[moodtheme] Akanishi Jin

Jun 05, 2006 00:23

Last time I checked, ikoniya only had 50+ watchers. Now there are 91. What happened??
I should have a kiriban for 100 watchers. =/

ANYway, exclusive only to 91 of you, an Akanishi Jin moodtheme, as forced requested by magelet.
I swear, I won't be making another mood theme in a very, very long time. x_x;;

[*] Please don't direct link, and do let me know if you download; especially since this is on my server.
[*] Credit to ikoniya in your userinfo, if you happen to use it.
[*] And please don't claim it as your own, I killed my eyes making (and colouring and editing) 77 of these fucking things.

Download mood theme here.

So enjoy, let me know what you think, yaddayadda...

[other] mood themes

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