Grey's Anatomy fic: Cristina Yang Does Not Snuggle (Cristina/Meredith)

Aug 06, 2006 18:22

Title: Cristina Yang Does Not Snuggle
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Pairing: Meredith/Cristina
Rating: adult
Words: 746

"Oh god."

"What the hell?"

Meredith turned her head and opened her eyes. Cristina was there, looking back. They had been asleep. Now they were both awake.

Okay, Meredith decided, she could deal with that. Being awake was normal. She was awake, and Cristina was awake. And also naked. Cristina was naked. That... was not so normal.

Looking down at herself, she realised the lack of clothes was catching.

"What happened last night?" she said. Because she felt she should remember. Things were sort of fuzzy, though, and there was pain in her head and a growing feeling like she might need to throw up sometime soon.

"What do you mean what happened last night? What do you think happened? We got drunk and we had sex. God my head really hurts," Cristina said.

Meredith blinked some more. Her eyelids felt sticky, heavy with sleep. She nodded. "That would explain it."

"What time is it? What... I don't even know what day it is. Do we have to work today?"

Meredith thought about that. "No," she said carefully. "This is our day off. I think. That's why we went out last night. And drank. A lot."

"Since when do you need a reason to do that?"

Meredith rolled over and wrapped an arm over Cristina's waist, resting her face next to Cristina's. Now that they'd established why they were naked, and what day it was, she felt a lot calmer about the whole thing. It was even sort of nice, she decided.

"What are you doing? This is not the time for snuggling, Meredith. And I don't snuggle. Ever."

"Shh," she murmured, closing her eyes. "If you stop talking, we can go back to sleep."

"And then when we wake up, this will never have happened?"

"I was thinking more like our headaches might be gone."

"We have headaches because we're dehydrated. Sleeping will just make it worse."

"You're right," she told her, chin bumping Cristina's shoulder as she nodded.

"Seriously, Meredith. There's sleep, and there's sex. Why does there have to be anything in between?" Cristina's hand closed around Meredith's wrist. The one that was lying, warm and snuggly on her hip.

Pushing herself up on an elbow, Meredith smiled down at Cristina. "You're such a smarty-pants," she said.

"Are you still drunk?"

She shrugged, one shouldered. "Possibly."

Her mouth had that hungover, hairy-sock thing going. But so did Cristina's, and even bad morning breath couldn't ruin a nice, lazy makeout session.


It came out garbled because she was nibbling Cristina's lower lip, but then Cristina couldn't seem to decide whether she was frenching Meredith or talking to her, either.

"Meredith -"

She stopped the kissing altogether and propped her head back in her hand. "No snuggling. No sleeping. So. Sex won't make us more dehydrated, will it?"

"Jesus, you're a doctor, Meredith. What do you think?"

"Well, okay." She shrugged again. "But, sex endorphins? Come on - natural pain relief."

"Good point."

She was starting to remember, as Cristina rolled on her side and brought her face to Meredith's chest, what last night had been like. Cristina was pulling one of her nipples between her lips and yes, definitely familiar. And not that she had anything against alcohol-fuelled sex, but where last night it had been all clumsy drunken haste, this - this was just so much better. Slow, deliberate touching, and the way Cristina's hand moved up her thigh to cup her between her legs.

She parted her knees and took Cristina's face in her hands and kissed her again. Sighed and rolled over and straddled her. The tip of a finger found her clit, rubbed there, delicate almost, like how Cristina's tongue slid against hers and how the line of her collarbone felt as she traced it with her thumb. Like how she was all sensitive and achy but in a good way now.

She reached down between her legs, past where Cristina's hand was touching her, found Cristina's pussy and wetness and warmth. She wanted to follow with her mouth but that would mean having to stop kissing and that wasn't going to happen any time soon. So she settled for using her fingers and stroking, and Cristina did the same and that worked just fine.

And she kept kissing Cristina and thought about how they could keep this up all day. If they didn't shrivel up and die from lack of fluids first.

And even then, it might be worth it.

fic: grey's anatomy, genre: girlslash, fic

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