BSG: Kara/Sam - Better Late Than Never

May 01, 2012 14:39

Title: Better Late Than Never
Author: ilerya82
'Verse: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Claim/Pairing: Kara "Starbuck" Thrace & Samuel "Longshot" Anders
Media: fanfic
Word Count: 543
Rating: T just to be safe... mild language
Warnings: Spoilers for "Daybreak (Parts 2 & 3)" and the end they showed us of BSG.
Disclaimer: I do not own BSG... if I did, I would be a very happy woman and I would be fighting to make shows like Caprica and Blood & Chrome into mainstream television. I think we could all use some good Sci-Fi on TV and quite frankly I don't think a web series is going to do it for me where it comes to the whole BSG world.
Summary: The journey is over and they've found a new home, not Earth, per se, but home - and while it is not truly an end for everyone, for Kara Thrace this is goodbye. -- What they didn't show us when Starbuck disappeared in that field of grass.
Table/Prompt/Listing... for _____ Community:saying goodbye from my bingo card for love_bingo

Better Late Than Never

She’d broken his heart, she knew that now. All the fighting, the lying, the flirtations… When they’d been in the midst of it all, the situations had confused her and played tricks on her heart. They had never been meant for each other, that’s why it had never really happened. That’s why Kara had a constant subconscious yearning to sabotage every chance of a relationship with him.

She stared off into the sky as Lee continued to talk about his dreams and his plans for his future here on this so-called Earth. She wasn’t really listening anymore; something more precious had caught her eye. A smile danced upon her lips as a single tear drop slid down her cheek.

I’ll see you on the other side.

A figure stood across the field, arm raised and waving to her, calling her home. He looked like an angel haloed in the glow of the sun’s warming light. Defined musculature, a golden tan, that soft, unruly brown hair, and those eyes… If anyone would have told her five years ago what she would go through to come to this moment, she wouldn’t have believed them for a frakking minute. Yet, here she was, standing with Cylon-and-human kind on the edge of their tomorrow, but she wouldn’t be a part of it.

“No, I knew that from the start, didn’t I?”

In the blink of an eye she stood before him, her face mirroring the pure joy that their reunion brought her. She didn’t remember how she got there, but it didn’t seem important - only that she was there with Sam, in that moment.

It didn’t matter that she was saying goodbye to the life that she’d known, that she was saying goodbye to Lee. They had never been meant for each other, she knew that now. No matter how she’d spun it, there had never been a time when they could’ve made a go of it. If she’d met him first… But a ghost had always hung between them; of family, of honour, of Zak. That ghost had always stopped her short of settling her life with him. Instead of making her want to stay, it always made her want to run. That’s why when she’d found Sam… Her Sam.

He had always been meant for her.

“What took you so long?” Sam cupped her face in his hands as tears of joy pooled in her eyes and she tried desperately to blink them away. Kara didn’t want to cry in this moment - she only wanted to hold him in her arms and breathe Sam in to every fibre of her being. He’d been separated from her for too long, Galactica’s hybrid, but he’d always just been her Sam. It had taken her too long to realize that with him was where she was meant to be.

Her arms circled his waist, pulling their bodies closer together as she could no longer keep the tears at bay. He was here, with her, like he used to be. He was her Sam again and she would never let anything change their relationship again. His face lit up at her reply. Seconds away from claiming his lips, she confessed the truth to her love.

“Better late than never.”

kara/sam, tv: battlestar galactica, list:saying goodbye, fanfic, tv, !love_bingo

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