Chapter 1.6 (Neat Freak)

May 29, 2010 21:05

I haven't been saying much before the chapters lately, have I? Well, hello, friends. I love you. And before you ask, this chapter is mostly about Ashton, and I am also going to do chapters mostly about the other two kids, too. Chapters like these are written solely for the purpose of you getting to know about each possible heir, so you can make the best decision when time comes to vote. ;)

Look at this- right here. This was just about the point I realized which trait of Ashton's would be his most dominant. Immediately after his age-up, he rolled three wants- Bathe, Wash the Dishes, and Make the Bed.

Dustin: Phew...I can't wait to get home and see how Ash aged up..

Heh...I forgot....daddy's a slob..

Ashton: Wowee! Housework is so much fun!


Ashton: Hi daddy! You wanna help me clean?


Ashton: Is that dust on my arm? No, no, no, we are NOT having this.

Ashton: *gasp* A puddle?

Ashton: Must..mop...

Odd that you would notice a puddle...considering there are much stranger things happening at this moment...

If someone can explain this...just...OMG. I think I left moveobjects on again.

There is a CHILD underneath that crib. Hamlet? Hamlet? Can you hear me? Are you still alive?

Ashton: That's not all that strange.

You come from a messed up family. I forget sometimes that these things are normal here.

But this is by far the strangest thing that goes on here. What kind of little boy does the dishes?

I stand corrected.

Ashton: I'm really sexy when I'm naked.

Sure. I'll just be off, yanno..deleting some CC now.

Ashton: Cleaning up toddler shit is fantastic!

That's very wonderful, Ash. Get to bed, please.

Ashton: Let me make my bed first plz?

Ashton: toilet'sstillstupidzzsnore

Now, would you like to see an average (kind of) Monday morning in the Harrington household.

These two are generally the only ones up- they both leave at 8.

Ash eats breakfast, which is usually cereal.

And Claire showers, looking somewhat possessed.

She always seems to get out of the house much earlier than Ashton...

who left for his first day of school today. Good luck Ash!

Ashton: Oh man, this is gonna suck.

Meanwhile, at that thing that the Harringtons consider a home...

Dustin: Coochie coo!

Hamlet: Dadda! Stwop it!

Dustin: Damn...toilet...why can't we just buy a better one?

Sorry, not happening. Now unclog it!

After school...


Ashton: Must...look away....soo ugly..

Ash, quick! Turn around!

Ashton: I swear, if it's as ugly as that Arlo guy, I'll kick your ass.

No! Well...she actually is kinda ugly...but serious! Look! She's your half-sister!

Not everyone at the school is hideous, though. This lovely young lady's name is Adrianne. And I'm convinced that she's Ashton's soulmate.
Seriously, look at those EYES. She's effing gorgeous! That's got to be one of the prettiest child sims I've ever seen.

Adriane: D'aww, thanks!

Adrianne: *cries*

What's wrong?

Adrianne: Well, you see, no one at school wants to be my friend, because I'm too pretty, and they think I'lll make them look too ugly.

Understandable. Everyone at that school looks disgusting. Except for a friend of might not make him look TOO ugly...

Adrianne: Who?

Meet Ashton.

Ashton: W-o-o-w.

Adrianne: I tend to have that effect on people.

Adrianne: Someday, I'm going to be a famous doctor. You'd better appreciate me now, because I'm going to save your life someday.

Ashton: *stares*

Adrianne: Staring is really impolite, you know.

Ashton: I'm sorry. My name's Ashton. I love you. I mean, I want you to come over to my house so we can clean together. I'll wash the dishes, and you get to make all the beds. Deal?

Adrianne: This is so wrong..I'm in 5th grade and you're only in 2nd...but yes, I'll come over to your place.

Ashton: Psst..voice, can you see? Is she behind me? Is she checking out my butt?


Ashton: *sigh* She just ride her bike so...gracefully...

Ah, young love.

Adrianne: Should I go in?

*sigh* yes, go ahead. we need to see if you still love him after meeting his family.

Adrianne: Who said I loved him?

You're associated with a member of the legacy family now. I unofficially control your life.

Adrianne: Oh wow, Ash, is that your sister that's crying and smells strongly of shit?

Ashton: Of course not.

Adrianne: Yes she is. Make her shut up.

Ashton: Shutting up isn'y exactly her strong point. Ignore her, and look at my beautiful face. I make strange look attractive.

Adrianne: I do it better.

Yeah, she does.

Adrianne: Aww, don't worry, that voice is a liar. You're the best!

Halie: Wait, dwoes my bwotha have a girlfwend? Sewiouswy?

I'm kinda shocked too.

Adrianne: I gotta go now, Ash. My mom's gonna be pissed if she finds out I went to a boy's house.

Claire: Why must true love always end in tragic goodbyes, and heartbreak?

