Fannish ADD, TV blather and a poll

Jan 29, 2010 16:13

I was drawing an apocalypse-y SPN picture, all grim and despairing with dark grays and licks of fiery red and silhouettes, and then I got distracted and started drawing Neal (from White Collar) falling asleep on Elizabeth's shoulder while she read a book and Peter did something quietly domestic beside them both. I will obviously finish both, but ( Read more... )

blather, poll

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Comments 8

smittywing January 29 2010, 21:17:01 UTC
I am not actually done with work, but I have decided that I am going to spend the rest of the day on stress-less tasks like folding letters so I am pretty \o/.

What are my chances of convincing you that there really needs to be Rossi/Prentiss fanart? *bats lashes*


ileliberte January 29 2010, 21:37:56 UTC
What are my chances of convincing you that there really needs to be Rossi/Prentiss fanart? *bats lashes*

Crystal ball says: chances of Rossi/Prentiss fanart are high if more Sherman/Cooper fic exists... :P


smittywing January 29 2010, 21:39:35 UTC
Srsly, that's what it takes? I need a rulebook. Or a chart. Yes, a chart...a fannish tradeoff chart. Because let's not talk about how long ago that could have been accomplished....


ileliberte January 29 2010, 21:50:48 UTC
XD Yeah, a fannish tradeoff chart really needs to exist because I have never been mono-fannish and there are so many permutations fannish exchanges would work out awesomely in.


oxoniensis January 29 2010, 21:41:56 UTC
I got distracted and started drawing Neal (from White Collar) falling asleep on Elizabeth's shoulder while she read a book and Peter did something quietly domestic beside them both.

I got hearts in my eyes just thinking about it!


ileliberte January 29 2010, 21:49:36 UTC
Hee! I'll try not to take too long. Apparently it's either apocalypse or schmoop with me. Also, every time, right before I see a new White Collar episode, I think that it can't possibly be as OT3 as I built it up in my head. And then I watch the episode, and wow, I might be doing a little bit of fanwanking, but most of it is right there in canon. I love it! I think I need a White collar icon.


oxoniensis January 29 2010, 22:48:50 UTC
And then I watch the episode, and wow, I might be doing a little bit of fanwanking, but most of it is right there in canon.

Let's face it, they gave us the promo picture I used in my icon! If they didn't intend us to the OT3 route, why would they do that?!

I really do love this show SO much!


wojelah January 29 2010, 21:50:18 UTC


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