Bah, I was hoping I'd get more of these done. 2 sims drabbles, the first one has a pic.
Prompt: transition
Sometimes, Lola really hated her younger sister.
Perfect Mother™ Jenny had taken to motherhood like a fish to water. Lola, despite having helped raise Lazlo, wasn’t adapting as easily.
“Dammit, Kat! You got it in my hair!”Maybe I can rinse it out in the sink before I get dressed?
The baby gurgled and sort of smiled. Lola shook off her irritation and returned it.
She knew this was the best time to have her child; she had found the perfect donor, and her brother and sister were home enough to help out. She could do this.
Her carpool honked.
Prompt: Garnish
Jake looked at his plate, his mom, and at his plate again.
His siblings around the table wore similar confused expressions.
Every Tuesday, his father made all the meals for that day.
Throughout their lives the Smith children had endured peanut butter and strawberry cupcakes, liver omelets, and pineapple casseroles (which actually weren’t that bad, but still). The reactions to their bag lunches out-underscored their alien-ness more than their eyes, skin, or noses ever could.
Jokes about sour milk, cats, and Reese Pieces were more boring than offensive. But still.
Only his father would use fish scales as a garnish.