Grey's Fic: Angels on High (Cristina/Meredith/Lexie)

Jan 31, 2008 18:09

Title: Angels on High
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Pairing: Cristina/Meredith/Lexie
Rated: R
Words: 1700
Notes: Um. Nonsensical tequila-fuelled incestuous threesome porn with bonus dead mommy references? And a wandering POV? Written for a prompt from the recent porn battle. But too long and a bit late for that, obviously.

"It's not that I wouldn't necessarily want to. It's just that you're my sister," Meredith was explaining very carefully. "So I can't go down on you."

"Oh no," Lexie hurried to assure her, "I totally get it. It would be weird, wouldn't it?"

"I think so. Yeah."

There was a pause.

"We can keep making out, though, right?" Lexie asked.

"Sure," Meredith replied. "Because that's not weird at all."

"For the record," Cristina said, tipping up the bottle to make extra sure she hadn't missed any of the tequila, "I'm not related to anyone here."

She caught a drip on her tongue, then let the bottle fall and turned her head to see Meredith and Lexie feeling each other up on the couch.

"I'm just saying," she said, stretching out along the floor with her head propped on a hand, "if you two could maybe stop committing incest for two seconds -"

"It's not incest if there's no actual sex," Meredith mumbled.

"Dude, she's got her hand between your legs. What do you call it?"

"Sorry!" Lexie squeaked, flinching away.

Meredith sighed, and turned to give Cristina a dirty look. "No, it's fine, Lexie. She's right, anyway."

Cristina shrugged with one shoulder. "Like that was unexpected."

"So, um, do we...?" Lexie began uncertainly.

"It's okay. We'll just have sex with Cristina, instead."

"God, finally," Cristina said, and pushed up onto her hands. Then Meredith was there, pushing her right back down again.

She went over easy, getting Meredith's top and bra shoved up under her arms while she was at it. She palmed bared nipples as Meredith leaned over. Meredith snickered a little before kissing her, because it was late and Cristina was so drunk and everything was kind of hilarious.

It was a while before either of them realised Lexie wasn't joining in, so much as she was... hovering. And actually, literally, wringing her hands.

"It's just that I don't think Cristina likes me very much," she whispered to Meredith, as if Cristina wasn't right there, staring at her, too.

"Okay, seriously? Meredith, I'm going to -"

"It's okay," Meredith jumped in quickly. "Come on, she won't bite. Not even Cristina is scary when she's this wasted. Seriously. She might, I don't know, lie there and pout at you, but that's about it."

"Hey!" Cristina struggled to sit up, but Meredith gave her a look and she flopped back down. "Oh, whatever." Her hands went to her waist and she began undoing her jeans. "But someone eat me out already. I'm about ten minutes from passing out either way, but after all the whining and the interns following us home I think I should get something out of it."

She finally managed to kick the pants off her feet just as she finished talking and then she lay there, looking from one to the other expectantly.

Meredith, meanwhile, looked to Lexie, who in turn looked down at Cristina with something like a frown. "I don't whine," she said. And then she got down on her knees and took hold of one of Cristina's legs to move it aside.

"You say that? But all I hear is 'blah blah Cristina doesn't like me blah blah my sister won't go down on me blah freakin' blah'."

With her fingers hooked in the crotch of Cristina's panties, Lexie turned her face up to look at Meredith. "I hate her," she hissed.

But she pulled the cotton aside and took a swipe at Cristina's clit with her tongue all the same.

"Hey, stop being mean to my sister," Meredith said, as she grabbed one of Cristina's hands and moved it down the front of her pants.

"You agree with me!"

"I do, but that's not the point."

"You have a point?" Cristina's fingers pushed inside Meredith, who leant back over and bit at Cristina's boob through her shirt.

"I have a point. The point is, shut up and fuck me. And let my sister fuck you."

"I can do that and be mean at the same time."

"But not," she pointed out, "the shutting up part." She found Cristina's nipple under the cloth and pulled it to a hard little peak with her teeth.

Cristina twisted her fingers until Meredith clenched around her. She rubbed the heel of her hand against Meredith's clit at the same time as she curled her fingertips into Meredith's g-spot. Or tried to. She was a little drunk to be that coordinated, but she was a freaking surgeon and so she managed, and Meredith pushed her hips into it like it was working for her, anyway. So she did it again.

"See," she said, slinging one ankle casually over Lexie's shoulder, "you think I'm too drunk to argue with you but I'm so not? And the kid might be your sister but she's my intern and if I can't say whatever I want to my interns then why don't you just cut off my balls, Meredith? God."

Meredith shifted her mouth from Cristina's chest upwards. "Stop talking," she said, and kissed her.

"Thank you," Lexie said into the relative quiet, breathing out, and then pressing a finger into Cristina and then another and then moving her tongue in long lazy licks because Cristina was taking her time coming and Lexie was afraid she might get a cramp.

