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Comments 42

sunny214 June 29 2009, 19:19:10 UTC
I love to read quotes about them and when they are talking about each other. It always warmth my heart.
Thank you for all the work you put into this side and in the love of the brothers that we share.
Hugs you!
Have a nice week!


ilaria84 June 29 2009, 21:48:09 UTC
thank you so much!!!
have an amzing week too!


emme86 July 29 2009, 12:47:26 UTC
Ciao :) ho riconosciuto il tuo nick dal forum della Jus In Bello convention. Mi piace il tuo LJ e sono anche io una Supernatural Addicted, ti va di aggiungermi agli amici?


ilaria84 July 29 2009, 12:53:41 UTC
grazie!!!!certo con molto piacere!


jarjen August 23 2009, 18:56:16 UTC
Thank you for adding me! Love all of your animations!


ilaria84 August 23 2009, 19:22:56 UTC
thanks a lot to you!


nocturniquette1 September 3 2009, 18:57:39 UTC

... )


ilaria84 September 4 2009, 08:57:54 UTC
thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!


siriuslyyellow September 11 2009, 20:30:15 UTC
You're awesome and so I'm friending you! Friend me back? ^__^*


ilaria84 September 11 2009, 21:24:49 UTC
thank you so much!!of course I will!


siriuslyyellow September 12 2009, 07:18:41 UTC
Awesome! Thanks so much! *huggles* ^__^* ~ ♥


siriuslyyellow September 12 2009, 07:25:18 UTC
Btw, I literally had tears in my eyes when I read this just now on your page...

When they yelled cut, he just took off down the road by himself. Jared had gone after him and put his arm around him until Jensen had stopped shaking and crying, then he simply said:
Jared: "Great scene man."

Where did you find that quote? JJ are so wonderful and in love!! *wibbles*

Also, I LOVE YOUR FO BANNER!!!!! Might I possibly gack it and credit you and bobbinrob? It's totally cool if you'd rather I didn't. Thanks a million! ^__^* *more huggles* ~ ♥


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