Art: SPN, Last rites

Nov 12, 2008 12:33

Title: Last rites
Rating: G
Dean and Sam with John's ashes.

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spn, art, sam, dean

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Comments 70

maychorian November 12 2008, 18:06:30 UTC
Beautiful. I love the colors, and the starkness of their silhouettes. And the break in the clouds, too, a hint of hope, perhaps? Really lovely.


ileliberte November 19 2008, 17:40:39 UTC
Thank you so much. Yes, I didn't want the whole thing to be completely bleak, even though it was heavy, I'm glad that came through :)


sandrainthesun November 12 2008, 18:15:14 UTC
That is such a beautiful background.


ileliberte November 19 2008, 17:41:01 UTC
Thank you so much :)


telesilla November 12 2008, 18:18:50 UTC
I am so in love with your use of color and darkness; this is beautiful.


ileliberte November 19 2008, 17:42:05 UTC
Thank you so much, it took a while before the whole thing came together, I'm glad it worked for you :)


miss_porcupine November 12 2008, 18:21:14 UTC
Very lovely. The dark silhouettes against the vivid sky is an excellent contrast.


ileliberte November 19 2008, 17:43:45 UTC
Thank you so much :) I love doing silhouettes, it can bring out moods really effectively.


deirdre_c November 12 2008, 18:24:40 UTC
Wow! The edging of light along their silhouettes! And the weightlessness of the ashes. Beautiful! <333


ileliberte November 19 2008, 17:45:11 UTC
Thank you so much :) I'm glad you noticed (and liked) the light along their silhouettes, it was a detail I thought might have gotten missed with the whole background.


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