indeed a part of his make-up. The moment that he had discovered Star Trek and the existence of the Vulcan species he was convinced that he was, well, like them. Hearing skills aside, he adapted and modeled his idol, Spock, the ½ Vulcan, ½ Human Science Officer, with every fibre of his being.

Sheldon was guided by two things; science and logic. Emotions were for the weak. The Homo Novus, not unlike Vulcans, did not function with emotion and were ruled by logic. Emotions get in the way. At least, until that hotsie-totsie neurobiologist with a penchant for smoking primates had strolled into his life. Even when he attempted to commence something with logic and an emotional barrier, those “feelings” kept getting in the way.

“I present to you the ‘Relationship Agreement.’ A binding covenant that in its 31 pages enumerates, illuminates, and codifies the responsibilities of Sheldon Lee Cooper, herein after referred to as the ‘Boyfriend,’ and Amy Farrah Fowler, herein after referred to as the ‘Girlfriend.’” Sheldon held the document reverently in his hands. This contract would ensure their new found relationship status would follow a safe and logical path while avoiding the pitfalls that can come with physical contact and emotional tomfoolery that seems to come with “dating.”

“That’s so romantic!” Amy’s face was aglow with joy. Even Sheldon couldn’t misinterpret that!

“Mutual indemnification always is…”

But after reading the document, Sheldon could have sworn that Amy’s voice held a hint of frustration while reading out articles that she felt the need to question and then negotiate. He barely noticed that he was actually compromising and bending a lot more in the negotiations than he would have cared to believe. Many sections of physical contact remained off limits, but upon hearing the disdain in Amy’s voice as she read Section Five…

“Section Five, Hand Holding: Hand holding is only allowed under the following circumstances, really Sheldon! A) Either party is in danger of falling off of a cliff, precipice, or ledge. B) Either party is deserving of a hearty hand shake after winning a Nobel Prize? And C) Moral support during Flu Shots? Honestly!”

Amy Farrah Fowler had worn him down, planted the niggling idea that hand holding, along with many other forms of physical contact were non-optional social conventions of the “Boyfriend/Girlfriend” social paradigm. Of course, she had been right, but Sheldon had not been so sure at first. When he discovered that he wanted, much less craved the comfort of touch is was the first small betrayal of his Homo Novus status.

It had been a rough day for her. Penny and Bernadette had gone shopping for Bridesmaids dresses in preparation for Bernadette and Howard’s impending nuptials - without her. Sheldon had found a very crushed, emotionally shattered and distraught Amy Farrah Fowler tonight. That is what had brought on even more physical contact. Cuddling. He shuddered a little at the thought before it had happened. Then, as they were cuddled together on her couch, albeit a little awkward looking, he found he was comforted by the feeling of the petite neurobiologist pressed against his chest. It felt comfortable, safe… secure.

“I’m just saying… Second base is right there…”

And so the mild tachycardia had returned with one off handed comment from the weepy female snuggled into his chest. Though he had had no intentions of capitulating to her desires at that moment, Sheldon had accepted that night that the moment of “rounding the bases” with Amy Farrah Fowler would eventually come. That memory would certainly not help calm him at this moment! If anything it would add to his excitement and anxiety over the evening that was before him.

Sheldon rose from his bed where he had been trying to relax to pace his room. He slipped his hand into the right front pants pocket and let his fingers slip over the soft velvet box he found within. Tonight would be the penultimate betrayal of his status as the Homo Novus. Tonight, he would ensure that Amy Farrah Fowler would be with him forever. Since the moment they had met, Sheldon Lee Cooper had been a changed man. Besides, no matter how much he’d enjoyed his Zazzy little feline friends, he had to admit that his emotional and mental well-being were vastly improved with Amy to share his days with. She had a way of making him feel at ease, in any situation.

“I got a splinter,” Sheldon pouted, left hand extended towards Amy as she sat in her spot on the couch. Amy looked at the outstretched hand, sneered a little and then shifted her gaze to his face. Green eyes met blue.

“What do you want me to do about?”