Which would be embarrassing.

She paused and looked up to see what was happening and sort of made this sound? Involuntarily. Because Meredith was humping Cristina's hand and they were kissing like they were trying to eat each other's faces, only in a way that made it look really hot.

Maybe, sort of, like a whimpering sound?

Which made Cristina stop kissing Meredith long enough to lift her head and peer down at Lexie. "Are you playing with yourself?"


"Why not?"

"Well," she began, but Meredith had one hand covering Cristina's, busy trying to get herself off, and they were kissing again, and so Lexie was on her own.

For a while.

Meredith came, moaning a little against Cristina's lips and then sort of collapsed as Cristina's hand slid out of her panties. She rested her head on Cristina's belly for a moment, watching sideways as her little sister got Cristina all over her face, and got off doing it.

She turned her face into Cristina, nudging up the hem of her shirt and sinking her teeth into Cristina's hip. A hand snaked over her ribs and grabbed her breast.

"You want to make out with her again, don't you?" Cristina accused.

"So would you, if you were watching this." She bit again. "Hurry up."

"Or what?"

"Or I'm stealing your intern."

Actually, she was going to steal her anyway.

Reaching over, she slid her hand into Lexie's hair and pulled her up to kiss her, tasting Cristina, strong and tangy.

"You suck, Meredith," Cristina complained.

"She won't - you know," Lexie countered urgently, three fingers still buried deep in Cristina.

Meredith shrugged, and teased her fingers through Cristina's pubes to draw little circles around Cristina's clit. "Hey," she said, "Cristina? I'll let you take my day with Hahn tomorrow."

"Wow," Lexie said a few seconds later. "That was like magic."

"Yep," Meredith said. "Works every time."

Lexie was really wet.

Meredith discovered this once Lexie rolled over on her back, her head resting on Cristina's thigh, and even though Cristina's other leg was in the way and Lexie couldn't get her pants off quick enough and neither of them could see what they were doing because of all the kissing - then Meredith's hand was there, and yeah. Lexie was really wet.

Really, really wet, all slippery with it, and it was really hot, and Meredith just wanted to -

"Damn it."


"Just," Meredith said, "let's pretend we're so drunk we don't know what we're doing."

Lexie nodded, her lips all red and swollen. "Like Cristina."

"Right, like Cristina."

And then she was going down on her little sister.

"Wow," Cristina said. "It's like a Very Special Springer Moment. You know, from one of those uncensored DVDs they hock over the end credits?"

Lexie froze. Which made Meredith freeze, and wonder whether she should stop.

"Except you should both be wearing polyester wedding dresses. And have really bad perms."

Meredith kind of wanted to kill Cristina.

But then Lexie said: "And Steve should be keeping our little people husbands from killing each other."

And she laughed a little. Giggled, really, because that was the kind of thing Lexie did.

Lexie, who stretched her arms up over her head, smiling and relaxed and really happy about the orgasm she was going to be having any minute now.

"Our mom's would be so proud of us," she said, arching her back and pushing up into Meredith's mouth.

"I don't know. I think my dead mommy's just up there critiquing my technique or something."

"My dead mom would tell her to shut up."

"Your dead mom would do it nicely, though."

"Oh, yeah," Lexie said. Or sort of sighed really, because Meredith was rubbing the pad of her thumb back and forth on her clit, gentle and perfect and just enough pressure. She bit her lip, getting really close.

Cristina, propped up on her elbows, was regarding them with bleary disinterest. "Freaks," she said. Then she lay back down and passed out.

An indeterminate length of time later, Meredith was standing over her in her pyjamas, and Lexie was snuggled on the couch under a blanket.

"You should put your pants back on," Meredith said. "If you're going to sleep here on the floor."

Cristina reached up a hand and Meredith helped haul her up. They made their way to the stairs, past Lexie, who was drooling into a throw pillow.

Meredith, knowing instinctively what Cristina was thinking but not saying as they trudged up the stairs, said, "I've known her for two months. That's not a sister."

And then, through the bathroom door while Cristina peed: "I mean, you're more like a sister than that."

"You had sex with me, too, Meredith," Cristina reminded her, turning out the light and crossing into Meredith's room.

"Well," in bed, with her arm over Cristina's middle and her nose next to Cristina's ear, "so, it's an imperfect system."

"You're an imperfect system."

"You're so cute when you're drunk."

"Your mom's cute when she's drunk."

Meredith sighed. "Yeah."

And then they went to sleep.

Around two in the morning, when Lexie crept upstairs to join them, because the couch was really uncomfortable and kind of lonely, she couldn't tell who was who in the dark, and ended up curling up against Cristina's back. But the hand she found and held onto under the covers was Meredith's.


And anyway, then she wasn't lonely anymore.

the end

fic: grey's anatomy, genre: girlslash, genre: threesome/moresome, fic

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