Halie: Its nwot twue wuv, mwomma. And nuffing twagic happened.

My words exactly.

She actually didn't even leave...

Ashton: Wait? Adrianne's still here? Oh my god, do I smell bad?

Adrianne: *facepalm* Should I tell him I can see the stench coming from his armpits?

Don't crush his spirits.

Adrianne: I'm leaving now anyways.

Byebye. ): Don't worry, there will be plenty more of Adrianne.

Ashton: Oh boy! I better make the shower super clean for the next time she's here.

Ten bucks it's filthy the next time she comes over.

Claire: Oh man, my Ashie-boo is such a freak. Did you know he makes his bed every time he gets in and out of it?

Yes, as a matter of fact, I did.

Ashton: MOM! Help me, I'm dying!

Claire: Teehee, he's choking.

Ashton: Hey, mom, you know those big dinner plate things that usually have extremely delicious meals underneath the lid?

Claire: Yeah..

Ashton: How come all we eat is cereal here?

Claire: *stands up and ignores*

Claire: Wow, I'm really late for work! *runs straight through door*

Ashton: I, unlike my mother, make a normal exit.

Are you bringing anyone home from school today?

Ashton: Yes....

Why aren't you happy?

Ashton: Well, uhmm.... that...your...friend?

Ashton: *gulp* Yes...

She's very, uh, interesting.

Don't look straight at it. You might go blind.

Ashton: Okay, I'm just going to slowly walk away, and hope it doesn't notice.

Thing: I see you, lover. And I'm following.

Nah, her real name is Tracey, and she's not actually the worst I've seen.

Yay, look who's's Ash, and his little friend..

Tracey: Hmm, yes, mother, this is Tracey. I'm at that boy's house...yeah, that weird family, the Harrington's. I'm plotting a way to get inside, but the door appears to be locked. Break it down? Wouldn't that be rude?


Ashton: Imma just do my homework...and pretend all is normal.

How are you erasing when you haven't written anything yet?

Ashton: No, silly! I'm cleaning the dirt off my paper! You see those smudges? Repulsive!

Claire: WOO! I have no idea why this is so exciting?

Ashton: Go mom!

Claire: Wheee-ohshit, I'm gonna be old, aren't I?

Not too old....

just middle-aged.
So, I zoom out the camera after she's all aged up, and guess what I see?

Yeah, it's still there.

Tracey: Do I get cookies for staying out here the whole time?


Ashton: Quick, hurry, lock the door?

What did you do?

Ashton: I beat it with a stick. It's either leaving, or coming to attack.

Claire: Wrinkles- DO NOT LIKE.

(Sometime after school the next day)

Ashton: No time, gotta run.

But it's your half-brother!

Ashton: Whatevs.

Ashton: Woah, check out this gigantic column!

Ashton: I bet you it goes all the way to Saturn.

Ever since Ash has become a child, there has been some elementary school weirdo standing outside the house in the evening.

Ashton: Hey, I didn't even invite that guy! He's probably a burglar.

No, I bet he goes to school with you.

Ashton: His name is Asa. I call him "Ass".


Ass..I mean Asa: Yeah, mom, that Ashton kid is making fun of my name again.

Asa: Alright, mom, so you think I should call him Asston?

Ashton: HAHAHA, ASS! My little sister can cry better insults than that!

Speaking of the's birthday time.

Hamlet: Mwe first!

Hamlet: Dwis'll be fwantastic!

Hamlet: Spwarklie dance wike dere's no tomworrow!

Hamlet: Mwama! Wook! Wook!

Hamlet: Sexy, yes?

That's not exactly how I'd describe it...

Hamlet: Whattaya lookin' at, child?

Ah, he's still very boring. But you are entitled to your opinion.

Halie: Mwy turn! So excwited!

Ashton: Hey guys, 'sup?

Halie: Dwance wiff me, big bwudder! Pwarty time!

Amazing, deformed, leap!

Halie: Don't be hatin'. I could kick your ass.

She's actually very pretty..just add CC .

Hamlet: I forget, why are we here again?

Halie: Stop ruining my birthday party!

Ashton: *dances in bathroom*

This family is so random...

Claire: blegh,  don't feel so good.

OH NO! Are you pregnant again?

Claire: No, it's just... Halie's new trait...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It's funny how she ended up with the evil trait, because, while I was playing the twins as toddlers, I kept thinking- I wonder, which of the two is most likely to be evil-, and guess who I thought? Halie, of course. I don't know if there's much of an explanation, it just makes sense to me.
Also, chapter 7 will start with Dustin's elder birthday. It was on the same day as Halie & Hamlet's, but the chapter was dragging on.
One last thing- START THINKING ABOUT YOUR HEIR/HEIRESS VOTES. It's soon..very soon.

generation 1, harrington legacy

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