“Relationship Agreement, Section Four: Boo-boos and Ouchies. You have to take care of it!” Sheldon pouted.

“I should’ve gotten a lawyer,” Amy rolled her eyes and pulled his hand in for closer inspection.

Sheldon couldn’t imagine his life without her, which was why this night, the fifth anniversary of becoming a “couple,” would be the perfect night to succumb to his baser urges and relent in admitting to Amy that they should now become legally pair bonded, not just socially. True, the way the Relationship Agreement had been drafted they were legally bound, but not in a way that would please not only his Mother, but his Meemaw and himself. The need for change in their relationship had been slow and imperceptible, but it had been there.

Time passed and the time came for he and Leonard to part ways. Not that there was a great distance between them. A little over a year had passed since his friend had moved across the hallway to 4B, a fact made only happier by the pending nuptials of its inhabitants. Penny had long since left his list of mortal enemies and become one of his dearest friends. While Sheldon had lived alone since that day, though all of the gang’s social activities occurred in his apartment, he had had a niggling sensation that he didn’t want to be alone. Nor did he need to be.

Sheldon’s eyes found the clock. It was 4:35 - time to get himself ready for the big night. He stopped pacing and moved with purpose to the closet. There was no worry of choosing an outfit; he’d selected one mentally weeks in advance. It was merely a case of ensuring that on the previous Saturday night, which of course was and always would be laundry night, that the elements required would be cleaned. Once everything was in hand, he hurried to the bathroom. A shower was in order. This was an important night, he had to look, smell, feel his best.

Disrobing quickly and efficiently, he stepped into the bathtub. Little adhesive ducks with blue umbrellas stared up at him with their unnatural smiles. He turned the hot water tap on full and let the spray that tumbled down from the shower head soothe his body and his anxieties away. He thought back to the last time he had given Amy jewelry and wondered if her reaction would be in any way similar.

Penny had been right, he’d been an ass but he wasn’t really going to admit that. The silence from Amy had left him with a hole. He had hurt her and he did not truly know how best to show her that she was important to him, he did care about her and what happened in her life more than any words he knew could express.

Penny had suggested jewelry, though Sheldon had felt sure that the humidifier would be most appropriate as a gift for his girlfriend. She was after all his girlfriend, he felt confident that he would know best what Amy would like. But Penny had insisted and took him directly to a jewelry store that held a fantastic display of pocket watches. Sheldon lost sight of the purpose of the visit quickly. He was to offer an apology and a gift to try to make up for his behaviour on their previous date night. He hardly saw the purpose of jewelry, but he was indulging Penny whose relationship as BFF of his girlfriend gave him some expertise in the subject. As well as the sheer experience she had with her vast number of sexual partners at being in this type of situation, Sheldon had to differ to her expertise.

Bracelet? No, that wouldn’t do... Necklace? Sheldon had an eidetic memory and he knew had not seen Amy Farrah Fowler wearing a necklace in any of his memories. Ring? No, their relationship was not anywhere near that level of gift. From the corner of his eye, he spotted the perfect gift.

He’d waited with Penny in 4B for Amy to arrive, continually checking his brand new pocket watch. There was no harm in finding something for himself while he’d been there. Besides, it was just like the ones conductors would wear on a train! He had to have it! When Amy finally arrived, he offered up his apologies for his callous and cruel insensitive actions on their date but she saw right through his Koala face.

Penny grabbed the gift bag off the table, handing it to Amy saying, “Ok, look he bought you this!” Her reaction was not at all what he had expected.

“Jewelry?! Seriously? Sheldon, you are the most shallow, self-centered person I have ever met! Do you really think another transparently manipulative -“ Amy paused her diatribe as she reached into the bag pulling out its contents. Her body went into almost convulsive like, excited movements. She reverently pulled the gift from the bag, cradling it with both hands. “Ohhhh, it’s a tiara! It’s a tiara! I have a tiara!”

