Turn my life upside down Chapter 5

Jan 30, 2009 19:42

Title: Turn my life upside down
Author: ihatetarts
Chapter: 5
Beta: foryouforever
Rating: G
Genre: Romance/Drama
Pairing: Pierre/David Seb/Chuck
Summary: Pierre meets David at school. After some time their friendship turns into a relationship.
Disclaimer: fiction
Authors note: I started posting this story two years ago on Hott Baguettes but never ended it because I had no time to write anymore. Now I'm finally done. Hope you like it.
Dedication:innocenc_e foryouforever
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

The moment we’re done and dressed, we go downstairs to join my family because they’re already waiting to eat breakfast with us. I go ahead and my mother gives me a slightly upset look.

"Good morning to you both." She says and I give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning, Mrs. Bouvier." She smiles at David and looks back at me.

"What took you so long? I said you should hurry up."

"Sorry, mom - David just didn’t want to wake up."

"Whatever, honey, you’re sweating and your face is red - you didn’t catch a cold, did you?" My mother touches my cheeks and forehead to check my temperature and I try to bat her hands away from my face all while David simply smirks at me, knowing he’s the reason for my heightened body heat.

"I’m okay - let’s have breakfast: I’m hungry." I say; mom turns around and walks into the dining-room.

"She’s right - you’re looking abnormally hot today." David speaks under his breath.

"Are you trying to get into my pants again?" I whisper into his ear.

"Nope, I’m just honest. Let’s have our breakfast; I know my fatty is hungry."

Did he just call me fat? He walks ahead and I call after him, "I’m not fat!" I follow him, pretending to be offended.

"Take your seats - your father already left and I still have to go grocery shopping," we do what we’re told, sitting down across from each other as she takes the seat between us. "Now, David, tell me - has my son been a good host? I never know what Pierre does. Normally, his teachers tell me he’s a troublemaker and that’s true. Even in kindergarten, he liked to tease everyone around him - but he can be really charming sometimes, especially to ladies - like the mothers of his friends but his friends themselves have to suffer his behaviour, as your friend Charles always tells me,” She adds, glancing at me, “Anyway, back to my question - how did my son behave?" I keep my eyes focused on her throughout her whole 'speech', and now I look at David, who's looking quite overwhelmed.

"Uhm...actually, he was great," I blush slightly because he's talking to her, but smiling broadly at me. I look back dow at the cold pancakes in front of me.

"Nice to know he can be nice to at least one person. Oh, I nearly forgot - David, your mother called a short while ago: she wants you to go home after breakfast." Damn, no time together today: it’s our first whole day as a couple. I sigh lightly - I guess I can visit Chuck: I have to talk to him anyway. David nods and we eat our pancakes (but I don’t use much syrup, because I’m supposedly fat, you know.)


I drive David home and for some time we just sit there in my car listening to Green Day’s 'When I Come Around'.

"Green Day." He says,

"Yeah, the best band in the world - no, in the universe!" I mimic the words he said on our first 'date' and he blushes.

"You remember what I said about them?"

"Of course I do - I won’t ever forget the day we met."

"You’re too cute." I wrap my arm around him as he leans against my shoulder.

"I know. That’s why you can’t stop thinking about me, right?"

"Don’t flatter yourself too much." He laughs. We stay like this for some minutes without saying a word, just enjoying the comfortable time. "Are we official?" David asks me and I actually have no idea how to answer him; I just stare at him for a few moments.

"Uhm...I hadn't thought about that yet - but I think we are, do you?"

"I’d love to be your official boyfriend," I lean down to kiss him; it isn't long before he breaks it. "I think I have to go - my mom’s waiting."

"Don’t leave," I pout; he sits up and takes his backpack.

"I have no choice. I promise to call you." David kisses me goodbye and leaves me there alone in my car.


I drive to Chuck’s and stand at his door waiting for admission. He already lives at his own apartment, lucky guy. After a little while, he opens the door, and judging from his facial expression, he's a little bit confused to see me.

"Hey buddy, what’s up?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to visit you. Can I come in?”

"Sure," Chuck walks into the living room. I close the door behind me before following him. He's sitting on the couch, staring at the floor; I take the place beside him and wrap my arm around his back.

"I know about you and Ashley - Seb told me - I’m sorry. What happened?" He sighs and turns to me.

"She cheated on me."

"How do you know? I mean, did she tell you?"

"Yesterday she came to me crying and said that she was sorry and she would never do it again, it was just one thing, she loved only me....blah blah, the typical stuff, you know." I nod slowly, although I have never been faced with a situation like what he described - nobody ever got the chance to break my heart: I’ve never given someone the possibility to do so. "I think I might love her, Pierre."

"I’m sorry."

"You don’t need to be, it’s her fault."

"Do you know who she..." I don’t want to end my own question and he doesn’t want to hear it.

"No idea - I asked her, but she said it wouldn’t matter." For some time, we stay silent and don’t look at each other. "I appreciate your coming - you’re a great friend, but I need some time alone, you know..."

"I see," I stand up and he does the same. "Tell me if you need anything. I’ll be there for you, buddy."

"Thank you." I hug him and leave. It’s hard to see your best friend like this if there’s no way to change it. I know that I promised Sebastien I'd question Chuck about him, but in his current state, it just wouldn’t be right.
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