Art: Star Trek, Spock,Uhura, Kirk, G

May 26, 2009 00:20

Sooo, Star Trek art...
I want to be self deprecating here because new fandom jitters, but, whatever, just see it :/
Title: In-flight Entertainment

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spock, kirk, star trek, art, uhura

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Comments 81

geeky_ginger May 26 2009, 04:46:51 UTC
Eeeeeeeeee!! Love it!!


ileliberte May 26 2009, 16:39:55 UTC
Thank you so much :D


renisanz May 26 2009, 05:30:21 UTC
Aww...his face is all bandaged still. I like Uhura's expression especially, her swishing ponytail, and the shiny colors in the background. :) Uhura's shoulders are sort of mannishly broad though...


ileliberte May 26 2009, 16:41:25 UTC
Thank you! Good point about Uhura's shoulders, this is probably why I should have someone look over the preliminary drawing before I spend too long on it :/ Glad you liked it anyway :)


winterlive May 26 2009, 05:30:28 UTC
OH GOD the ways in which i love this. *squeeze it*


ileliberte May 26 2009, 16:41:44 UTC
Aww, thank you! I'm glad you liked it :D


seticat May 26 2009, 06:05:54 UTC

Can one hope that there may be a McCoy sketch sometime in the future?


ileliberte May 26 2009, 16:42:20 UTC
Thank you!

I'm sure there will be :D I liked every one of the main cast :)


muccamukk May 26 2009, 06:13:30 UTC
Their expressions are great. I also love the swishy background.


ileliberte June 1 2009, 19:34:15 UTC
Thank you so much :) Uhura took the longest time to get right, i'm glad they all turned out fne :D


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