Labyrinth: Sarah/Jareth - The Red Death Ball

May 03, 2012 17:53

Title: The Red Death Ball
Author: ilerya82
'Verse: Labyrinth
Claim/Pairing: Sarah Williams & Jareth, The Goblin King
Media: fanvid
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I do not own Labyrinth... if I did, this movie would have had a sequel, a few years after that focused on a grown Sarah's return to the Labyrinth to deal with her attraction to said Goblin King. There's just something about David Bowie in those pants... *shivers* I also hold no ownership over Hana Pestle's song The Red Death Ball but I thought the haunting sound kind of fit with the premise of my tale. I've just borrowed everything - I promise, I put them back when I was done with them ;)
Summary: Sarah has pined for years for the mysterious Goblin King after there encounter to the point of madness.
Table/Prompt/Listing... for _____ Community:lovesickness from my bingo card for love_bingo

***CAUTION: Oh, humble viewer - I ask that you remember that I am COMPLETELY new to vidding and bear that in mind as you watch this humble offering.

Sarah Williams is all grown up, but years of pining away after The Goblin King Jareth have left her bitter and disillusioned. Haunted, fragmented memories of the time that they spent together in the Labyrinth plague her nights. Sarah is lovesick and she cannot move on with her life. Knowing that she can never be reunited with Jareth, too much time has passed between them, Sarah regrets the day she wished Toby into his care simply because it brought them together for that fleeting moment.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Hana Pestle's The Red Death Ball, Labyrinth, nor A Beautiful Mind. I am making NO MONEY off of this video, it was all done out of love. No copyright infringements were intended.

**Please go to iTunes and purchase Hana Pestle's album This Way if you like the song. It's a great album and deserving of your love.**

image Click to view

Any tips, tricks or information on where I can learn more about what to do here to make my vids better would be greatly appreciated.

fanvid, sarah/jareth, movie: labyrinth, list:lovesickness, !love_bingo

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