She bounced across the room to the smiling Penny chanting, “Put it on me! Put it on me! Put it on me! Put it on me!” as she went. Penny affixed the sparkling tiara to her head. Sheldon knew it had been a bit extravagant, but Amy had dreamt of being a princess, although she already was to him.

“You look beautiful,” Penny said, beaming with joy for her friend.

“Of course I do! I’m a princess and this is my tiara!” Amy turned and launched herself at Sheldon. She planted a quick kiss on his lips and throwing her arms around him. Fascinating!

“You were right, the tiara was too much!” he commented to the smiling Penny who was taking in the scene before her.

Jeepers! Looking back on it now, he would adore a similar reaction, although maybe a little less dramatic. Leonard, Penny, Bernadette and Howard had all tried to teach Sheldon just what he should do, how he should propose, but the best advice he’d received had come from Raj. Selective mutism and the fact that Sheldon had never really seen him with a woman who wasn’t a member of his family aside, Raj’s words had spoken true.

“Just let her know that she is the most important thing in your life and that you don’t want to imagine the hell you would be living without her. Speak from your heart, man,” Koothrapali had told him.

Sheldon switched off the taps and drew back the shower curtain. Steam billowed out of the shower into the bathroom beyond. Taking the carefully placed towel from the back of the toilet, Sheldon wrapped it about himself as he stepped out of the tub and onto the bath mat below. Drying himself, he tried to formulate what he would say, but nothing came to mind other than “Amy Farrah Fowler, will you marry me?” He would just have to wing it - speak in the moment. Terrible uncharacteristic of him, but so was the whole notion that he should marry.


Showered, shaved and dressed, Sheldon moved out of the bathroom and found himself pacing the floor in the living room as he waited for Amy’s text that she had arrived to pick him up for their date. He fumbled with the little velvet box in his pocket, stroking it and enjoying the feel of the fabric under the pads of his fingers. Tonight, his life would change. Tonight, he would do what he had never before thought possible. At least, he had never thought it possible for him, but for others, though he had never understood why.

He continued to pace the floor, checking his pocket watch as the time continued to roll by. At 6:00 on the dot, his cell phone gave a distinctive tone. Amy’s tone. He pulled it from his pocket, unlocking the screen and reading the message.

I’m here Cuddles. Shall I come up or will you come down to the car?

A quick response of Be right down and Sheldon was out the door. He bounded down the stairs singing the names of the stars, not missing a beat. He even offered a cheerful ‘Hello’ to one building resident who was making their way up the stairs past him somewhere around the second floor. There was no denying the spring in his step as he bounded out of 2311 Los Robles and into Amy Farrah Fowler’s waiting car.

“My, what a wondrous mood you seem to be in!” Amy commented with a curious smile. He was glad he had piqued her curiosity. His countenance was one of simple, elegant happiness. He felt complete and he was glad that she was intrigued to know what made him smile, this wasn’t the Koala face, oh no! This was a smile born of pure joy.

“It’s a glorious day, isn’t it?” he countered. Amy smiled and placed the car into gear.

“Yes,” she replied softly, “I do believe it is!”


The Cheesecake Factory was hardly where Penny would have chosen for a proposal. Nor would Leonard, Howard or Bernadette he presumed, but he knew that Raj… Raj would stand behind his choice. This was a place that held a very special place in their history. This was where they had shared their first meal together, although as a boy and girl who were just friends at that time.

They shared a pleasant meal together. Amy chattering about her latest research project with Rhesus monkeys, the troubles she was having with her new lab mate, and the excitement of final fittings for her bridesmaid dress for Penny and Leonard’s wedding. Sheldon would nod and smile, and occasionally he would offer an intellectual tid bit that seemed to fit with her topic of conversation. The little velvet box was burning a proverbial hole in his pocket, but this wasn’t the place.

“Amy, instead of ordering dessert here,” he began thoughtfully, “I was thinking we could take a stroll to another fine establishment for some decadent delights. Would that be acceptable?”

“A stroll? This is highly irregular, yet I find myself intrigued. Please,” she said, “let’s!”

