Art: SPN, Into the woods, G

Jul 22, 2009 00:46

Title: Into the woods
Rating: G
I came across these wallpapers called "goth wallpapers" or something. What could be more fitting for the boys? :D

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spn, art, sam, dean

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Comments 69

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ileliberte July 30 2009, 20:46:07 UTC
Thank you so much! I saw the reference image and I couldn't resist it, it was so completely fitting for them :)


kitakatzz July 22 2009, 12:24:17 UTC
It looks like a screen capture from the actual show! Great work.


ileliberte July 30 2009, 20:46:36 UTC
Thank you so much! It was fun doing all they misty stuff :D


innie_darling July 22 2009, 14:03:25 UTC
That's so evocative.


ileliberte July 30 2009, 20:46:52 UTC
Thank you so much :)


dun July 22 2009, 16:11:00 UTC
It suits the boys perfectly! I love your silhouettes; you create a very intense feeling in them. And, as always, great colour(s).


ileliberte July 30 2009, 21:27:59 UTC
Thank you so much! I feel like I'm making it a pattern, silhouettes and the color red, it's kind of like I can rarely make a Supernatural picture without either one and sometimes maybe both :)


steammmpunk July 22 2009, 18:42:54 UTC
WOW. That's so, so very AWESOME. And the mist! ♥


ileliberte July 30 2009, 21:28:28 UTC
Thank you so much! The mist was a lot of fun to do :)


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