After taking care of the check, Sheldon and Amy headed for the exit. Normally, Amy would be the one to take his hand during an evening stroll but today Sheldon caught her off guard and was the one initiating the contact. Amy looked down at their hands, fingers laced together comfortably, and smiled. Sheldon stroked the velvet box with his other hand, turning it over and over in his pocket.

They headed East down the boulevard, passing bars and restaurants with curbside patios. Sheldon people watched as they walked down the street. Happy couples seemed to abound in each one. This was, indeed, a glorious day.

They headed North at the next street and walked for about two blocks before passing a beautiful parkette. There were gazebos strung with white mini lights. Roses, hyacinth, and azaleas blooming in gardens that seemed alive with colour and scent. Sheldon made note of the pretty little spot as they passed, stopping approximately forty feet away in front of a coffee shop.

Sheldon took Amy’s other hand in his, smiling, he leaned forward and whispered, “Do you know where we are?” He studied her face as she scanned the area, watching for the recognition of their locale. A slow smile crept across her face.


“I know!” his chest puffing out with proudness rather like one of her primates.

He led her in to the coffee shop ordering two chamomile teas but opting out of dessert; they took their purchases and headed back towards The Cheesecake Factory and Amy’s car. As they came to the parkette, Sheldon began to lead her into the park.

“Sheldon, this is beautiful!”

“I thought so too, as we passed by earlier,” he began softly, “I mentally made note of it because I thought it was a lovely setting.”

“Why it’s not like you to think romantically? This is a wonderful surprise, Cuddles!” Pure joy shone on Amy Farrah Fowler’s face. It was legible even to Sheldon’s not so keen eye.

“Amy,” he said softly as they wandered up the path to one of the gazebos, “as of late, I’ve been going through a lot of scientific research and hypotheses in regards to the nature of our relationship.”

Amy turned to look up at him, her face a mask of concern. The vibrant joy that had been present moments before was now a mix of curiosity and what he thought was anxiety. The white knuckled grip on her hand also helped his judgement. He took her other hand to reassure her. This was not a bad moment, or the break up fear that she must have been living, irrational as that may be.

“Every day I wake alone in my apartment. I follow my routines to a fault and I fear that perhaps I am becoming a little isolated. I know, I know I do see Leonard and Penny all the time. There are also the moments that I see you, speak to you, text with you, Skype with you, just spend time with you. I can’t imagine a world without you.”

Sheldon paused when he noticed a tear sliding down her cheek. Normally, any sort of crying from the female of the species made him uncomfortable, but with Amy he felt a need to comfort her, to make the tears go away. He lifted his hand to her face, brushing away the tears with his thumb.

“Which is why, five years after altering the paradigm of our relationship to a “Boyfriend/Girlfriend” status,” he paused as he freed his left hand to reach in to his pocket and retrieve the little velvet box. Holding it in his hand, cradling it as though it was his life raft, Sheldon dropped to his knee. Amy’s gasp was audible as he took her left hand in his and opened the ring box for her to see before he continued, “I know that I do not want to live alone anymore. I want to share my life with you, my home and my heart. I want to wake up with you, go to sleep with you, eat with you, and laugh with you. I want to be with you always. Amy Farrah Fowler, would you do me the great honour of becoming my wife?”
It seemed an eternity passed before she answered him. Again, her reaction was not at all what he had anticipated. Tears streamed down her face as she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Her smile was brighter than the mid-summer sunshine.

“Yes... Yes, Yes! Of course I will marry you!”

His hands shook somewhat as he slid the ring on to her finger. Tonight had brought the beginning of the penultimate betrayal of the Homo Nous. He still had some time to learn and prepare for the ultimate betrayal on their wedding night. It was a non-negotiable social convention to consummate a marriage and Sheldon did believe that he and Amy Farrah Fowler would indeed take part in such a convention. It was something he had contemplated for a good long while.

But the tale of the ultimate betrayal, dear readers, is a tale for another story…

tv: the big bang theory, list:betrayal, sheldon/amy, fanfic, shamy, tv, !love_bingo

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